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5-Ingredient Air Fryer Recipes Book Review

What if the recipes for your favorite fried food came with a short list of readily available, familiar ingredients, minimal preparation and little time? It would be perfect! ‘That’s just what 5-Ingredient Air Fryer Recipes is about. All the recipes in the book require no more than five ingredients (excluding salt, pepper, water and cooking spray) and- apart from a small few can be made in just 15-20 minutes with minimal preparation.

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5 Tips to Being a Great Party Host

Do you always put your best efforts in hosting parties yet feel like you’re better off being a guest than a host? It isn’t all about who has the most number of dishes in a buffet or the most expensive cutlery on display. Sometimes a few simple tips can help you a great deal in becoming a good host. Here are five easy ways to ace your hosting game.

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