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Happy Milestone Birthday

Happy 21st Birthday, Jake!

At 12:58 am on November 3, 1989, I became a Mom. It was an amazing moment. Many women say the best day of their entire life was the day their child was born. I would disagree. That day is just the beginning. Truly it was a marvelous, wonderful experience. Now, I have 21 years to reflect, 7,665 days that have been the best days of my life. Watching my child grow and discover who he is, what he believes, and follow the dreams that guide him to be the very person he was intended to be.

It is amazing how much a child can teach a parent. Every day I have been amazed at what my Jake has taught me. I have stood in awe watching him accomplish his “firsts”..first breath, first bath, first step, the first day of school, first job. He’s made me laugh until I sobbed, cried until I had no more tears to shed and love as I have never loved before.

I am proud of him. He is one of those people who has a touch of gold and warms the souls of everyone he is around. He is kind, compassionate, artistic, handsome, and amazing. My littlest one would challenge anyone to contest that Jake is the BEST big brother in the whole entire world!

Today, my son is 21. He says he’s a man. I say he’s “21” and, for the record, still my “boy.”

Happy Birthday, Son!


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