Every day, some families deal with the struggle of going through divorce and separation. It is tough to dismantle a marriage, but it is even harder for children when they see their home being torn in two. While the grownups are working out finances, property division, and living arrangements, the children are left feeling lost and filled with so many questions that they might burst. With that in mind, parents should take the time to help them through this process. Here are some ideas on how parents can help their children cope with divorce.
Encourage Being Open
As said previously, kids will have so many questions and be filled with emotions like insecurity and doubt. Parents need to show their children that their feelings are valid and that they understand why they are feeling this way. Most importantly, the parents must reassure them that, even though things are changing, they are free to be open about their thoughts and feelings to one or both parents and always be heard and validated. Leaving a kid feeling unheard or unnoticed during a separation can lead to more emotional issues further down the road.
Offer Support
Once the children are helped to express their thoughts and concerns, it is important to let them know they have support. Try asking them what they may need to help them feel better or what fun activities they would like to do. Perhaps just sitting on the couch and cuddling or having them hold their favorite toy is enough to help them through their rollercoaster of emotions. Other fun ideas could be having them do something for the other parent, like draw a picture or create an art project.
Don’t Spill the Tea on the Divorce
Even the most amicable divorces can have some hard feelings between adults, leaving people feeling raw and hurt. When children are involved, it is even more critical to make sure that such feelings are not spoken where they can hear. Their parents are equally important to them, and one parent bashing the other will only lead to alienation, emotional damage, and eventual therapy. Try to keep talking about the other parent civilly, especially when the kids are within earshot. Perhaps, wait until they are with the other parent before getting things off your chest.
Find Some Help
Sometimes parents can use some extra help when trying to help their kids through the process of divorce or separation. There are support groups available to help them or to help the children through it and professional therapists and counselors. These resources can help kids to learn that it is okay to need help and seek out those who can. Specializing in helping kids of all ages, parents can rest easy knowing that there are experts like Prime Lawyers Family Law who can help them provide emotional support and perhaps, help them get through such turbulent times.