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Safety Tips for Your College-Bound Student

Sending your children off to college can be an anxiety-inducing experience for both parents and students alike. It not only involves a significant financial commitment, but it also entails worries about entrusting your kids to the unfamiliar and potentially risky world outside the safety of home. While you hope that you have equipped them with the necessary knowledge and skills to make sound decisions, your primary concern as a parent is their well-being and safety amidst the various dangers they may encounter. While you want your children to make the most of their college experience, it’s crucial to ensure they navigate it safely until graduation. Here are our best safety tips for your college-bound student.

Safety Tips for Your College-Bound Student

Here are some vital safety tips you should impart to your kids before they embark on their college journey.

Emphasize the buddy system:

The principle of safety in numbers can be applied to college life, particularly in social situations like parties. While you may encourage your children to avoid the party scene, it’s challenging to enforce this rule. However, you can emphasize the importance of bringing a friend along. Advise them to watch out for each other, avoid accepting open drinks from strangers, and never walk alone on campus at night.

Emphasizing the importance of the buddy system to your college-bound student is crucial for their safety and well-being.

Here are some effective ways to communicate and reinforce this concept:

  1. Open and honest conversation: Initiate an open dialogue with your student about the potential risks and challenges they may face in college. Discuss the importance of looking out for one another and the benefits of having a trusted friend by their side in social situations.
  2. Share real-life examples: Talk about news stories or personal anecdotes that highlight the risks associated with being alone in unfamiliar environments. By illustrating the potential dangers and emphasizing how the buddy system could have made a difference, you can effectively convey the importance of this safety strategy.
  3. Discuss specific scenarios: Engage your student in hypothetical situations to help them understand how the buddy system can mitigate risks. For example, discuss scenarios like attending parties, walking alone at night, or going to unfamiliar places. Encourage them to brainstorm strategies for staying safe by utilizing the buddy system.
  4. Encourage mutual responsibility: Emphasize that being part of a buddy system entails reciprocal responsibility. Explain that both individuals in the partnership should actively look out for each other’s well-being. Encourage your student to be a reliable and trustworthy buddy themselves.
  5. Set expectations and guidelines: Clearly communicate your expectations regarding social activities and the buddy system. While you may not be able to enforce their choices directly, expressing your concerns and setting guidelines will help them understand the importance you place on their safety.
  6. Provide practical tips: Offer practical advice for implementing the buddy system effectively. Encourage your student to establish a communication plan with their buddy, establish check-in times, and establish a code word or signal if they ever feel uncomfortable or need assistance.
  7. Share resources and support: Provide your student with campus resources related to safety, such as campus security contacts, emergency phone locations, or safety apps specific to their college. Inform them about support networks like student organizations or campus safety programs that promote the buddy system.
  8. Lead by example: Demonstrate the importance of the buddy system in your own life. Share stories of times when you relied on a friend or partner for support and safety. By modeling this behavior, you show your student the value of the buddy system in various contexts.
  9. Reiterate trust and support: Assure your student that you trust their judgment and decision-making abilities. Reinforce the idea that the buddy system is an additional layer of protection and support, rather than a reflection of mistrust. Let them know that they can always reach out to you for guidance or assistance.
  10. Follow-up and ongoing reminders: As your student prepares to leave for college, periodically remind them of the importance of the buddy system. Encourage open communication so that they feel comfortable discussing any concerns or experiences they have along the way.

By consistently communicating the benefits of the buddy system and providing practical guidance, you can help your college-bound student internalize this safety strategy and make it an integral part of their college experience.

Familiarize them with campus services:

Make sure your children are aware of the campus security services and have the security office’s number programmed into their cell phones. Additionally, inform them about the locations of call boxes scattered across campus. Most colleges also have health services, so it’s essential for students to know where they can seek medical assistance if needed, even for minor issues. Since colleges typically charge a fee for these services, encourage your children to make the most of them.

