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Update: Closure on Our CSI Crime Scene Day Hike

Woman’s Body Found
For those of you have been following the events that transpired during our day hike up Bell’s Canyon, Kimberly Evans body has been found!
Kimberly Evans, a 26 year old, preschool teacher was on a first date with Joseph Clark. Misfortune struck as one and then the other hiker slipped, sending them over a 90 foot waterfall. Joseph Clark was rescued by witnessed, treated for head and hip injuries and is reported to be doing well. Kimberly Evans’ body was not seen…until today.
Her body was found Tuesday morning just before noon in a pool below the waterfall still submerged and embedded in a patch of rocks.  The body has been removed and funeral services are scheduled for Tuesday night.
While this is a horrible tragedy, there is at last, peace.
Godspeed Kimberly and peace be with the Evans’ family.


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