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Hyperbole: Literally the Biggest, Most Gigantic, Most Important Writing Device!

Whether you realize it or not, there’s a 10,000% chance you use hyperboles every day. I’m not even joking when I say you would literally die if you couldn’t use hyperboles. I don’t know how anyone could possibly manage to get through the day without using a million hyperboles!

Okay, that’s enough. If you weren’t aware, all of those sentences contained a hyperbole, which is defined as an exaggeration for effect. Speaking or writing hyperbolically can be very effective, but it can also be overdone very, very easily, as it was in the first paragraph. We’re going to dive into some appropriate uses and guidelines for hyperboles as writing devices.

hyperbole when pigs fly


Hyperbole: Literally the Biggest, Most Gigantic, Most Important Writing Device!

Hyperbole Defined

Literally, the word “hyperbole” comes from a Greek phrase meaning to reach or cast beyond. In this case, the word “literally” was used appropriately, but more on that later. Hyperboles should be obviously absurd exaggerations used for dramatic effect. And you really probably do use them frequently every day. Every time you say: “I have a million things to do today,” or “This is the worst thing that’s ever happened,” you’re speaking hyperbolically.

Welcome to the realm of language where words transcend their literal meanings and soar into the boundless realms of exaggeration and grandiosity! In the world of literature, one rhetorical device reigns supreme, embodying the very essence of amplification and magnification. Brace yourself for a linguistic adventure as we delve into the extraordinary world of hyperbole: Literally the Biggest, Most Gigantic, Most Important Writing Device!

Hyperbole, derived from the Greek word “hyperbolḗ” meaning “excess,” is a literary tool that ignites our imagination, stretches the boundaries of reality, and paints vivid pictures with flamboyant strokes of words. It is an artful and deliberate overstatement or exaggeration used to make a point, evoke emotions, or leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Prepare to be astounded as hyperbole takes center stage, dwarfing all other literary devices with its colossal impact. Through its mighty grasp, the ordinary becomes extraordinary, the mundane transforms into the extraordinary, and the prosaic soars to the heavens of literary prowess. It is the heartbeat of wit, the fire that fuels humor, and the driving force behind memorable expressions.

From the playful banter of Shakespeare’s witty characters to the whimsical tales of Lewis Carroll’s Alice, hyperbole has left its colossal footprints throughout literary history. It manifests in the playful declaration of “I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse!” or the exaggerated proclamation of “I’ve told you a million times!” With each hyperbolic flourish, words come alive, capturing our attention, and etching themselves into our minds.

But hyperbole is not limited to humor and jest. It possesses an incredible power to evoke deep emotions and convey profound truths. From the heart-wrenching statement “My heart is shattered into a million pieces” to the triumphant declaration “I could conquer the world,” hyperbole embraces the human experience and amplifies our joys, sorrows, hopes, and dreams.

So, join us on this literary expedition as we uncover the boundless potential of hyperbole, basking in the glow of its magnificence, and reveling in the vastness of its impact. Together, we shall explore its myriad forms, its undeniable charm, and the astonishing worlds it creates. Brace yourself for an adventure of epic proportions as we embark on a journey through the enchanting landscapes of hyperbole: Literally the Biggest, Most Gigantic, Most Important Writing Device!

Where to Be Careful

The main problem with using hyperbole as a writing device is that it makes the reader inclined to distrust the narrator. 

While hyperbole can be a captivating and powerful literary tool, it does come with a potential drawback that can affect the reader’s trust in the narrator. The main problem with employing hyperbole extensively is the inherent risk of creating skepticism and doubt within the reader’s mind.

In everyday conversation, hyperbole often finds its place as a means of exaggeration and colorful expression. Uttering phrases like “I’ve been waiting forever” or “I’ve told you a million times” is commonly understood as hyperbolic language. However, when these exaggerated statements are transferred onto the written page without proper context or indication of their intended effect, they can cause the reader to question the reliability and authenticity of the narrator’s voice.

When readers encounter hyperbolic claims in written works, especially in non-fiction or first-person narratives, they may pause and wonder about the veracity of the information presented. If the exaggeration is taken literally, it can undermine the credibility of the narrator, leading to suspicion and confusion. The reader might question whether the narrator is prone to embellishments, distortions, or even outright falsehoods.

