Growing up my husband was a big Smurf fan. He watched the cartoons and thanks to Netflix, my children are also fans of the little blue people. With the release of The Smurfs Movie we were chosen to host a Smurf Party through Crowdtap.
We plan parties at my house and the kiddos get involved making it even more fun!
I’m a foodie so we started with some of our favorites.
Popcorn and Popcorn Cupcakes with The Smurfs
Popcorn and popcorn cupcakes, which The Divine Miss M decorated with her Vainy Smurf figurine!
The Swiss Colony Snowman Truffles
We served The Swiss Colony Truffles Snowmen. Li’l Man said they were the size of The Smurfs’ snowmen and well, they have those Smurfy blue scarves!
Then we held Smurf Look A Like Contests. It was by far the biggest blast of the party.
The Divine Miss M took the title of Smurfette!

Zac as Gargamel
Zac took the win for his Gargamel impersonation.
The Smurfs Movie Gargamel
Then the competition heated up. The Grandpa’s went neck to neck for the title of Papa Smurf:

Papa Smurf Competitors
Which one looks the most like this blue fellow?
We opened it up to Twitter and the winner was:
Grandpa Joe Wins Papa Smurf Look A Like
Our cat, Sophie, was designated Azrael. Here she is with Brainy Smurf.

Brainy Smurf and Azrael
Then we played “How Many Apples?”
The kiddos went crazy for this game.
We started with Papa Smurf. After all, everyone knows Smurfs are three apples high.
Papa Smurf is 3 apples high
One by one everyone was measured in apples.
The Beauty Queen is 23 Apples High
Then EVERYONE started taking SMURF Bets on how tall Grandpa was. He opened the pool stating he would give the closest guess $1.
The kiddos all guessed: 34 or 32 apples
Then came the moment of truth….
Grandpa gets measured in apples
Grandpa is tall…even by apple standards. He’s 6’8″ in the human world, which translates to 33 apples high! The kiddos went wild! There was a debate on who was closest and then Grandpa said, “Everyone gets $1!” Aren’t Grandpa’s Smurf-tastic?!
The kiddos colored Smurf pages and made Smurf Hats from these Smurf coloring sheets.
They kept busy with The Smurf Village app, where I’ve since learned Papa Smurf Potion Commotion Game is their favorite.
There was so much going on we didn’t have time to watch The Smurfs, but the kiddos are looking forward to relaxing and getting to do that this week.
*We were selected by Crowdtap to host The Smurfs party. Any opinions expressed our ours alone and were in no way influenced by the sponsor. Others experiences may vary.