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Atlas Shrugged: Parenthood the Pleasant Remedy to Procrastination

Parenthood has often been regarded as the ultimate antidote to procrastination. During our formative years, we relished the freedom to live life at our own pace, making rules as we went along and indulging in whatever activities appealed to us. However, as we transition into the later stages of adulthood, the prospect of taking on greater responsibilities can become overwhelming and frightening for many.

The vision of a successful and stable career, finding a life partner, and the idea of raising a family may seem like daunting challenges. The thought of juggling so many responsibilities simultaneously can feel like a burden, especially when just taking care of oneself can already be challenging enough.

The journey of being independent and managing one’s own life can indeed be demanding, and contemplating the additional responsibilities that come with starting a family might evoke trepidation. However, surprisingly, it is precisely this aspect of parenthood that can offer a unique and rewarding solution to the ailment of procrastination.

Parenthood, with all its obligations and demands, can act as a catalyst for personal growth and self-improvement. When one becomes a parent, the focus shifts from solely thinking about oneself to nurturing and providing for another life. This change in perspective can be transformative. Suddenly, the urgency to act responsibly and achieve goals becomes more profound, as the well-being of one’s child becomes a paramount concern.

With the arrival of a baby, the concept of time takes on a new dimension. Every moment becomes precious and fleeting, and this realization often motivates parents to make the most of their time and be productive. Procrastination may have been a lingering habit before, but parenthood offers a powerful incentive to overcome it. The responsibility of caring for a child demands efficiency and time management, forcing parents to prioritize and complete tasks promptly.

Moreover, parenthood presents numerous learning opportunities. As parents navigate the challenges of raising a child, they gain valuable life skills, such as patience, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities. Overcoming the hurdles that come with parenting instills a sense of accomplishment, making the journey feel worthwhile.

Additionally, having a family often provides a support system and a sense of belonging, which can be crucial for personal growth. The love and bond shared within a family create a nurturing environment where individuals are encouraged to pursue their aspirations and dreams.

Of course, parenthood is not without its struggles, and the initial fear and uncertainty are natural. But as time goes on, many parents find that it is precisely this life-altering experience that breaks the chains of procrastination. They become more focused, determined, and committed to building a better future for themselves and their children.

In conclusion, while the idea of starting a family and taking on greater responsibilities might seem overwhelming, parenthood has proven to be an effective remedy to procrastination. It pushes individuals to grow, mature, and develop a stronger sense of purpose. The lessons learned, the love shared, and the experiences gained through parenthood often become some of life’s most cherished rewards, making the journey all the more worthwhile.

Atlas Shrugged: Parenthood the Pleasant Remedy to Procrastination

This topic is terrifying, but it needs to be done.

Society can deem success, marriage, and parenting horrifying and unreachable, especially to the younger generations. But it’s not as bad as you think. This is part of the human experience and an absolutely fulfilling thing. There are many benefits to parenting. The most beneficial thing about it is its growth. Mentally, spiritually, and physically. If you thought you were responsible now, wait till you get kids! It really is a pleasant remedy to procrastination. Having kids can be chaotic, but it teaches you to think ahead of time. To have order in the household, you must have a process.

The phrase “This topic is terrifying, but it needs to be done” can be seen as an acknowledgement of the fear and apprehension that often accompanies the idea of becoming a parent and taking on the responsibilities of raising a family. It recognizes that parenthood is not without its challenges and can be a daunting prospect for many individuals.

However, when we connect this phrase with “Parenthood as the Most Pleasant Remedy to Procrastination,” it suggests that despite the initial fear, embracing parenthood can be an effective way to address and overcome procrastination.

The phrase highlights the importance of facing our fears and tackling difficult tasks head-on. Parenthood is a major life decision that requires commitment, dedication, and a willingness to confront challenges. By choosing to embark on the journey of parenthood, individuals are making a conscious decision to step out of their comfort zones and confront their fears.