To mitigate this potential problem, it is crucial for writers to provide clarity and context when employing hyperbole. When it is clear that the exaggeration serves a deliberate purpose, such as emphasizing a point or evoking an emotional response, readers are more likely to understand and accept it as a literary device. Additionally, if hyperbolic statements are attributed to fictional characters or clearly marked as part of a creative narrative, the reader is more likely to interpret them within the context of the story rather than as factual claims.

By utilizing hyperbole judiciously and ensuring that its intended effect is evident, writers can maintain the reader’s trust and engagement while harnessing the immense power of this rhetorical device. Balancing the use of hyperbole with the need for clarity and credibility is essential to ensure a harmonious reading experience that captivates and resonates with the audience.


In recent years, “literally” has snuck into our spoken vocabulary in an incredibly frustrating way to grammar nerds and linguistics alike. It’s very common to hear a teenager say something along the lines of “I literally can’t,” “I literally couldn’t eat another bite,” or “After that, I was literally dead.” Since it literally means “adhering to fact” (Merriam-Webster), this sort of usage is inherently or “literally” incorrect.

Using “literally” as a modifier to describe something hyperbolically in speech is problematic at best. In writing, it’s a poor choice and conveys the opposite of what you’re probably trying to say. You may think you’re writing hyperbolically by using “literally,” but there’s a good chance you’re coming off more ignorant than you would like.

The use of “literally” as a modifier in hyperbolic statements can be problematic due to its contradictory nature. “Literally” is typically understood as emphasizing the factual accuracy and literal truth of a statement, whereas hyperbole relies on deliberate exaggeration and figurative language.

When someone uses “literally” to intensify a hyperbolic statement, such as saying “I’m literally dying of laughter” or “I literally have a million things to do,” it creates a clash between the literal and the exaggerated meanings. This usage can confuse listeners or readers who might interpret the statement as a literal claim rather than an exaggerated expression.

The problem lies in the potential misunderstanding and the erosion of the word’s intended meaning. If “literally” becomes synonymous with hyperbole, it dilutes its significance and undermines the precision of language. It blurs the distinction between the literal truth and rhetorical exaggeration, leading to communication gaps and misinterpretations.

Moreover, the overuse and misapplication of “literally” in hyperbolic contexts can breed skepticism and distrust among listeners or readers. When someone habitually uses “literally” to describe hyperbolic situations, it diminishes their credibility, as it suggests a lack of awareness or care for the accurate use of language.

To maintain clarity and preserve the power of both hyperbole and “literally,” it is essential to use them purposefully and appropriately. By reserving “literally” for situations that genuinely require precision and avoiding its casual or excessive use in hyperbolic statements, we can uphold the integrity of both the literal truth and the art of exaggerated expression.

In conclusion, the problematic use of “literally” with hyperbole arises from the clash between literal truth and exaggeration. It muddles the boundaries of language, creates misunderstandings, and can erode trust in the speaker or writer. Careful and intentional application of both hyperbole and “literally” ensures effective communication and preserves the richness of language.


Another hyperbolic trap that’s easy to fall into is using modifiers for absolute terms. For example, you can’t be “totally dead,”; you’re either dead or you’re not! You can’t be “slightly unique” or “highly unique.” You’re either unique or you’re not.

Your best bet in this area is to choose words that are considered “gradable” adverbs or use the adverbs as they are. Don’t say, “I’m utterly exhausted,” say, “I’m exhausted,” or “I’m very tired.” “Tired” is gradable; “exhausted” is absolute.

Using modifiers for absolute terms in hyperbolic statements can be a potential trap due to the inherent contradiction between the absolute nature of the term and the exaggerated modifier. Absolute terms are words or phrases that indicate an unqualified or complete condition, leaving no room for exceptions or variations. Examples of absolute terms include “always,” “never,” “every,” “none,” and “all.”

When modifiers, such as “completely,” “absolutely,” “totally,” or “utterly,” are used with absolute terms in hyperbolic statements, it creates a clash between the all-encompassing nature of the absolute term and the intensified exaggeration of the modifier. This can lead to confusion and weaken the impact of the hyperbole.

For instance, saying “I’m absolutely starving” or “I’m completely exhausted” implies an extreme and unqualified condition. However, by adding modifiers to emphasize the hyperbolic nature of the statement, it stretches the boundaries of credibility. It raises questions in the mind of the listener or reader who may find it challenging to reconcile the absolute term with the exaggerated modifier.

