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Top Ten Things To Do In Dublin

Indulge in your travel fantasies and envision the captivating city of Dublin, Ireland. With its enchanting narrow cobblestone streets, centuries-old landmarks, illustrious university, and an array of pubs and boutiques, Dublin sets the stage for an unforgettable adventure. Whether you have a penchant for history or possess a fashion-forward spirit, Dublin caters to every traveler’s desires. To save you precious planning time, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide outlining the top ten must-see attractions and activities in this remarkable city. Get ready to immerse yourself in the essence of Dublin with our handpicked selection of experiences.

Top Ten Things To Do In Dublin

Guinness Storehouse

Experience the Guinness Storehouse: No visit to Dublin is complete without indulging in the quintessential Irish experience at the Guinness Storehouse. Learn the art of brewing, sample the famous stout, and savor breathtaking panoramic views of the city from the Gravity Bar.

According to USA Today, a visit to the birthplace of Guinness is the leading attraction in Ireland and is exceedingly popular with tourists worldwide. It offers seven floors of exhibits detailing the complicated process of brewing and its illustrious history. It is inevitably rounded off with a tipple in the top floor Gravity Bar, which offers lovely city views. The tour covers more than seven floors submersing the traveler in the brewing process secrets of the 250-year history of the Guinness brand. Learn why Guinness is so dark, how to perfectly pour a pint and more.  Enjoy a complimentary pint on their rooftop Gravity bar while you take in the incredible scenic view of the city.


A visit to the birthplace of Guinness is the leading attraction in Ireland and is exceedingly popular with tourists worldwide.

Trinity College

Explore the Historic Trinity College: Embark on a journey through time as you wander the hallowed halls of Trinity College, Ireland’s oldest and most prestigious university. Marvel at the intricate architecture and delve into the rich history of this esteemed institution.

Trinity College is one of the most revered seats of learning in Europe and features fabulous Georgian architecture designed around lovely secluded cobbled squares. Don’t miss the college’s Long Room in the Old Library. It’s cathedral-like, with books lined floor to ceiling.

A guided tour will explore its hallowed long room and famous library which houses the infamous Book of Kells, a medieval manuscript depicting the four Gospels of Jesus Christ’s life. And other priceless artifacts. There is an entry fee and a mandatory NO-photography rule to see the Book of Kells.

Queen Elizabeth founded Trinity College in 1592, and today it is Ireland’s oldest University. Legendary graduates include Oscar Wilde and Bram Stoker, I wonder if they had some unpleasant feelings, especially for students with such terrible tasks as essay writing.

Don’t miss the college’s Long Room in the Old Library. It’s cathedral-like with books lined floor to ceiling.


Trinity College


Temple Bar

Immerse yourself in Dublin’s vibrant atmosphere by taking a leisurely stroll through Temple Bar. This cultural quarter pulsates with energy, boasting a myriad of traditional pubs, art galleries, live music venues, and quirky shops. Get a taste of the city’s artistic spirit and revel in its bohemian charm.

According to 10 Best, the cultural and social hub of Dublin, Temple Bar is a bustling mix of trendy restaurants, bars, and quirky designer shops and offers a vibrancy that has to be seen to be believed.

A hardy band of street performers and buskers keep visitors amused while venturing from one bar to another, and although a little tourist-orientated, it is the ideal place to get acquainted with the irrepressible Irish spirit of partying.

temple bar

Dublin Castle

Dating back over 800 years, Dublin Castle is an imposing structure that dominates the city and its history (In Your Pocket). A rewarding tour will explore royal staterooms, a fascinating armory, and a hallowed library with commanding views of the city enjoyed from many vantage points. A guided tour will reveal many hidden architectural gems and anecdotes that are both entertaining and educational.