Procrastination often arises from a fear of failure, uncertainty, or a lack of motivation. When individuals choose parenthood, they are essentially choosing to confront these fears and uncertainties. The thought of raising a child and taking on the myriad of responsibilities can be terrifying, but it also presents an opportunity for personal growth and development.

Once individuals become parents, they find themselves in a position where procrastination is no longer a viable option. The well-being and needs of their child become the top priority, and this sense of responsibility often pushes parents to become more organized, focused, and determined. The fear of not fulfilling their parental duties motivates them to be proactive and avoid putting off essential tasks.

Furthermore, parenthood introduces a new sense of purpose and meaning to one’s life. As parents witness the impact of their actions on their child’s growth and development, they gain a renewed sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. This intrinsic reward acts as a potent remedy against procrastination, as the joy of parenting becomes a driving force for taking timely action and making the most of each moment.

In conclusion, while the prospect of parenthood may evoke fear and trepidation, it is precisely this aspect of confronting fears that makes it an effective remedy to procrastination. Parenthood challenges individuals to step out of their comfort zones, prioritize responsibilities, and confront the uncertainties of life head-on. The sense of purpose, personal growth, and joy that come with being a parent provide powerful incentives to overcome procrastination and embrace a more proactive and fulfilling approach to life.

One child seems easy but having more than one?

Having one child may seem manageable, but as the number of kids increases, parenting can become a complex juggling act. It requires foresight and planning to avoid a recipe for disaster. Thankfully, parenthood itself becomes a teacher, instilling essential qualities like patience, kindness, acceptance, and responsibility in parents.

Parenthood has a transformative effect on procrastination. Gone are the days when tasks were left to the last few hours before a deadline. The presence of children motivates parents to complete work ahead of time, granting them more precious moments to spend with their little ones. The joy of coming home to a house filled with beloved children after a stressful day of work is unparalleled.

Still unconvinced about the joys of parenting? Let’s draw inspiration from Ayn Rand, the author of Atlas Shrugged, a novel that delves into the human condition and greatness (Asian Efficiency). Her work offers valuable insights that can be applied to our daily lives, especially in the realm of parenting.

One of these insights revolves around being motivated by curiosity and action. Children, particularly toddlers, are naturally curious beings who fearlessly explore the world around them. As parents, witnessing this innate curiosity can be inspiring, motivating us to take an active role in teaching and guiding them through life’s lessons.

Parenthood also necessitates making decisions, often for the well-being of our children. This aspect of parenting aligns with Ayn Rand’s emphasis on making choices that influence our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Being a parent provides ample opportunities to practice making decisions with thoughtful consideration and care.

Furthermore, parenthood reveals that we have more time than we initially think. When we plan and tackle tasks step by step, we gradually realize that our time can be more efficiently utilized. This newfound sense of organization and time management becomes a valuable behavior learned through the experiences of parenting.

As parents embrace these valuable lessons, they find that the challenges of having multiple children become opportunities for growth and learning. Parenthood enriches life, fostering a sense of purpose, and deepening the love within a family. The journey of raising children becomes a meaningful and rewarding adventure, despite its inherent challenges.

In conclusion, parenthood is an ever-evolving learning experience, particularly when managing multiple children. It encourages parents to think ahead and make decisions that positively impact their family’s lives. Inspired by Ayn Rand’s insights, parents find motivation in their children’s curiosity, enhance their decision-making skills, and discover the power of effective time management. Through parenthood, individuals undergo personal growth and transformation, ultimately experiencing the profound joy of nurturing and loving a family.

atlas shrugged

Being motivated by curiosity or action

She suggests that this behavior is great to have, especially when you have kids. Kids, especially toddlers, are curious beings and will try anything. If your child is like this, you will be motivated to teach them certain things that can help them learn about life.

Ayn Rand, the influential author and philosopher, believed in the power of motivation driven by curiosity and action. In her works, including “Atlas Shrugged,” she emphasized the significance of these traits in shaping human behavior and achieving greatness. Let’s delve deeper into this concept and explore how it relates to parenthood.

