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Tips On How to Increase Fresh Home Air in Your House

Discover effective ways to improve and increase fresh air in your house. Learn about air purifiers, cleaning tips, natural products, and more. The air you breathe has an impact on your health. Polluted air can cause breathing problems such as asthma and even lung cancer. If you have little control of the air outside, you can, at least, make the air in your home better. It’s not just for your own good but for your loved ones as well. Here are some tips to increase the fresh air inside your house:

Tips On How to Increase Fresh Home Air in Your House


Tips On How to Increase Fresh Home Air in Your House

Use An Air Purifier And Humidifier

Most of the time, you cannot completely get rid of all the allergens and pollen from the air inside your house. You’ll be putting your whole home into quarantine to be able to do it. The best thing you can do is to invest in an air purifier and humidifier. The air purifier will get rid of all the unwanted particles that can cause allergies. The air you’ll breathe will be as clean as it can get. Plus, with a humidifier, the air won’t be dry. Dry air can cause breathing problems, as well as dry skin and cracked lips. So, a combination of the air purifier and humidifier can give you lots of benefits.

Using an air purifier and humidifier can help increase the fresh air in your house.

Let’s look at how each of these devices contributes to improving indoor air quality:

  1. Air Purifier:

    • Removes airborne pollutants: Air purifiers are designed to capture and eliminate various airborne contaminants, such as dust, pet dander, pollen, mold spores, smoke particles, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These pollutants can cause allergies, respiratory issues, and other health problems. Purifiers help create a cleaner and healthier indoor environment by filtering the air.
    • Reduces odors: Air purifiers equipped with activated carbon filters can effectively trap and neutralize odors from cooking, pets, or other sources, making the air smell fresher.
    • Improves air circulation: Air purifiers typically have built-in fans that help circulate the air in a room. They prevent stagnation and maintain a fresh feel by keeping the air moving.
  2. Humidifier:

    • Adds moisture: Humidifiers release water vapor into the air, increasing the humidity levels. This is particularly beneficial in dry climates or during winter when indoor heating systems can cause excessively dry air. Dry air can lead to respiratory discomfort, dry skin, irritated sinuses, and other issues. By maintaining optimal humidity (usually between 30% to 50%), a humidifier can improve your comfort and overall well-being.
    • Relieves respiratory symptoms: Low humidity can exacerbate respiratory conditions like asthma, allergies, and cold symptoms. Humidifiers can provide relief by moisturizing the air, soothing dry throats, reducing congestion, and alleviating coughing.
    • Protects furniture and plants: Adequate humidity levels help prevent wooden furniture from drying out and cracking. Plants also thrive in a slightly more humid environment, so a humidifier can support their health and appearance.

By combining the use of an air purifier and a humidifier, you can tackle both the removal of airborne contaminants and the optimization of indoor humidity levels. This creates a fresher, cleaner, and more comfortable living environment for you and your family.

Woman at home enjoying the fresh air

Clean Your House

Regularly cleaning your house can help get rid of most dirt and dust particles that can pollute the air. Sweep or vacuum the floors, especially in tight spaces where dust can accumulate. You should also do some scrubbing from time to time to scrape the dirt that got stuck. Also, squeeze in cleaning time for your kids’ belongings. Make sure that you clean their toys so these will be free from dirt and dust whenever they play. You can even ask your kids to help you and make it fun so they’d be excited to do it.

Cleaning your house can have a significant impact on improving the freshness of the air indoors.

Here are several ways in which cleaning contributes to better indoor air quality:

  1. Dust and Allergen Reduction:

    • Regular dusting and vacuuming: Dust particles, allergens, and pet dander tend to accumulate on surfaces and in carpets. Regular dusting with a damp cloth and vacuuming with a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter-equipped vacuum cleaner can help remove these particles, reducing their presence in the air you breathe.
    • Washing bedding and curtains: Bedding and curtains can harbor dust mites and allergens. Washing them regularly in hot water can eliminate these contaminants, creating a cleaner environment and improving air quality.
  2. Mold and Mildew Prevention:

    • Moisture control: Keeping your house dry is crucial in preventing the growth of mold and mildew. Address any sources of excess moisture, such as leaks or high humidity. Use dehumidifiers in areas prone to dampness, such as basements or bathrooms.
    • Regular cleaning of damp areas: Clean and dry any areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens. Regularly scrubbing tiles, grout, and shower curtains can help prevent mold and mildew growth.
  3. Elimination of Chemicals and VOCs:

