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Creating a Mold-Resistant Bathroom

It’s no secret that mold formation is among the most common bathroom problems many households face. The average family’s bathrooms receive considerable traffic, and virtually every task carried out in these spaces involves running water. There’s little wonder as to why mold crops up in so many households. However, rather than resign yourself to the presence of mold (which can present a health hazard), you should take proactive steps to keep it at bay. If a mold-resistant bathroom is what you’re after, the following pointers will help.

Beautiful bathroom

Get Serious About Ventilation

Good ventilation is among the most effective ways to push back against bathroom mold. Having a well-maintained ventilation fan and running it for at least 30 minutes following every shower can be a boon to your mold-prevention efforts, say the experts at Apartment Therapy. Many of us have gotten into the habit of switching off these fans as soon as we’re done bathing. With a growing number of households realizing the importance of energy conservation, it’s easy to see why leaving ventilation fans on when nobody’s in the bathroom would seem like a waste of power. However, the sooner you turn off your ventilation fan, the more moisture you can expect to remain in your bathroom – and the more residual moisture, the greater the likelihood of mold formation. Additionally, if your bathroom ventilation fan is quite old and minimally effective, this may be the time to swap it out for a newer model.

Although ventilation fans are invaluable tools, not all homes are equipped with them. So, if your bathrooms currently lack ventilation fans, you’ll need to get a little creative. Leaving your door at least partially open during and after your showers can be a great way to prevent moisture from pooling up in one area. Similarly, opening your window after each shower can provide moisture with a clear path out of your bathroom.   

Seal Your Grout Lines

As any longtime homeowner knows, grout lines don’t remain sealed forever – and over time, grout seals are guaranteed to wear down gradually. Grout lines that are in need of resealing provide water and assorted moisture with the perfect places to accumulate, thereby setting the stage for the onset of mold. That being the case, you’ll need to promptly reseal any grout lines that have begun to develop holes. If you have little to no experience with grout, you may need to enlist the aid of a professional plumber or handyman. To get in touch with a reliable local plumber, simply go online to and enter “find plumbers near me” into your preferred search engine.    

Don’t Skimp on Cleaning

Given how prone bathrooms are to moisture buildup, these areas should be among your home’s most frequently cleaned spaces. First off, to stay on top of moisture buildup, you’ll need to take a squeegee to your shower after each use, recommends Family Handyman. Furthermore, make sure to give your entire bathroom a thorough scrubbing once every two weeks – at a minimum. When cleaning your bathroom, remember to devote extra attention to areas that are hotspots for mold, like tiling, tubs, and sinks. Furthermore, make use of cleaning products designed with mold removal and prevention in mind.

As far as everyday cleaning goes, make a point of wiping up puddles of water whenever you come across them. Whether they’re surrounding the sink, on the floor, or at the foot of the tub, any puddles should be removed posthaste. The longer they linger, the more likely mold is to appear. You should also wash your bathmats at least once a week. In addition to being conducive to mold formation, perpetually dampened shower mats can lead to the spread of athlete’s foot and other fungal infections. 

Bathroom mold can be the scourge of any household that values cleanliness. In addition to presenting a potential health hazard, the appearance of mold can imbue your bathroom with an air of indifference. While severe cases of bathroom mold can be challenging to get rid of, they can be considerably easier to prevent. In the ongoing fight against mold, a few precautionary measures can go a very long way. So, if you’re ready to banish mold from your bathroom once and for all, use the tips discussed above to your fullest advantage.

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