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Rock N’ Learn Sight Words DVD Made My Kid a Rock Star!

School has been in session for almost one month. This is a post about Li’l Man, a video and Kindergarten Assessment.

Throughout the Summer, Li’l Man’s “homework” was to watch Rock N’ Learn Phonics Volume 1 and Volume 2.

He did so faithfully. Sure, there were times he whined and complained, but it was because it was a “sunny day” and had nothing to do with watching the videos.

Then the first week of school, Li’l Man went in for his Kindergarten Assessment.

After thirty minutes, I was called in by the teacher to review where he is and discuss her goals for the year in teaching him.

I owe great gratitude to the folks that created Rock N’ Learn, Li’l Man was the only child to be tested that could READ.

He could read his sight words.

He had great accuracy in the beginning sound/letter of words.

The teacher was incredibly impressed.

rock and learn sightwords dvd cover with cartoon graphic of man

That same week, this brand new DVD from Rock ‘N Learn, Sight Words, was sent to us to review.

Sight words are the most frequently used words in the English language, and this DVD helps students read them automatically. 

As a supplement to phonics-based strategies, Rock ‘N Learn  Sight Words boosts reading and spelling skills. 

Children learn over 60 sight words through engaging characters, entertaining songs, and fun practice. 

Words are presented in context to help build reading comprehension. 

These printables from includes all pre-primer Dolch words, the top 20 from Fry’s, and more.

Like the other Rock N’ Learn videos, Sight Words uses catchy tunes, singing words, and animation to help children ages pre-K and older learn to read.

There are great interactive activities like reading games with WordBot, a word treasure hunt, reading sentences, and eventually reading a story.

Chip is Li’l Man’s favorite Rock N Learn character.

The repetitive tunes have LI’l Man singing along and understanding the lesson.

The Rock N’ Learn Sight Words DVD is approximately 30-minutes in length.

There are also two bonus sections: Word Shapes–introduces the shape of all sight words on the DVD, spells them, and interacts with children by asking them to trace the letters in the air or write them on paper.

The second bonus section is “T-H-E” (explains and uses examples of the proper pronunciation of the word “the”–Li’l Man spells t-h-e and then tells me, “like The ocean.”

Hearing the results from my son’s teacher truly made me a believer in Rock N’ Learn.

The progress he has made in a few short months using the Phonics is impressive, and after three weeks of watching the Rock ‘N Learn Sight Words DVD, it’s a program I am sharing with everyone.

My five year old can read many words during our reading time, and he is writing words on his pictures.

To be the mom of the only child in his class to read sight words for his assessment is a very proud Mommy Moment.

Rock N’ Learn Sight Words is available through their website for $19.99. Rock N’ Learn also offers an assortment of other DVDs, audio CDs, and even iPad apps for specific subjects and grade levels.

Plus, they offer a myriad of other DVD’s, audio CD’s, and iPad apps for particular grade levels and subjects.

What are you waiting for? Help your kiddo be a rock star in any subject with Rock N’ Learn. Use code: JQ7711 to save 25% at check out!


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