    • Use non-toxic cleaning products: Harsh cleaning chemicals can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, which can be harmful when inhaled. Opt for environmentally friendly, non-toxic cleaning products, or make your own using natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice.
    • Proper ventilation during cleaning: When using cleaning products, ensure proper ventilation by opening windows or using exhaust fans. This helps to dissipate any fumes and maintain a healthier indoor environment.
  4. Pet Hair and Odor Control:

    • Regular pet grooming: Brushing and bathing your pets regularly can help reduce the amount of pet hair and dander in your home, ultimately improving indoor air quality.
    • Vacuuming pet areas: Pay extra attention to areas where your pets spend most of their time. Regularly vacuuming their bedding, carpets, and furniture can help remove pet hair and minimize odor.
  5. Ventilation and Fresh Air:

    • Open windows: When weather conditions allow, opening windows allows for natural ventilation and the exchange of stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air. This can help flush out indoor pollutants and create a healthier indoor environment.
    • Use exhaust fans: Utilize exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to remove moisture, odors, and airborne particles generated during activities like cooking or showering.

Regular cleaning practices that focus on reducing dust, mold, pet hair, and chemical contaminants, combined with proper ventilation, contribute to fresher air quality in your home.

Open The Windows

Opening the windows provides some natural ventilation. It helps make the air circulate. The flow of air can keep your indoor air from being stagnant and help replace it with good-quality air from outside and throughout the house. For people who live in the city, the air quality won’t always be the best, especially during the day. You can time opening windows when the air quality isn’t at its worst, such as the night. Or you can use ventilators to filter the air that goes inside your house.

Opening windows is a simple and effective way to increase the freshness of the air in your house.

Here’s how it can improve indoor air quality:

  1. Air Exchange:

    • Ventilation: Opening windows allows for the exchange of indoor air with fresh outdoor air. This is especially beneficial if the indoor air has become stagnant or contains pollutants. Fresh air from outside can help dilute and remove indoor contaminants, including dust, allergens, odors, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
    • Oxygenation: Fresh outdoor air contains a higher oxygen content than indoor air, which can invigorate the atmosphere and make it feel fresher.
  2. Removal of Stale Air:

    • Stale air removal: Opening windows facilitates the removal of stale air that may have accumulated indoors, especially in areas with poor ventilation. Stale air can feel stuffy and may contain a buildup of odors, moisture, and indoor pollutants. By allowing the stagnant air to escape, you can improve the overall air quality.
  3. Moisture Control:

    • Humidity regulation: Opening windows can help regulate indoor humidity levels, especially if the air inside feels excessively humid or damp. Allowing fresh air to circulate can help reduce excess moisture and prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which thrive in damp environments.
  4. Odor Reduction:

    • Odor dispersion: Opening windows provides an opportunity for odors trapped inside your home to dissipate. Fresh air from outside can help disperse unpleasant odors from cooking, pets, cleaning products, or other sources, making your home smell fresher.
  5. Psychological Benefits:

    • Improved well-being: Opening windows and allowing fresh air into your living space can have positive psychological effects. The circulation of fresh air can create a sense of openness, promote relaxation, and improve your overall mood and well-being.

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of opening windows for improving indoor air quality depends on external factors such as outdoor air pollution levels, weather conditions (such as pollen counts or air quality index), and the proximity of pollution sources. Choose an appropriate time to open windows when outdoor air quality is good, and consider closing them during periods of high outdoor pollution or if there are nearby sources of pollutants (e.g., heavy traffic).

By regularly opening windows and allowing fresh air to circulate, you can enhance the freshness of your home’s indoor air and create a more pleasant and healthier living environment.

Adult woman breathing fresh air at home


Replace Air Filters

If you have ventilation systems such as air conditioners, make sure to clean them regularly. Remove the dust that may have collected on it. You should also replace the filters as often as you can, ideally once a month. Air filters accumulate dirt and dust over time because that’s what they do. They prevent the particles from reaching your house, so they stay within it. When the trapped particles get too thick, this could also block the air, so your filters need regular cleaning or replacement.

Replacing air filters is an essential step in maintaining good indoor air quality and increasing the freshness of the air in your home.

