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What is a PVR Test?

Blood pressure level is one of the brightest indicators of health status. Most often, the need to take the PVR test is remembered for cardiovascular system diseases. One of the most common diseases on earth is hypertension. Hypertension can lead to heart attack, stroke, and other diseases and disorders of the cardiovascular system. Arterial hypertension is very often asymptomatic.

In fact, everyone should know all about their pressure, because it changes for different reasons. Blood pressure must be kept under control. A healthy person takes PVR tests from time to time —  when he feels unwell.

You should do this regularly when:

  • diagnosed hypertension (high blood pressure) and hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • cerebrovascular disorders;
  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • significant physical exertion (for athletes, people engaged in hard work)

Devices that help to undergo the PVR tests are called tonometers.

They are mechanical and electronic.

The former are gradually disappearing, although they can still be found in clinics.

The latter is widely used in homes.

Outwardly, their actions are similar; work and labor intensity principles differ.

Heart beat line end of life

What is a PVR test, and how is it performed?

The accuracy of the readings when measuring pressure depends on the observance of certain rules and conditions:

  • You need to measure blood pressure on an empty stomach or 1–1.5 hours after eating.
  • Caffeine, tobacco, alcohol must not be consumed at least half an hour before the measurement.
  • It is recommended to empty the bladder before measuring the pressure.
  • It is recommended to sit down and rest 5 minutes before the measurement.
  • When measuring pressure, it is necessary to take a comfortable posture: sit, lean back in a chair or chair, relax your hand, and position it so that the elbow is somewhere at the level of the heart. Legs should also be relaxed and on the floor. It is undesirable to cross them.
  • The cuff of the tonometer must be carefully secured to the bare skin of the arm: the lower edge of the cuff should be located approximately 3-4 centimeters above the elbow. If the cuff is not properly attached, measurements will not be accurate.
  • Do not inflate the cuff too much to the point of pain. This in itself can provoke a rise in pressure.

Be aware that blood pressure can change throughout the day, as many factors (including emotions, medications, even food, and drink) can temporarily affect blood pressure.

How to correctly undergo the PVR test for legs

Is it possible to measure the pressure on the leg? Doctors measure pressure on the lower extremities only in some cases:

  • The symptomatology and general manifestation of the disease do not allow a 100% correct diagnosis to be established.
  • For the purpose of determining the ankle-brachial index.
  • To identify the degree of narrowing of the blood arteries located in the legs.

As a rule, the PVR test for legs is used only in the elderly and patients of mature age – young patients and children only need to conduct a manual examination.



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