Ice Cream! You Scream! Grandma Screams!
I’ve always been quick to find a solution to any given situation.
Ask my grandma.
She babysat me from the time I was an infant until I was four.
I was cute.
I was rotten!
Nothing says Summer like the sound of an Ice Cream Truck. The music sings like the Pied Piper, luring children at play.
Dashing in the house, I rushed to my grandmother.
I found her sitting in the restroom.
“Grandma! I need money for the ice cream truck!” I squealed.
“If he’s still there when I’m done I’ll get you some money.” she replied in an attempt to postpone the situation.
Lucky for me, I had thought ahead…
“I already stopped him and told him to wait while I went to get you.”
I can still see my grandma’s face as what I said hit her. She’d be outwitted by a three-year-old!
It was the MOST delicious Ice Cream Cone EVER!
My girls are enjoying an upcoming review item that allows them to savor ice cream all Summer!