Here’s how it contributes to improved air quality:

  1. Efficient Air Filtration:

    • Air filter functionality: The primary purpose of an air filter is to capture and trap airborne particles, such as dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and other contaminants. Over time, air filters become clogged with these particles, reducing their effectiveness in filtering the air. By replacing the filters regularly, you ensure that they can continue to efficiently capture and remove pollutants, resulting in cleaner and fresher air.
  2. Removal of Allergens and Particles:

    • Allergen control: Air filters play a crucial role in reducing allergens in the air. By trapping common allergens, like pollen and dust mites, air filters help alleviate allergy symptoms and improve the overall air quality for allergy sufferers.
    • Dust and particle reduction: As air circulates through the HVAC system, air filters capture dust, dirt, and other small particles. By replacing the filters, you prevent these particles from recirculating back into the air, leading to a cleaner and fresher indoor environment.
  3. Improved HVAC System Efficiency:

    • Unobstructed airflow: A dirty or clogged air filter restricts the airflow in your HVAC system. This can cause the system to work harder, consume more energy, and decrease its overall efficiency. By regularly replacing air filters, you maintain unobstructed airflow, allowing the HVAC system to operate optimally, resulting in better air circulation and fresher air throughout your home.
  4. Odor Control:

    • Activated carbon filters: Some air filters, particularly those with activated carbon layers, are designed to remove odors and unpleasant smells from the air. These filters effectively trap and neutralize odorous molecules, enhancing the freshness of the indoor air.

To maximize the benefits of air filter replacement:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines: Refer to the HVAC system manufacturer’s instructions or the air filter packaging for recommended filter replacement schedules.
  • Choose high-quality filters: Select air filters that are appropriate for your HVAC system and have a high MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating. Higher MERV ratings indicate better filtration capabilities.
  • Consider air purifiers: If you want additional air purification, you can use standalone air purifiers with filters designed specifically for capturing airborne pollutants.

Regularly replacing air filters ensures that your HVAC system operates efficiently, reduces the presence of allergens and particles, and improves the overall air quality in your home.

Groom Your Pets

This applies to your fur babies. Animals with fur, such as cats and dogs, can also bring in dirt and dust and pollute the air. Strands of fur can also be spread everywhere, which could potentially cause allergies. To make sure that there’s more fresh air than pollutants in your house, clean your pets, too. Unless you have hairless breeds, groom your pets regularly. You can give them baths, or you can take them to pet salons. Some offer services such as baths and even haircuts. You can also give your pet new hairstyles to try.

Grooming your pets regularly can contribute to fresher air in your home by reducing pet dander, hair, and associated odors.

Here’s how it helps:

  1. Pet Hair and Dander Control:

    • Shedding reduction: Regular grooming, including brushing, helps remove loose hair from your pets’ coats. By minimizing shedding, you can significantly reduce the amount of pet hair circulating in the air and settling on surfaces.
    • Dander management: Pet dander, consisting of tiny skin flakes, is a common allergen that can contribute to poor indoor air quality. Grooming, especially bathing, can help remove excess dander from your pets’ fur, reducing its presence in the air and minimizing potential allergic reactions.
  2. Odor Reduction:

    • Freshening the coat: Regular grooming, including bathing and using pet-friendly shampoos, helps keep your pets’ coats clean and fresh-smelling. This can prevent lingering pet odors from permeating your home.
    • Ear and dental care: Grooming also involves maintaining your pets’ ears and teeth. Regular cleaning can help minimize odors associated with ear infections or dental issues.
  3. Preventing Dirt and Outdoor Contaminants:

    • Paw cleaning: Cleaning your pets’ paws after outdoor excursions helps prevent them from tracking in dirt, dust, pollen, and other outdoor contaminants. This reduces the introduction of these particles into your home and helps maintain cleaner indoor air quality.
  4. Improved Respiratory Health:

    • Allergy management: For individuals with pet allergies or sensitivities, regular grooming can be particularly beneficial. By reducing pet dander and hair in the environment, grooming helps minimize allergens that can trigger allergic reactions or respiratory discomfort.
    • Respiratory well-being: Grooming can help maintain the overall health and cleanliness of your pets, reducing the likelihood of respiratory issues that might affect their breathing and subsequently impact indoor air quality.

Remember, in addition to grooming, it’s essential to address other factors that may contribute to poor air quality, such as regular cleaning, vacuuming, and maintaining proper ventilation in your home. These practices, combined with pet grooming, can significantly enhance the freshness and cleanliness of the air indoors.

Use Natural Cleaning Products

Cleaning the house is necessary to make sure that there’s more fresh air in your home and fewer dust particles to carry. However, you need to choose your cleaning products carefully. A lot of cleaning products have chemicals that may also get mixed with the air, which can be bad for your family’s health, says Experience Life. You can opt for natural cleaning products instead of chemical ones. They are generally safe, but make sure that no one in the family has allergies to the ingredients. It’s also eco-friendly, so you’ll also be helping the environment.