To familiarize your college-bound student with campus services, consider the following steps:

  1. Orientation programs: Many colleges offer orientation programs for incoming students. These programs typically include information sessions about campus services. Encourage your student to actively participate in these sessions to learn about the various resources available to them.
  2. Campus website and materials: Direct your student to explore the college’s website and review any printed materials they receive. These resources often provide detailed information about campus services, including contact information, hours of operation, and the types of assistance they offer.
  3. Campus tour: If possible, visit the campus together or arrange for your student to take a campus tour. During the tour, ask the guide to highlight the location and availability of important services such as security offices, health centers, counseling services, academic support centers, and other relevant facilities.
  4. Contact information: Ensure your student has important contact information readily available. This includes the phone numbers for campus security, health services, counseling services, academic advisors, and any other departments or resources they may need.
  5. Mobile apps and online portals: Many colleges provide mobile apps or online portals for students, which often include information about campus services. Encourage your student to download any relevant apps or access online platforms to familiarize themselves with available resources.
  6. Campus security: Discuss the role of campus security and its importance in ensuring a safe environment. Make sure your student has the campus security number programmed into their phone and knows the location of the security office and any emergency call boxes on campus.
  7. Health services: Inform your student about the availability of health services on campus. Discuss the types of care they provide, whether it’s routine check-ups, treatment for minor illnesses, or mental health support. Advise your student to have their health insurance information readily accessible and understand the processes for scheduling appointments or seeking medical assistance.
  8. Counseling and support services: Talk about the availability of counseling services and support systems on campus. Inform your student about the role of counselors, the importance of seeking help when needed, and the confidentiality of these services. Emphasize that counseling services are there to support their mental well-being throughout their college journey.
  9. Academic support centers: Highlight the presence of academic support centers such as writing centers, tutoring services, or study groups. Explain how these resources can help with coursework, enhance learning, and provide assistance when needed. Encourage your student to utilize these services whenever they encounter academic challenges.
  10. Fee utilization: Discuss how the fees they pay to the college often cover access to these services. Encourage your student to make the most of the resources available to them since they are essentially paying for them. This perspective may motivate them to take advantage of campus services.

By guiding your college-bound student through these steps, you can help them become familiar with the various campus services and ensure they know where to turn for support and assistance when needed.

Prioritize personal safety:

Being cautious is vital, but sometimes students need to actively avoid or defend themselves against potential threats. Enroll your children in personal safety courses before they leave for college to equip them with basic self-defense skills. Consider providing them with pepper spray, a non-lethal deterrent that can buy them precious time to escape if they are ever confronted by an attacker.

To help your college-bound student prioritize personal safety, consider the following strategies:

  1. Open and honest conversations: Initiate regular conversations about personal safety, emphasizing its importance in various aspects of college life. Discuss potential risks and challenges they may encounter and brainstorm strategies together to mitigate those risks.
  2. Provide practical advice: Share practical safety tips that your student can implement in their daily routine. These may include locking doors and windows, being aware of their surroundings, trusting their instincts, avoiding isolated areas at night, and securing their personal belongings.
  3. Encourage self-defense training: Suggest enrolling your student in self-defense courses or workshops before they head off to college. Learning basic self-defense techniques can boost their confidence and provide them with practical skills to protect themselves if necessary.
  4. Discuss alcohol and substance use: Have honest conversations about the risks associated with alcohol and substance use. Educate your student about responsible drinking, the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption, and the importance of being aware of their limits. Encourage them to make informed decisions and watch out for their friends in social situations involving alcohol.
  5. Encourage responsible socializing: Talk about the importance of responsible socializing and making wise choices in social settings. Discuss strategies like using the buddy system, staying with trusted friends, not accepting drinks from strangers, and knowing their limits when it comes to alcohol.
  6. Establish communication protocols: Set expectations for regular check-ins with your student. Encourage them to let you know their plans, especially if they are going to be out late or attending events off-campus. Establish open lines of communication so that they feel comfortable reaching out to you if they encounter any safety concerns.
  7. Utilize campus safety resources: Familiarize your student with the safety resources available on campus, such as campus security, emergency call boxes, and safety apps. Ensure they have the necessary phone numbers programmed into their phone and understand how to access these services if needed.
  8. Stay informed about campus safety: Keep yourself updated on campus safety initiatives, crime prevention programs, and any safety alerts issued by the college. Share relevant information with your student, and encourage them to subscribe to safety notifications provided by the college.
  9. Encourage responsible use of social media: Discuss the importance of maintaining privacy and being cautious about what they share on social media. Advise them to avoid sharing sensitive personal information and to adjust privacy settings to limit access to their profiles.
  10. Lead by example: Model responsible behavior and personal safety practices in your own life. Your student is more likely to adopt these behaviors if they see you prioritizing personal safety and making informed decisions.

