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Happy New Year

January! I celebrate this month because it’s welcomed after the hustle and bustle of the holidays. It’s the time when we get to move more slowly through our days. The running isn’t as frantic and the rush seems to have been left behind with all the wrapping paper. It’s a month when I feel more connected to my children.

We are having unusual weather. The air is cool but there is no snow. The ground is semi-frozen allowing the day to be inside and outside and eliminating the crank of cabin fever.

The evenings are chilly and our beds are bundled in layers of blanket. They’re perfect for snuggling and lounging.

Our noses are pressed against the window pane waiting for that snowfall that seems to magically change our familiar world into one of magic and excitement. Yet we are content with how things are. We like the freedom of inside and outside. The ability to run amuck and return to the comfort of our home.

I can’t say I miss the dripping rhythm of soggy mittens, wet hats and drenched snow pants dangling from the rack. I do, however, miss the celebration of our first snowman of the year. His lop-sided body, sculpted by my small children. His uneven arms and silly attire made from whatever a quick scavenger hunt in the yard. The giggles and grins as they pose with their seasonal visitor.

We have cast 2011 into memories. The ending of that chapter wasn’t as joyful as we had planned. Still, there are moments to savor and accomplishments we embrace.

Today we welcomed our fresh start to all things. We hold in our hearts dreams of great things. Adventures waiting to be taken and a journey that we are ready to begin, alone and together.

We thank you for being the continuing growth of Mommy’s Memorandum. For those of you who take the time to write us, we are thankful for that connection. For those that visit often, we are humbled. For those who just found us, welcome.

Whoever you are and wherever your journey leads, we wish you joy, hope, courage and most of all an abundance of love for all the days of 2012.

Happy New Year. Here’s to getting back on track.

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