Using natural cleaning products can help increase the freshness of the air in your home by reducing the introduction of harsh chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Here’s how it contributes to better indoor air quality:

  1. Reduced Chemical Exposure:

    • Non-toxic ingredients: Natural cleaning products are typically made from ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and plant-based extracts. These ingredients are generally considered safe and have lower levels of harmful chemicals compared to conventional cleaning products. By using natural alternatives, you minimize the release of potentially hazardous substances into the air you breathe.
    • Lower VOC emissions: Many conventional cleaning products contain high levels of VOCs, which can contribute to indoor air pollution and respiratory issues. Natural cleaning products often have lower VOC emissions or are VOC-free, promoting better air quality.
  2. Elimination of Synthetic Fragrances:

    • Fragrance-free options: Synthetic fragrances in cleaning products can release volatile organic compounds and other chemicals into the air, leading to respiratory irritation and triggering allergies in some individuals. Natural cleaning products often have milder or no fragrances, reducing the likelihood of introducing these chemicals into your home.
  3. Safer for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers:

    • Allergen reduction: Natural cleaning products are less likely to contain common allergens such as harsh chemical preservatives or artificial dyes that can trigger allergies. By using natural alternatives, you can help minimize allergen exposure, making it easier for individuals with allergies or asthma to breathe comfortably.
    • Reduced respiratory irritation: Harsh chemicals found in conventional cleaning products can irritate the respiratory system, leading to coughing, sneezing, or difficulty breathing. Natural cleaning products are generally gentler and less likely to cause respiratory discomfort.
  4. Environmental Benefits:

    • Eco-friendly ingredients: Natural cleaning products often have environmentally friendly formulations that are biodegradable and less harmful to aquatic life and ecosystems. By using these products, you contribute to a cleaner environment and reduce the overall environmental impact.

When using natural cleaning products, it’s essential to follow proper usage instructions and ensure that they are appropriate for the specific cleaning tasks at hand. Additionally, maintaining proper ventilation during cleaning by opening windows or using exhaust fans can further help dissipate any residual odors or particles, contributing to fresher indoor air.

By choosing natural cleaning products, you create a healthier indoor environment with reduced exposure to harmful chemicals and improved air quality for you and your family.

Final Thoughts

With the increasing number of air pollutants, such as factories and vehicles, that emit smoke into the air, the air we breathe continues to lower in quality. You can take small steps in cleaning the air by starting with your home. Try some of the tips above so you and your family can breathe the fresh air you deserve.

Improving the freshness of the air in your home is essential for creating a healthy and comfortable living environment.

By implementing a combination of strategies, you can achieve better indoor air quality:

  1. Use air purifiers and humidifiers: These devices can help remove airborne pollutants, control humidity levels, and improve air circulation, resulting in cleaner and fresher air.
  2. Regular cleaning: Dusting, vacuuming, and washing surfaces, bedding, and curtains help reduce allergens, dust, and mold, contributing to better air quality. Addressing moisture issues and using non-toxic cleaning products further enhance the cleanliness of the air.
  3. Open windows: Whenever weather and outdoor conditions permit, opening windows allows for the exchange of stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air, enhancing ventilation and oxygenation.
  4. Replace air filters: Regularly replacing air filters in your HVAC system ensures efficient air filtration, reducing allergens, dust, and odors, and maintaining the system’s optimal performance.
  5. Groom your pets: Regularly grooming your pets minimizes shedding, dander, and associated odors. It helps control allergens, reduces pet hair in the air, and contributes to fresher indoor air quality.
  6. Use natural cleaning products: Opting for natural cleaning products minimizes exposure to harsh chemicals and VOCs, promoting cleaner and healthier air. They are also safer for allergy and asthma sufferers.

Remember, a combination of these practices tailored to your specific needs and circumstances will yield the best results. Prioritize your health and well-being by creating a fresh and clean indoor environment for you and your family to enjoy.

About Julee: Julee Morrison is an experienced author with 35 years of expertise in parenting and recipes. She is the author of four cookbooks: The Instant Pot College Cookbook, The How-To Cookbook for Teens, The Complete Cookbook for Teens, and The Complete College Cookbook. Julee is passionate about baking, crystals, reading, and family. Her writing has appeared in The LA Times (Bon Jovi Obsession Goes Global), Disney's Family Fun Magazine (August 2010, July 2009, September 2008), and My Family Gave Up Television (page 92, Disney Family Fun August 2010). Her great ideas have been featured in Disney's Family Fun (Page 80, September 2008) and the Write for Charity book From the Heart (May 2010). Julee's work has also been published in Weight Watchers Magazine, All You Magazine (Jan. 2011, February 2011, June 2013), Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine (Oct. 2011), Red River Family Magazine (Jan. 2011),, and more. Notably, her article "My Toddler Stood on Elvis' Grave and Scaled Over Boulders to Get to a Dinosaur" made AP News, and "The Sly Way I Cured My Child's Lying Habit" was featured on PopSugar. When she's not writing, Julee enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new baking recipes.
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