Curiosity is a natural human trait that sparks a desire to explore, learn, and understand the world around us. In the context of parenting, observing the innate curiosity of children can be profoundly inspiring. Young minds are constantly seeking to unravel the mysteries of life, asking questions, and fearlessly experimenting with new experiences. As parents, witnessing this insatiable thirst for knowledge can ignite a sense of wonder and excitement within ourselves.

When we embrace our children’s curiosity, we become more actively involved in their learning journey. We seek to answer their questions, provide guidance, and offer them opportunities to explore and discover. This proactive approach fosters a deeper connection with our children and encourages a love for learning that extends beyond formal education.

As parents, we can also harness our children’s curiosity as a motivation for self-improvement. When we witness their boundless enthusiasm for learning, it inspires us to expand our own knowledge and engage in lifelong learning. We may find ourselves picking up new hobbies, reading more books, or exploring subjects we once thought were beyond our reach. This shared curiosity between parent and child creates a positive feedback loop, fueling a sense of growth and personal development within the family.

Action, on the other hand, complements curiosity by transforming thoughts and ideas into tangible outcomes. Ayn Rand emphasized that the power of action lies in its ability to bring about change and progress. In the context of parenting, taking action is essential in shaping our children’s upbringing and providing them with the best possible opportunities for growth.

As parents, we are faced with a myriad of decisions and responsibilities on a daily basis. From choosing the right educational path for our children to instilling moral values and discipline, our actions directly impact their development and well-being. Rand’s philosophy encourages us to be proactive in making these decisions and taking responsibility for the consequences.

Parenting requires consistent action and dedication. It is not enough to merely be curious about our children’s development; we must take concrete steps to create a nurturing and supportive environment for them to thrive. From spending quality time with them to providing emotional support and encouragement, our actions as parents shape their sense of security and confidence.

In conclusion, Ayn Rand’s emphasis on being motivated by curiosity and action holds profound relevance in the realm of parenthood. Embracing our children’s curiosity and actively engaging with their learning journey enriches our own lives and deepens the bond between parent and child. Combining curiosity with deliberate action empowers parents to make informed decisions, instill essential values, and create a positive and nurturing environment for their children’s growth and development. Parenthood, guided by the principles of curiosity and action, becomes a journey of mutual discovery and continuous improvement for both parents and their children.

Making Decisions

Being a parent means making decisions- especially for the benefit of your child. This is a behavior that will surely influence you during parenthood.

Ayn Rand’s philosophy emphasizes the significance of individualism and rational self-interest, which has direct implications for decision-making. In the context of parenting, Rand’s ideas encourage parents to make decisions based on objective reasoning and the long-term well-being of their children.

One of the central tenets of Rand’s philosophy is the concept of rational self-interest, which asserts that individuals should act in ways that promote their own happiness and flourishing. Applied to parenthood, this means that parents should consider what is genuinely best for their children while also recognizing and respecting their own needs and values.

When making decisions as parents, Rand encourages a rational approach, free from the influence of societal pressures or irrational emotions. Each child is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Instead, parents should carefully assess their children’s individual strengths, weaknesses, and preferences to make informed decisions that cater to their specific needs.

Parental decision-making also extends to matters such as education, healthcare, and extracurricular activities. Rand’s philosophy suggests that parents should seek out objective information and analyze potential outcomes to make choices that align with their children’s best interests and their own values. Rather than succumbing to external pressures, parents are encouraged to follow a principled approach to decision-making that reflects their family’s individuality and goals.

Rand’s philosophy also emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility. In the context of parenting, this means recognizing that the decisions we make as parents have significant consequences for our children’s lives. Therefore, parents are called to take ownership of their choices and actively engage in their children’s upbringing.

Additionally, Rand’s concept of individualism highlights the importance of respecting the autonomy and individual rights of each family member, including children. While parents have the responsibility to make decisions on behalf of their young children, Rand’s philosophy urges parents to gradually empower their children with the ability to make choices as they grow older, fostering a sense of independence and self-reliance.