Dublin Castle, located in the heart of Dublin, is a historic landmark that holds centuries of Irish history and serves as a symbol of power and authority. Built in the early 13th century on the site of a Viking settlement, the castle has witnessed significant events and undergone various architectural transformations, reflecting the diverse eras and influences that have shaped Ireland’s capital city.

Originally constructed as a defensive fortification, Dublin Castle evolved over time to accommodate the changing needs of its occupants. It served as the seat of British rule in Ireland for over seven centuries, playing a central role in the administration and governance of the country. The castle’s architecture reflects this historical evolution, blending medieval, Georgian, and Gothic styles.

Exploring Dublin Castle allows visitors to step into the corridors of power and gain insights into Ireland’s complex past. The State Apartments, located within the castle’s upper floors, are a highlight of any visit. These beautifully restored rooms were once the residence of the British viceroys who governed Ireland. Lavishly decorated with opulent furnishings, intricate plasterwork, and magnificent artwork, the State Apartments provide a glimpse into the grandeur and lifestyle of the ruling elite.

The Chapel Royal, another notable feature of Dublin Castle, showcases stunning Gothic architecture and intricate stained glass windows. This sacred space has witnessed numerous royal and ceremonial events throughout its history and continues to be used for official state occasions.

The castle’s exterior is equally captivating, with its iconic Record Tower standing as the oldest surviving structure. This medieval tower, along with the Castle Gardens, offers a tranquil oasis in the heart of the city, providing a welcome respite from the urban buzz.

Dublin Castle also serves as a cultural hub, hosting exhibitions, concerts, and events that celebrate Ireland’s heritage and contemporary arts. The Chester Beatty Library, located within the castle complex, houses an extensive collection of manuscripts, rare books, and artifacts from around the world, showcasing the rich diversity of human creativity and knowledge.

Today, Dublin Castle remains an important symbol of Ireland’s independence and sovereignty. It is the site where the presidential inauguration takes place and where foreign dignitaries are welcomed. Its significance extends beyond historical importance, as it continues to be a focal point for cultural, social, and political gatherings in modern-day Dublin.

Visiting Dublin Castle provides a captivating journey through Ireland’s past, offering a glimpse into the corridors of power and the struggles for independence. Its blend of architectural styles, historical significance, and cultural offerings make it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking to explore the rich tapestry of Dublin’s heritage.

dublin castle

The National Museum

It is an award-winning museum dedicated to Irish archaeology, natural history, and decorative arts and is the perfect introduction to Irish history and culture. The Celtic arts are exceptionally well represented, with extensive displays of ceramics, furniture, paintings, and sculpture. One of the most interesting exhibits might be its bog men.  Well-preserved human remains that date back to the Iron Age.  The bog men’s legend is that the men were killed, then thrown into peat bogs as part of ritual sacrifice. The peat moss bogs preserved the bodies–to the point you can still see their hair and fingernails! The bog men are part of the Kingship and Sacrifice exhibit. If bog men aren’t your thing, there are more than 2 million artifacts on display, so feel free to skip them.

The National Museum of Ireland, located in Dublin, is a captivating institution that houses an extraordinary collection of artifacts, treasures, and exhibitions that chronicle Ireland’s rich cultural, archaeological, and natural history. A visit to the National Museum is an essential experience for anyone interested in delving into Ireland’s past and gaining a deeper understanding of its unique heritage.

One of the primary reasons why the National Museum is a must-see in Dublin is its vast and diverse collection. The museum is divided into several branches, each focusing on a specific aspect of Irish history. The Archaeology branch, housed in a grand Victorian building on Kildare Street, showcases artifacts spanning from prehistoric times to the medieval period. From intricate Celtic gold jewelry to ancient bog bodies, visitors can witness the remarkable craftsmanship and learn about the customs and beliefs of Ireland’s early inhabitants.

The Decorative Arts and History branch, situated in Collins Barracks, presents an extensive collection of decorative arts, furniture, weaponry, and everyday objects that offer insights into Ireland’s social, political, and economic history. From iconic Irish silverware and exquisite Georgian furniture to poignant memorabilia from the 1916 Easter Rising, this branch sheds light on Ireland’s evolving identity and turbulent past.

