I’m at the bottom of the list regarding caring for myself. I have children and a husband, and there just aren’t enough hours in my day. It’s a sad excuse but one I think most busy moms can relate to. I gained about 25 pounds with each kiddo. I am still working on losing it. My new attempt is with Valerie Orsoni’s book Le Personal Coach. I have hope as the cover reads: “A French Trainer Simple Secrets for Getting Fit and Slim without the Gym!”
Le Personal Coach
For those not familiar with Valerie Orsoni, she is a celebrity coach and founder of LeBoot Camp. She is also a cancer survivor, world-renowned trainer, nutritionist, entrepreneur, and MOM.
Every page of her book, Le Personal Coach, offers tips to get what I covet, firm arms, flat stomach, sleek thighs, and a natural breast lift! Orsoni makes it easy by fitting the moves in a while doing everyday activities.
I’m practicing. On the way to school, I “work those stoplights!” Here Orsani challenges me to suck in my gut each time I get to a red light and hold it for the duration of the light!
I clean the kitchen and “Dance!” like nobody is watching. It helps let go of toxic thoughts and stress. Just think about dancing six times a day for 20 minutes of cardio!
I can blog with a ball between my knees. Squeeze and hold it. Yikes! This one, I can feel!
Washing dishes by hand is said to burn 78 calories per half hour. I’ve been doing this and then putting them in the dishwasher. Why not? It’s roughly one pound of fat I’m washing away every 45 days!
If you need more motivation, that book says that 92% of the people who tried this program lost 26 pounds and never regained it.
There are so many easy tips, just like these, throughout the book. It’s little things that I can fit into my daily things. Isn’t that what we all need, a way to make the most of our time and take care of ourselves?
In true French fashion, there’s a section entitled “Bon Appetit.” It has recipes for Kiwi Candy, Faux Mashed Potatoes, Smoked Salmon rolls, and more.
There’s also an online companion. Here an email arrives each day detailing exercise tips, setting goals for the next day, and food tips. Goals are set ahead so you can mentally and physically prepare to succeed. There is a weekly menu and resources for tracking weight, menus, recipes, exercises, and shopping lists. There are no meetings to attend, and they are accessible to you at all times.
I”m looking forward to incorporating more of these great tips into my everyday routine and transforming myself.
Click here to buy your copy of the book
*I received a copy of Le Personal Coach in order to facilitate an honest review. The opinions where expressed, are my own and were in no way influenced by the sponsor. Other experiences may vary.