By consistently reinforcing the importance of personal safety and providing guidance on specific strategies, you can help your college-bound student develop a proactive and responsible approach to personal safety throughout their college experience.

Stress the importance of fire safety:

During your campus visits, pay attention to evidence of proper fire safety measures such as smoke detectors, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, and clearly marked exit signs. Inquire if the dormitories conduct mandatory fire drills. Encourage your children to regularly test the smoke alarms in their rooms and actively participate in fire drills. These simple actions can potentially save their lives in the event of a fire emergency.

Stressing the importance of fire safety to your college-bound student is crucial because it can potentially save lives and prevent devastating consequences.

Here are several reasons why you should emphasize fire safety:

  1. Life-saving measures: Fires can spread rapidly and pose significant risks to personal safety. By stressing the importance of fire safety, you empower your student to take proactive steps to protect themselves and others in the event of a fire. Understanding fire safety measures can significantly increase their chances of escaping unharmed or helping others do the same.
  2. Knowledge of evacuation procedures: By highlighting fire safety, your student will become familiar with evacuation procedures specific to their college campus. They will learn the locations of emergency exits, fire extinguishers, and alarm systems. This knowledge enables them to respond quickly and effectively in case of an emergency, ensuring a swift and orderly evacuation.
  3. Fire prevention practices: Emphasizing fire safety helps your student become aware of practices that can prevent fires from occurring in the first place. They will learn about the importance of not leaving cooking appliances unattended, using electrical equipment responsibly, avoiding overloading power outlets, and being cautious with flammable materials. Such awareness reduces the likelihood of fire incidents. FEMA has some great fire safety tips for college students.
  4. Fire alarm familiarity: By discussing fire safety, you can educate your student about the significance of smoke alarms and the importance of regularly testing them. They will understand that functioning smoke detectors are critical for early detection of fires, giving them valuable time to escape safely. Encourage your student to test the smoke alarms in their room regularly to ensure they are in proper working order.
  5. Dormitory and campus safety protocols: Many colleges have specific fire safety protocols in place, including mandatory fire drills in dormitories and throughout the campus. By stressing the importance of fire safety, your student will understand the significance of participating in these drills and following the instructions provided by college staff during emergencies. Complying with safety protocols enhances personal safety and contributes to a safer campus environment.
  6. Protection of personal belongings: In addition to personal safety, fire safety education can help your student understand the importance of protecting their personal belongings. Emphasize the significance of having renter’s insurance and maintaining an inventory of their possessions. This knowledge ensures they are prepared in the event of fire-related property damage or loss.
  7. Responsiveness during emergencies: Fire safety education instills a sense of responsibility and readiness in your student. They will be better equipped to handle emergency situations calmly and take appropriate action, such as alerting authorities, assisting others in need, and providing accurate information during emergency calls.
  8. Preparation for future scenarios: Understanding fire safety is relevant during college and prepares your student for fire safety practices they will encounter throughout their lives. The knowledge and skills they gain in college can be applied in various settings, such as apartments, workplaces, or their own future homes, ensuring their safety and that of others.

By stressing the importance of fire safety, you empower your college-bound student with the knowledge and tools needed to respond effectively in fire-related emergencies. This knowledge can make a significant difference in their personal safety and the well-being of others around them.

Prioritize academics:

While this advice falls more under the umbrella of success in college rather than personal safety, it’s crucial to remind your children of the primary purpose of their education—to pass classes and earn a degree. Encourage them to prioritize their studies over other extracurricular activities such as mixers, pledging, clubs, and parties. While it’s true that students who struggle with responsibility can pursue online programs like an MBA or a master’s in education from home, it’s important to instill a sense of responsibility and discipline by insisting they focus on their studies. Gradually encouraging them to take ownership of their academic pursuits will contribute to their growth as responsible adults.

Helping your college-bound student prioritize academics is crucial for their success and overall college experience.