The Natural History branch, affectionately known as the “Dead Zoo,” holds a vast array of specimens, including taxidermy animals, fossils, and minerals. It offers a fascinating glimpse into Ireland’s natural environment, biodiversity, and geological heritage.

The National Museum not only presents its collections through static displays but also offers dynamic and engaging exhibitions and events throughout the year. These temporary exhibitions often delve into specific themes, historical periods, or cultural phenomena, providing visitors with fresh perspectives and opportunities for deeper exploration.

Moreover, the National Museum’s commitment to education and outreach makes it an invaluable resource for both locals and tourists. The museum offers guided tours, workshops, and educational programs designed to engage visitors of all ages and backgrounds. From school groups to avid history enthusiasts, the National Museum fosters a sense of discovery and learning, ensuring that its treasures are accessible to all.

Beyond its collections and educational initiatives, the National Museum’s architectural splendor adds to its allure. The Victorian and Georgian buildings that house its branches are architectural marvels in themselves, offering a glimpse into Dublin’s past and serving as fitting backdrops for the treasures within.

Lastly, the National Museum’s significance as a guardian of Ireland’s cultural heritage cannot be overstated. Its role in preserving and showcasing the nation’s historical legacy is paramount. By visiting the museum, you contribute to the preservation and support of Ireland’s cultural heritage for future generations.

In conclusion, the National Museum of Ireland stands as a must-see attraction in Dublin due to its exceptional collections, educational initiatives, cultural significance, and architectural beauty. Whether you have a passion for archaeology, history, natural sciences, or simply a curiosity about Ireland’s past, the National Museum offers a captivating journey that enriches and enlightens visitors from around the world.


The National Museum

Georgian Dublin

According to Culture Trip, Dublin has some of the most excellent examples of right Georgian architecture, and many of the city’s charming houses can be explored on a popular walking tour through the city center. Discover the gorgeous former home of Oscar Wilde and rarely visited parts of historic Trinity College which highlight unique architectural nuances (Atlas Obscura). Many of the city’s opulent hotels are also majestic examples of excellent Georgian construction.

Georgian Dublin is a must-see for visitors to the city due to its architectural grandeur, historical significance, and the unique glimpse it offers into a bygone era. This period of Dublin’s history, spanning the 18th and early 19th centuries, is characterized by the elegant and harmonious architecture influenced by the Georgian style, which has left an indelible mark on the cityscape.

One of the main reasons to explore Georgian Dublin is its stunning architecture. Walking through its wide, tree-lined streets, you’ll encounter rows of beautifully proportioned townhouses adorned with intricate doorways, decorative fanlights, and elegant wrought-iron balconies. The uniformity and symmetry of the Georgian buildings create a sense of harmony and grandeur, making it a visually captivating experience. The most iconic examples of Georgian architecture can be found in areas such as Merrion Square, Fitzwilliam Square, and Henrietta Street.

Georgian Dublin also provides a fascinating insight into the social and cultural life of the time. These buildings were not only residences but also centers of the city’s elite society. Behind their imposing facades, you’ll discover the stories of the affluent Georgian families who inhabited them, including notable figures from literature, politics, and the arts. Exploring these houses-turned-museums, such as the Dublin Writers Museum or the Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI), allows you to step back in time and imagine the vibrant social gatherings and intellectual conversations that took place within those walls.

Another compelling reason to visit Georgian Dublin is its connection to Irish history. This period coincided with a time of significant political and social change in Ireland, and many important events unfolded during this era. The Dublin of the Georgian era was a city in flux, experiencing the rise of nationalism, the impact of the Act of Union with Britain, and the struggles for independence. By exploring Georgian Dublin, you can gain a deeper understanding of the historical context and the people who shaped Ireland’s path to nationhood.

