Skip the mall and the holiday hustle and make these Maple Glazed Walnuts.
They are perfect as a sweet snack, a tasty topping for salad, a delicious crunch for a bowl of oatmeal and so much more.
Walnut and maple might be the ultimate duo when it comes to flavor.
Not only are these maple glazed walnuts delicious, but they are also a heart-healthy snack that can help support your overall health.
About Maple Syrup:
Maple syrup is characterized by the percentage of light that can pass through it.
Lighter syrups are produced early in the maple sugaring season and are sweet and delicate in flavor.
‘Amber’ or ‘Dark’ syrups are produced later in the maple sugaring season and are more robust and rich in flavor.
If you are looking for a more complex and more caramelly flavor, use an ‘Amber‘, or ‘Dark‘ maple syrup.