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One word brought horror to my world for 48 hours. The Divine Miss M went to her six weeks check up. Our pediatrician was out of the office, and we were seen by an intern. She ran some test and then came back into the room and said, “Your daughter may have Meningitis. We’re not sure. We’ll need you to come back in 48 hours to run another test.”
My husband was driving back home from South Carolina. He might as well have been on another planet. I had to overcome my mind shutting down. Thankfully, the tests came back negative, and our experience was horrific, but only a scare. Still, anytime the kiddos get a fever or seem lethargic I’m in fear it’s something “more.”
I’ve heard both sides of
the debate on vaccinations. I respect the views of both sides. Our family chooses to vaccinate. I feel it’s important in preventing and spreading diseases that could impact my child for their lifetime. While I was fortunate just to have a “scare,” many are not so fortunate.
Infant Meningitis Awareness
Infant Meningitis is very real. Just ask Bob and Frankie Miley. They lost their only child, a son, Ryan, at the age of eighteen, as a result of meningococcal meningitis/meningococcemia. In his memory, they founded Meningitis Angels a national non-profit organization to help educate the public, health professionals, childcare facilities, schools, and universities. Don’t let the name fool you, Meningitis Angels doesn’t limit the education to just meningitis, but also includes information on other vaccine-preventable diseases and prevention, like vaccines.
Hundreds of families from across America and around the world make Angels one of the largest meningitis organizations globally.
This non-profit organization is committed to supporting the victims of bacterial meningitis and their families. It’s a network that helps families cope with the loss or care of their family member while offering hands-on support for those children with bacterial meningitis.
Unfortunately, meningitis, a preventable disease, continues to claim lives.
Learn more at the Protect Infant Now & the Meningitis Angels website and help us protect our youngest citizens against the disfigurement and death caused by meningitis. There’s also some great information in this fact sheet with further information on Meningococcal Disease, the Meningitis Angels, first-hand testimonials and images.
Your voice is crucial , o the CDC recommends this lifesaving vaccine to the infant immunization schedule. Take a moment to sign the Meningitis Angels petition and be part of the prevention.
“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central and Meningitis Angels. This campaign was made possible in part through support provided by Novartis Vaccines. A small donation to a charity of my choice was made in my name from Mom Central as a thank-you for participating. All opinions in this posting are 100% my own.”