Love tuna but Hate the Smell It Leaves on Hands? We do too. My kiddos LOVE tuna fish on sandwiches, or right out of the can. Sure, they complain it stinks, and remind me over and over after I make tuna fish for them that my hands “smell like pungent fish.” It’s gross.
Problem solved.
Meet the Tuna Squish. Never touch tuna again!
It’s super easy to use:

Place an opened can of tuna in the Tuna Squish.

Squeeze the handle closed and turned sideways to drain the liquid.

The magnet lifts the lid out of the can when you open the handles.

Press The Fin (button) to release the lid into the trash.
No mess. No stinky tuna juice on your hands.

Just well-drained tuna ready to eat or create your favorite meal.
I was impressed when I took the top off; my tuna was water free. This tool really did the trick, and it was effortless, I didn’t have to squeeze the can that hard.
I didn’t have to scrub my hands since I usually press the can over and over to get the water out of the fish. It is very easy to use. It’s also very light, and the design is fun. It saves time, and I find I don’t have to use as many utensils, or handsoap when using the gadget, as I don’t have to use a knife or a fork to scoop out the lid! I also like that the tuna has been completely drained because with using my fingers, the liquid wouldn’t drain well making our tuna spread watery.
Tuna Squish is Fun-Shaped
I think it’s brilliant. Plus it’s ingenious, looking like a blue tuna and all!
Here’s a video to see the Tuna Squish in Action!