Moreover, Georgian Dublin is home to several cultural institutions, parks, and squares that add to its allure. The National Gallery of Ireland, located on Merrion Square, houses a remarkable collection of Irish and European art, while the Natural History Museum showcases an array of zoological specimens. The serene green spaces of Merrion Square and Fitzwilliam Square offer a peaceful retreat from the bustling city streets, providing an opportunity to relax and soak in the atmosphere.

Lastly, Georgian Dublin is a testament to the city’s commitment to preserving its architectural heritage. Efforts have been made to restore and protect these buildings, ensuring their survival for future generations. By visiting and appreciating Georgian Dublin, you contribute to the ongoing preservation and appreciation of this important architectural legacy.

In summary, Georgian Dublin is a must-see destination that combines architectural splendor, historical significance, and a captivating glimpse into the social and cultural fabric of the time. Its elegant buildings, rich history, and cultural offerings make it an essential part of any exploration of Dublin, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and heritage of this remarkable period.

georgian dublin

Dublin Pubs

No Dublin city break is complete without a visit to a traditional Irish pub that offers a rich tapestry of local life and culture. Enjoy the genuine warmth of Dublin hospitality and a thrilling night of entertainment to the sounds of traditional music and merriment. The irrepressible love of life of the Irish themselves visits such a memorable experience for all. Dublin’s nightlife offers a lot with live music venues, clubs, pubs, and bars.  Cobbled streets lead from one to the next, filling pints and dancing. There are pub crawl tours for those who seek the festivities. You can find craft beers or search the Vintage Cocktail Club for the secret door to their speakeasy.

Dublin pubs are an absolute must-see for anyone visiting the city due to their unique cultural significance, lively atmosphere, and the authentic Irish pub experience they offer. Pubs hold a special place in Irish society and have long been an integral part of the country’s social fabric.

Here are some compelling reasons why Dublin pubs should be on every traveler’s itinerary:

  1. Rich History and Tradition: Dublin pubs are steeped in history, with some establishments dating back centuries. They have witnessed pivotal moments in Irish history, served as gathering places for revolutionaries, and hosted literary figures like James Joyce and Oscar Wilde. Visiting these pubs allows you to immerse yourself in the stories, folklore, and legends that have shaped Irish culture.
  2. Authentic Irish Atmosphere: Dublin pubs exude a warm and welcoming atmosphere that is quintessentially Irish. From the moment you step inside, you’ll be greeted by the friendly banter of locals, the strains of traditional Irish music, and the cozy ambiance that invites conversation and connection. It’s an opportunity to experience the legendary Irish hospitality firsthand and engage with the locals in a relaxed and convivial setting.
  3. Live Music Sessions: Dublin is renowned for its vibrant live music scene, and many pubs offer traditional Irish music sessions known as “sessions.” These sessions feature talented musicians playing fiddles, bodhráns (drums), tin whistles, and other traditional instruments, creating an authentic and immersive musical experience. Joining a session allows you to tap your feet to lively jigs and reels while enjoying a pint of Guinness.
  4. A Variety of Pubs to Suit Every Taste: Dublin boasts a wide range of pubs, catering to different preferences and interests. From historic and cozy traditional pubs with snug corners to trendy and contemporary establishments, there is something for everyone. Whether you prefer a pint in a centuries-old tavern or a modern craft beer bar, Dublin has it all.
  5. Culinary Delights: Pubs in Dublin are not just about the drinks; many of them also serve excellent food. You can indulge in hearty traditional Irish dishes like fish and chips, Irish stew, or a comforting plate of bangers and mash. Pubs often showcase local ingredients and offer a delightful fusion of classic and contemporary Irish cuisine.
  6. Literary Connections: Dublin has a rich literary heritage, and many pubs have strong ties to famous Irish writers and poets. For literature enthusiasts, visiting pubs like the Brazen Head (Ireland’s oldest pub) or the Palace Bar allows you to soak up the same atmosphere that once inspired literary giants and explore the literary history of the city.
  7. Cultural Exchange and Connections: Pubs are excellent places to connect with both locals and fellow travelers. The friendly and relaxed environment fosters conversation, storytelling, and the sharing of experiences. It’s an opportunity to make new friends, learn about Irish culture and customs, and create lasting memories.
  8. The Perfect Pint of Guinness: Dublin is synonymous with Guinness, and enjoying a perfectly poured pint of the famous Irish stout is a rite of passage. Pubs in Dublin take great pride in serving Guinness, ensuring it is poured with precision and care. Savoring a pint of Guinness in a Dublin pub allows you to experience the iconic Irish drink at its best.