Furthermore, Rand’s ideas promote the pursuit of long-term goals and values. Parenthood is a journey filled with challenges, joys, and uncertainties. Rand’s philosophy encourages parents to maintain a focus on their vision of a meaningful family life and to make decisions that contribute to the realization of those values over time.

In conclusion, Ayn Rand’s philosophy provides valuable insights into decision-making in the context of parenting. Rational self-interest, individualism, and personal responsibility are at the core of her ideas, guiding parents to make informed choices that prioritize the well-being and development of their children while also respecting their own values and aspirations. By adopting a principled and objective approach to decision-making, parents can create a nurturing and fulfilling environment that allows their children to thrive and grow into independent, self-reliant individuals.

You Have More Time Than You Think

When you plan and do tasks one step at a time, you will slowly realize that you have more time to do things than you thought. Most parents do not realize this, but if you are organized, you will learn this behavior from parenthood.

Ayn Rand’s philosophy encourages individuals to embrace reason, pursue their self-interest, and make rational choices in life. When applied to the concept of time management and the notion that “You Have More Time Than You Think,” her ideas provide valuable insights for parents who may feel overwhelmed by the demands of raising a family.

In the context of parenting, it is not uncommon for parents to feel as though there are never enough hours in the day to accomplish all their tasks and responsibilities. However, Rand’s philosophy urges individuals to approach time management with reason and objectivity.

One aspect of Rand’s philosophy is the emphasis on setting clear values and goals. For parents, this means defining what is most important for their family and their children’s well-being. By identifying these priorities, parents can better allocate their time and resources to activities that align with their values, avoiding wasteful distractions.

Moreover, Rand encourages individuals to approach tasks and projects with purposeful action and efficiency. Often, procrastination and time wastage stem from indecisiveness or a lack of clear direction. Rand’s philosophy suggests that by making deliberate decisions and taking decisive action, parents can optimize their use of time and achieve more in their daily lives.

In addition, Rand’s concept of individualism encourages parents to recognize their own needs and well-being. Self-care is crucial for parents, as it enables them to maintain their physical and mental health, thereby increasing their productivity and overall satisfaction with life. By taking time to recharge and attend to their own needs, parents can approach their responsibilities with renewed energy and focus.

Furthermore, Rand’s philosophy highlights the importance of being present in the moment and fully engaging in one’s activities. This mindset of mindfulness and focus allows parents to make the most of each moment, avoiding distractions and maximizing their productivity.

Rand’s individualist perspective also emphasizes the value of personal achievements and accomplishments. For parents, this means acknowledging and celebrating their progress, no matter how small. Recognizing the incremental steps taken toward achieving goals can provide motivation and a sense of satisfaction, dispelling the notion of being perpetually pressed for time.

In conclusion, Ayn Rand’s philosophy provides a fresh perspective on time management in the context of parenting. By setting clear values and goals, making purposeful decisions, and being mindful of their own well-being, parents can discover that they indeed have more time than they initially believed. Embracing reason, efficiency, and self-care allows parents to approach their responsibilities with confidence and balance, making the most of their precious moments with their family. Through the application of Rand’s ideas, parents can navigate the challenges of parenting with a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment.


If you aren’t used to multitasking, you will be soon enough! Having kids means doing things one step at a time- at the same time!

Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism does not directly address the concept of multitasking as it is understood in the context of productivity or time management. However, we can explore how certain aspects of Rand’s ideas may intersect with the idea of multitasking.

At the core of Objectivism is the importance of reason and individualism. Rand advocates for the pursuit of rational self-interest and the use of one’s mind to make informed decisions. In this context, multitasking can be viewed as a practical means for individuals to manage their time and resources efficiently, enabling them to pursue their values and goals more effectively.

Multitasking involves handling multiple tasks or activities simultaneously or in quick succession. From an Objectivist perspective, the ability to multitask can be seen as an expression of an individual’s rationality and capacity to prioritize and manage their responsibilities.