The danger in using modifiers with absolute terms in hyperbole lies in the potential loss of impact and effectiveness. Instead of creating a strong and vivid impression, it can undermine the credibility of the statement and weaken the overall impact of the hyperbolic expression. The listener or reader may interpret it as an overstatement or an indication of insincerity, detracting from the intended effect of the hyperbole.

To avoid this trap, it is crucial to be mindful of the relationship between absolute terms and modifiers in hyperbolic statements. Consider whether the addition of a modifier enhances or dilutes the impact of the hyperbole. If the modifier weakens the absoluteness of the term or creates confusion, it might be more effective to rely on the inherent exaggeration of the hyperbole itself.

By exercising restraint and using hyperbole without modifiers for absolute terms, one can preserve the integrity and impact of the exaggerated expression. It ensures that the hyperbole remains clear, focused, and compelling, capturing the attention and imagination of the audience without compromising the understanding of the underlying concept or message.

Why You’ll Love Writing with Hyperbole:

There are several reasons why someone might love using hyperbole in their writing:

  1. Expressive Power: Hyperbole allows writers to unleash their creativity and push the boundaries of language. It offers a way to magnify emotions, experiences, or ideas, making them more vivid, impactful, and memorable. By employing hyperbole, writers can evoke strong reactions and forge a deep connection with readers.
  2. Enhanced Imagination: Hyperbole enables writers to stretch reality and explore imaginative realms. It invites readers to suspend disbelief and immerse themselves in a world where the extraordinary becomes possible. By employing hyperbolic language, writers can transport their audience to fantastical landscapes, engage their imagination, and create a sense of wonder.
  3. Humor and Wit: Hyperbole is often associated with humor and wit. It allows writers to inject playful exaggeration into their writing, eliciting laughter, amusement, and a sense of light-heartedness. By employing hyperbole in comedic contexts, writers can deliver punchlines, create comedic tension, and entertain their audience.
  4. Memorable Impact: Hyperbole has the power to leave a lasting impression on readers. Its exaggerated nature can make writing stand out, capturing attention and fostering a sense of intrigue. By utilizing hyperbole strategically, writers can craft memorable phrases, images, and scenes that linger in the minds of readers long after they’ve finished reading.
  5. Emotional Intensity: Hyperbole can intensify the emotional impact of a piece of writing. By exaggerating emotions, experiences, or descriptions, writers can heighten the reader’s emotional response. Hyperbole can effectively convey a sense of urgency, passion, or drama, enveloping readers in a wave of heightened sentiment.
  6. Stylistic Flourish: Hyperbole can add flair and style to writing, allowing writers to showcase their unique voice and personality. By skillfully incorporating hyperbolic language, writers can create a distinct and recognizable writing style, setting their work apart from others and leaving a personal mark on their writing.

Overall, using hyperbole in writing provides a range of benefits, including expressive power, enhanced imagination, humor, memorable impact, emotional intensity, and stylistic flourish. Its ability to amplify and exaggerate aspects of the writing allows for greater creativity and engagement with the reader, making it a beloved tool for many writers.

About Julee: Julee Morrison is an experienced author with 35 years of expertise in parenting and recipes. She is the author of four cookbooks: The Instant Pot College Cookbook, The How-To Cookbook for Teens, The Complete Cookbook for Teens, and The Complete College Cookbook. Julee is passionate about baking, crystals, reading, and family. Her writing has appeared in The LA Times (Bon Jovi Obsession Goes Global), Disney's Family Fun Magazine (August 2010, July 2009, September 2008), and My Family Gave Up Television (page 92, Disney Family Fun August 2010). Her great ideas have been featured in Disney's Family Fun (Page 80, September 2008) and the Write for Charity book From the Heart (May 2010). Julee's work has also been published in Weight Watchers Magazine, All You Magazine (Jan. 2011, February 2011, June 2013), Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine (Oct. 2011), Red River Family Magazine (Jan. 2011),, and more. Notably, her article "My Toddler Stood on Elvis' Grave and Scaled Over Boulders to Get to a Dinosaur" made AP News, and "The Sly Way I Cured My Child's Lying Habit" was featured on PopSugar. When she's not writing, Julee enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new baking recipes.
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