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Tuna Squish: Never Touch Your Tuna Again!

Love tuna but Hate the Smell It Leaves on Hands? We do too. My kiddos LOVE tuna fish on sandwiches, or right out of the can. Sure, they complain it stinks, and remind me over and over after I make tuna fish for them that my hands “smell like tuna.” It’s gross.

Problem solved.

Meet the Tuna Squish. Never touch tuna again!

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Kefalograviera, Kerrygold, and Red Gouda Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe

Introducing the Gourmet Grilled Cheese Experience: Maria Zoitas’ Kefalograviera, Kerrygold, and Red Gouda Grilled Cheese Sandwich! Maria Zoitas, creator of “Maria’s Homemade” line of prepared food sold exclusively at Westside Market …

Read More about Kefalograviera, Kerrygold, and Red Gouda Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe
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