Dublin pubs offer more than just a place to have a drink; they provide a glimpse into the heart and soul of Irish culture, fostering connections, and creating lasting memories. Whether you’re seeking history, music, camaraderie, or simply a taste of Ireland’s famous pub culture, visiting Dublin pubs is an essential part of the Dublin experience.


pub in dublin


Bargain hunters and fashion lovers will enjoy their time in Dublin, where shopping is virtually a national pastime. Go to famous Grafton Street for fashionable boutiques and department stores or ‘down-to-earth’ Dawson Street for specialist retailers and high street names. A lot of territory of the city center is pedestrianized or under covered shopping arcades ensuring a stress-free shopping experience come rain or shine.

Shopping in Dublin is a must-do for visitors due to the city’s vibrant retail scene, eclectic mix of shops, and the opportunity to discover unique Irish products.

Here are some compelling reasons why shopping should be on your itinerary in Dublin:

  1. Diverse Shopping Districts: Dublin offers a variety of shopping districts, each with its own distinct character and offerings. Grafton Street, located in the heart of the city, is a bustling pedestrianized street lined with popular high-street retailers, department stores, and lively street performers. The nearby Creative Quarter, encompassing South William Street and its surrounding lanes, is a haven for independent boutiques, vintage stores, and design shops, offering a more unique and eclectic shopping experience. Additionally, the trendy neighborhoods of Temple Bar and Smithfield showcase a mix of bohemian shops, art galleries, and quirky markets.
  2. Irish Design and Craftsmanship: Dublin is a treasure trove for those seeking authentic Irish products and artisanal crafts. From traditional Aran sweaters and Claddagh rings to contemporary Irish design, you’ll find a wide range of locally made goods. Explore specialty stores and boutiques that showcase the work of Irish designers, artisans, and craftspeople, allowing you to take home one-of-a-kind souvenirs and support local businesses.
  3. Markets and Flea Markets: Dublin is home to a vibrant market scene where you can discover an array of unique items and local produce. The iconic Temple Bar Food Market offers a delicious selection of artisanal food, fresh produce, and gourmet treats. The Dublin Flea Market, held on select weekends, features vintage clothing, antiques, records, and retro finds. These markets provide a vibrant atmosphere and an opportunity to interact with local vendors and artisans.
  4. Department Stores and Luxury Brands: For those seeking a more upscale shopping experience, Dublin has several renowned department stores and luxury boutiques. Brown Thomas, located on Grafton Street, is Ireland’s premier luxury department store, offering a curated selection of high-end fashion, cosmetics, and home goods. Other notable destinations include Powerscourt Centre, housed in a beautiful Georgian building, which features a mix of designer boutiques and specialty shops.
  5. Bookshops and Literary Gems: Dublin has a rich literary heritage, and exploring its bookshops is a treat for book lovers. From iconic establishments like Hodges Figgis, Ireland’s oldest bookshop, to independent and second-hand bookstores, Dublin offers a haven for bibliophiles. These bookshops often host literary events, book signings, and readings, providing opportunities to engage with Ireland’s thriving literary community.
  6. Shopping Centers: Dublin is home to several modern shopping centers that cater to all tastes and budgets. Dundrum Town Centre, located a short distance from the city center, offers a vast selection of stores, from popular high-street brands to luxury retailers. Blanchardstown Centre and Liffey Valley Shopping Centre are also popular destinations, providing a wide range of shops, entertainment options, and dining experiences.
  7. Irish Whiskey and Souvenirs: Dublin is renowned for its whiskey heritage, and you’ll find numerous whiskey shops where you can sample and purchase a wide variety of Irish whiskies. These shops often offer expert guidance and tasting sessions, allowing you to delve into the world of Irish whiskey. Additionally, Dublin’s souvenir shops offer a range of mementos, including traditional Irish crafts, Claddagh rings, Irish music, and more.