Here are some strategies to support them in this aspect:

  1. Set clear expectations: Clearly communicate your expectations regarding their academic performance and emphasize the importance of prioritizing their studies. Discuss the significance of attending classes, completing assignments on time, and actively participating in discussions. Make it clear that academic achievement should be a primary focus during their college years.
  2. Establish a routine: Encourage your student to establish a consistent daily or weekly routine that includes dedicated study time. Help them create a schedule that allows for sufficient time to attend classes, complete assignments, review material, and prepare for exams. Emphasize the importance of time management and balancing academic commitments with other activities.
  3. Encourage active learning strategies: Promote active learning strategies such as taking detailed notes, engaging in class discussions, participating in study groups, and seeking clarification when needed. Encourage your student to be proactive in their learning process, asking questions and seeking additional resources or support when necessary.
  4. Set goals and track progress: Help your student set specific academic goals for each semester or academic year. Encourage them to break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Regularly check in with them to discuss their progress and offer support or guidance as needed. Celebrate achievements along the way to keep them motivated.
  5. Support time management skills: Assist your student in developing effective time management skills. Help them prioritize tasks, avoid procrastination, and break down assignments into manageable chunks. Encourage them to use tools such as planners, calendars, or digital apps to stay organized and meet deadlines.
  6. Utilize campus resources: Familiarize your student with the academic support services available on campus, such as tutoring centers, writing centers, or academic advisors. Encourage them to take advantage of these resources whenever they need additional assistance or guidance. Remind them that seeking help is a sign of strength and proactive academic engagement.
  7. Create a conducive study environment: Help your student create a study environment that promotes focus and productivity. Encourage them to find a quiet space, minimize distractions, and establish a routine that aligns with their optimal study preferences. If possible, provide them with the necessary tools and resources, such as a comfortable desk, good lighting, and access to relevant textbooks or online materials.
  8. Emphasize the long-term benefits: Discuss the long-term benefits of prioritizing academics, such as acquiring knowledge, developing critical thinking skills, and building a strong foundation for future career opportunities or further education. Help your student understand the value of their education beyond immediate academic requirements.
  9. Encourage balance and self-care: While prioritizing academics is important, remind your student to maintain a healthy balance in their life. Encourage them to engage in extracurricular activities, physical exercise, and social interactions. Stress the significance of self-care, including sufficient sleep, healthy eating, and stress management techniques, to support their overall well-being and academic performance.
  10. Lead by example: Demonstrate the importance of prioritizing academics by modeling a strong work ethic and a commitment to lifelong learning. Share stories of your own educational experiences and how academic achievements have positively impacted your life.

By implementing these strategies, you can help your college-bound student understand the importance of prioritizing academics and equip them with the tools and mindset needed to succeed academically.

Final Thoughts

By imparting these safety tips and reinforcing responsible behavior, you can help ease the concerns associated with sending your children off to college. While it’s impossible to shield them from all the challenges they may encounter, empowering them with knowledge, skills, and a safety-oriented mindset will give you both peace of mind as they embark on this new chapter in their lives.

Here are some essential safety tips for college-bound students: 1) Use the buddy system, especially in social situations and when walking alone at night. 2) Familiarize yourself with campus services like security and health facilities. Save emergency numbers in your phone and know where call boxes are located. 3) Prioritize personal safety by enrolling in self-defense courses, carrying pepper spray, and being aware of your surroundings. 4) Practice fire safety by knowing evacuation procedures, participating in fire drills, and regularly checking smoke alarms. 5) Prioritize academics by setting clear goals, establishing a routine, and utilizing campus resources for academic support. Remember to find a balance between academics and self-care.

About Julee: Julee Morrison is an experienced author with 35 years of expertise in parenting and recipes. She is the author of four cookbooks: The Instant Pot College Cookbook, The How-To Cookbook for Teens, The Complete Cookbook for Teens, and The Complete College Cookbook. Julee is passionate about baking, crystals, reading, and family. Her writing has appeared in The LA Times (Bon Jovi Obsession Goes Global), Disney's Family Fun Magazine (August 2010, July 2009, September 2008), and My Family Gave Up Television (page 92, Disney Family Fun August 2010). Her great ideas have been featured in Disney's Family Fun (Page 80, September 2008) and the Write for Charity book From the Heart (May 2010). Julee's work has also been published in Weight Watchers Magazine, All You Magazine (Jan. 2011, February 2011, June 2013), Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine (Oct. 2011), Red River Family Magazine (Jan. 2011),, and more. Notably, her article "My Toddler Stood on Elvis' Grave and Scaled Over Boulders to Get to a Dinosaur" made AP News, and "The Sly Way I Cured My Child's Lying Habit" was featured on PopSugar. When she's not writing, Julee enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new baking recipes.
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