For example, as parents, the demands of raising a family can be varied and continuous. Multitasking can be a valuable skill that allows parents to attend to different aspects of their children’s needs, household chores, and personal endeavors without losing sight of their values and long-term goals.

However, it’s essential to recognize that multitasking has its limitations. Research has shown that multitasking can lead to reduced productivity, increased errors, and a loss of focus on important tasks. While Rand’s philosophy values rationality and efficiency, it also emphasizes the importance of focus and the full engagement of one’s mind in any given task.

In the context of multitasking, Objectivism encourages individuals to exercise rational judgment and prioritize their activities based on their values and goals. This means recognizing when multitasking is beneficial and when it may lead to a loss of focus or a decrease in the quality of work.

Moreover, Rand’s philosophy stresses the significance of valuing one’s time and using it purposefully. In this sense, multitasking can be seen as a means of optimizing time utilization and achieving more in a given period. However, Objectivism also reminds individuals to take time for self-care, introspection, and relaxation to ensure their mental and emotional well-being.

In conclusion, while Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism does not explicitly address multitasking, some of its underlying principles can be applied to the concept. By embracing reason, rational self-interest, and efficient time management, individuals can employ multitasking as a tool to achieve their values and goals. However, Objectivism also encourages individuals to be mindful of the potential drawbacks of multitasking and to prioritize focus and purpose in their actions.

About Ayn Rand:

Ayn Rand (1905-1982) was a Russian-American novelist, philosopher, and playwright. She was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, and later moved to the United States in 1926. Rand is best known for developing the philosophical system of Objectivism and for writing several influential novels that promote her ideas.

Her most famous works include:

  1. “The Fountainhead” (1943): This novel tells the story of an individualistic and innovative architect, Howard Roark, who refuses to compromise his artistic vision and faces challenges in a society that often rewards conformity over individuality.
  2. “Atlas Shrugged” (1957): Considered Rand’s magnum opus, this novel presents a dystopian society where a collectivist government oppresses productive individuals and innovators. It advocates for rational self-interest and celebrates individual achievement and entrepreneurial spirit.

Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism encompasses her views on metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics. Objectivism champions the importance of reason as the only means of acquiring knowledge, the pursuit of self-interest as a moral virtue, individual rights as the foundation of a just society, and the value of rational self-esteem and pride.

Throughout her life, Rand was a controversial figure, attracting both devoted followers and strong critics. Her ideas have had a profound impact on various fields, including economics, politics, and literature. She founded the philosophy known as Objectivism, which continues to influence discussions on individual rights, capitalism, and the role of government in society.

Ayn Rand’s novels and philosophical writings have garnered a wide readership and continue to be discussed and debated to this day. Her emphasis on individualism, reason, and the value of the human mind has left a lasting legacy in the realms of literature and philosophy.

About Julee: Julee Morrison is an experienced author with 35 years of expertise in parenting and recipes. She is the author of four cookbooks: The Instant Pot College Cookbook, The How-To Cookbook for Teens, The Complete Cookbook for Teens, and The Complete College Cookbook. Julee is passionate about baking, crystals, reading, and family. Her writing has appeared in The LA Times (Bon Jovi Obsession Goes Global), Disney's Family Fun Magazine (August 2010, July 2009, September 2008), and My Family Gave Up Television (page 92, Disney Family Fun August 2010). Her great ideas have been featured in Disney's Family Fun (Page 80, September 2008) and the Write for Charity book From the Heart (May 2010). Julee's work has also been published in Weight Watchers Magazine, All You Magazine (Jan. 2011, February 2011, June 2013), Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine (Oct. 2011), Red River Family Magazine (Jan. 2011),, and more. Notably, her article "My Toddler Stood on Elvis' Grave and Scaled Over Boulders to Get to a Dinosaur" made AP News, and "The Sly Way I Cured My Child's Lying Habit" was featured on PopSugar. When she's not writing, Julee enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new baking recipes.
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