Shopping in Dublin offers a delightful blend of traditional and contemporary retail experiences, allowing you to explore local craftsmanship, discover unique products, and immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of the city. So whether you’re seeking fashion, crafts, literature, or simply a memorable shopping experience, Dublin has something to offer every shopper.

Phoenix Park

Measuring over 700 hectares, Phoenix Park is one of the largest city parks in Europe and an oasis of calm just minutes from the city center. It contains the historic Dublin Zoo (Irish Times), the Irish President’s official residence, miles of valley walking and hiking trails. It is the ideal spot for a lunchtime picnic and is littered with serene fishing ponds and shaded woodland hiking trails.

Phoenix Park is an absolute must-see for visitors to Dublin due to its immense size, stunning natural beauty, rich history, and the diverse range of attractions it offers.

Here are compelling reasons why Phoenix Park should be on every traveler’s itinerary:

  1. Vast Green Oasis: Phoenix Park is one of the largest enclosed urban parks in Europe, covering an impressive area of over 1,750 acres. It provides a tranquil escape from the bustling city, offering vast stretches of greenery, serene woodlands, and picturesque landscapes. The park’s open spaces provide a perfect setting for picnics, leisurely walks, or simply relaxing amidst nature’s beauty.
  2. Majestic Wildlife: The park is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, with a diverse range of flora and fauna. As you explore the park, you may encounter wild deer freely roaming the grounds, adding a touch of enchantment to your visit. The park’s diverse habitats, including woodlands, grasslands, and wetlands, support a variety of bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers and nature lovers.
  3. Historic Landmarks: Phoenix Park is steeped in history, with a fascinating array of landmarks and monuments within its boundaries. One of the prominent attractions is Áras an Uachtaráin, the official residence of the President of Ireland. Guided tours offer a glimpse into the elegant interiors and extensive gardens surrounding the residence. Other notable landmarks include the iconic Papal Cross, erected during the visit of Pope John Paul II in 1979, and the Phoenix Monument, a towering obelisk commemorating the park’s establishment.
  4. Dublin Zoo: Located within Phoenix Park, Dublin Zoo is one of the city’s most popular attractions and an excellent family-friendly destination. The zoo houses a diverse collection of animals from around the world and provides educational experiences and conservation initiatives. From playful primates to majestic big cats, Dublin Zoo offers a captivating journey through the animal kingdom.
  5. Victorian Flower Gardens: The park is home to stunning Victorian flower gardens known as the People’s Gardens. These meticulously manicured gardens showcase a variety of colorful blooms, ornamental features, and serene pathways. They provide a peaceful retreat within the park, ideal for relaxing strolls, picnics, or enjoying a moment of tranquility amidst the vibrant floral displays.
  6. Sports and Recreation: Phoenix Park offers ample opportunities for sports and recreational activities. The park features numerous sports fields, cricket pitches, and tennis courts, inviting visitors to engage in various outdoor activities. Cycling, jogging, and horse riding are popular pursuits within the park, with designated paths and trails providing an ideal setting for active exploration.
  7. Festivals and Events: Throughout the year, Phoenix Park plays host to a range of festivals, concerts, and cultural events. From music festivals to food markets and sporting events, there is always something happening in the park. These events provide a lively atmosphere and offer visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the vibrant culture and entertainment scene of Dublin.
  8. Scenic Drives and Cycling Routes: The park features a network of picturesque roads and pathways, making it a favorite destination for scenic drives and cycling enthusiasts. Exploring the park on wheels allows you to fully appreciate its vastness, natural beauty, and hidden corners.

In conclusion, Phoenix Park’s combination of expansive green spaces, historical landmarks, wildlife encounters, and recreational opportunities make it an unmissable destination in Dublin. Whether you’re seeking tranquility in nature, exploring Irish history, or engaging in outdoor activities, Phoenix Park offers a diverse range of experiences that cater to all interests and ages.

Final Thoughts:

Dublin, the capital city of Ireland, is a captivating destination that seamlessly blends rich history, vibrant culture, warm hospitality, and stunning landscapes. From its iconic landmarks to its lively pubs, Dublin offers a diverse range of experiences that cater to every traveler’s interests and preferences.

Exploring the city’s historical sites such as Dublin Castle and the National Museum allows you to delve into Ireland’s past and gain a deeper understanding of its rich heritage. Meanwhile, attractions like the Guinness Storehouse and Dublin pubs offer a taste of Irish culture, where you can enjoy traditional music, mingle with locals, and savor a perfectly poured pint of Guinness.

Dublin’s architectural beauty shines through its Georgian buildings, creating a storybook setting that transports visitors back in time. The city’s shopping districts offer a mix of high-street brands, independent boutiques, and specialty stores, ensuring there’s something for every shopper.

Beyond the city center, Phoenix Park provides a vast green oasis where you can escape the urban hustle and bustle, immerse yourself in nature, and discover historic landmarks like Áras an Uachtaráin and the Victorian flower gardens. Dublin’s proximity to the stunning Irish countryside also allows for easy day trips to breathtaking natural wonders, including the Cliffs of Moher, the Ring of Kerry, and the Giant’s Causeway.

Throughout your journey in Dublin, you’ll encounter the warmth and friendliness of the Irish people, known for their genuine hospitality and welcoming nature. Whether it’s striking up a conversation with a local at a pub or receiving recommendations from friendly shopkeepers, the people of Dublin add an extra layer of charm to your experience.

In summary, Dublin offers a wealth of attractions, from its historical sites and architectural gems to its lively pubs, cultural events, and natural beauty. It’s a city that captures the imagination, leaving visitors with lasting memories and a deep appreciation for Irish heritage and culture. So, whether you’re exploring the cobblestone streets, admiring the grand Georgian buildings, or immersing yourself in the vibrant pub culture, Dublin is sure to enchant and inspire you at every turn.

About Julee: Julee Morrison is an experienced author with 35 years of expertise in parenting and recipes. She is the author of four cookbooks: The Instant Pot College Cookbook, The How-To Cookbook for Teens, The Complete Cookbook for Teens, and The Complete College Cookbook. Julee is passionate about baking, crystals, reading, and family. Her writing has appeared in The LA Times (Bon Jovi Obsession Goes Global), Disney's Family Fun Magazine (August 2010, July 2009, September 2008), and My Family Gave Up Television (page 92, Disney Family Fun August 2010). Her great ideas have been featured in Disney's Family Fun (Page 80, September 2008) and the Write for Charity book From the Heart (May 2010). Julee's work has also been published in Weight Watchers Magazine, All You Magazine (Jan. 2011, February 2011, June 2013), Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine (Oct. 2011), Red River Family Magazine (Jan. 2011),, and more. Notably, her article "My Toddler Stood on Elvis' Grave and Scaled Over Boulders to Get to a Dinosaur" made AP News, and "The Sly Way I Cured My Child's Lying Habit" was featured on PopSugar. When she's not writing, Julee enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new baking recipes.
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