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How to Choose the Best Electric Wheelchair 

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Choose the Best Electric Wheelchair

In today’s fast-paced world, the manufacturing of electric wheelchairs has witnessed a remarkable surge, thanks to the rapid advancements in technology. With countless products being produced every day, it’s no wonder consumers find themselves overwhelmed and confused when it comes to selecting the perfect electric wheelchair for themselves or their loved ones.

However, fear not, as this comprehensive guide aims to alleviate your concerns and provide you with the knowledge and insights necessary to make an informed decision. By carefully considering various factors and seeking unbiased advice, you can confidently navigate the vast array of options available in the market.

Choosing the best electric wheelchair can be a life-changing decision, offering enhanced mobility, independence, and an improved quality of life. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to find the ideal electric wheelchair that meets your specific needs and preferences.

Moreover, for those seeking the best deals on electric wheelchairs, don’t forget to explore “The Best Power Wheelchairs” section, where you can discover exceptional offers and discounts. Embrace the opportunity to revolutionize your mobility experience by selecting the perfect electric wheelchair with the help of this guide and secure the best deal available today.

man in electric wheelchair watching sun set

How to Choose the Best Electric Wheelchair

What’s A Go-Chair Electric Wheelchair?

It’s a travel power wheelchair. The chair’s designed for your mobility away from home, and it’s typically more compact and lighter than standard electric wheelchairs. However, most e-wheelchairs categorized as “travel” vary widely in weight, size, and portability. Some require some breaking down into separate pieces for transport, making them inconvenient. The best travel wheelchair uses lightweight batteries that you can take aboard public transportation, including aircraft.

The term “Go-Chair” refers to a specific model or brand of electric wheelchair. The Go-Chair is a compact and versatile electric wheelchair designed for individuals seeking mobility assistance. It is known for its maneuverability, ease of use, and portability.

The Go-Chair electric wheelchair is typically characterized by its compact size, making it suitable for indoor and outdoor use. It features a sturdy frame, comfortable seating, and user-friendly controls, allowing individuals with mobility limitations to navigate various environments with ease.

One of the notable features of the Go-Chair electric wheelchair is its ability to maneuver in tight spaces. Its compact design allows it to easily navigate through narrow hallways, doorways, and crowded areas. Additionally, it often incorporates features like a tight turning radius and intuitive joystick controls, enhancing the user’s ability to navigate in confined spaces.

Another advantage of the Go-Chair electric wheelchair is its portability. Many models of the Go-Chair are designed to be easily disassembled or folded, making them convenient for transportation and storage. This portability feature enables users to take their electric wheelchair with them when traveling or visiting different locations.

Overall, the Go-Chair electric wheelchair offers individuals with limited mobility greater independence and the freedom to move around comfortably. Its compact size, maneuverability, and portability make it a popular choice for those seeking a versatile electric wheelchair option.

What Makes Up the Best Travel Electric Wheelchair?

When buying the ideal travel power chair, you need to consider your personal preferences, your lifestyle, and elements like the terrain you need to cover, the transportability of the power chair, and whether you intend to use it for indoor or outdoor purposes. 

When considering the best travel electric wheelchair, several key factors should be taken into account.

Here are some essential components and features to look for:

  1. Portability: The best travel electric wheelchair should be lightweight and easy to transport. Look for models that are designed to be foldable or disassembled for convenient storage and transportation. Consider the weight of the wheelchair and whether it can be easily lifted into a vehicle or carried on public transportation.
  2. Compact Size: Opt for a wheelchair with a compact design that allows easy maneuverability in tight spaces, such as narrow doorways, crowded areas, and airplanes. A wheelchair with a tight turning radius and narrow frame can provide greater accessibility during travel.
  3. Battery Life and Range: Check the battery life and range of the wheelchair to ensure it can meet your travel needs. Look for models that offer sufficient battery power for extended use without frequent recharging. Consider the estimated range of the wheelchair on a single charge and whether it aligns with your intended usage.
  4. Durability and Stability: Travel electric wheelchairs should be sturdy and durable enough to withstand the rigors of travel. Look for models made from high-quality materials that provide stability and support. Ensure that the wheelchair has a solid frame and reliable construction to handle different terrains and surfaces.
  5. Comfort and Adjustability: A comfortable seating position is crucial for long hours of travel. Look for a wheelchair with ergonomic seating, adequate cushioning, and adjustable features to accommodate your specific needs. Consider features like adjustable armrests, footrests, and backrests to ensure optimal comfort.
  6. Safety Features: The best travel electric wheelchair should prioritize safety. Look for features such as anti-tip wheels, reliable braking systems, and sturdy seat belts to ensure stability and security during travel. Consider models with additional safety features like reflectors or lights for increased visibility in low-light conditions.
  7. User-Friendly Controls: Ensure that the electric wheelchair has intuitive and user-friendly controls. Look for a joystick or control panel that is easy to operate, especially for individuals with limited dexterity or hand strength. Ideally, the controls should be accessible and positioned for convenient operation.
  8. Weight Capacity: Consider the weight capacity of the wheelchair to ensure it can safely support your body weight and any additional accessories or luggage you may have during travel. Choose a model that offers a weight capacity that comfortably accommodates your needs.

By considering these factors and finding a balance between portability, durability, comfort, and safety, you can identify the best travel electric wheelchair that suits your specific requirements and enables you to navigate and enjoy your travel experiences with ease.

Simple Guide to the Factors You Should Highly Consider:

#1.The Drive Controls

The most popular form of ‘drive control’ on an electric wheelchair is the joystick mounted on one of the armrests. In theory, it’s supposed to be very straightforward, even though it can sometimes prove to be challenging to get the hang of it. Initially, You may find the controls over or under-sensitive, but you can get your dealer to adjust them to suit your needs. Some companies even offer other models, like the handlebar-style drive controls (that look like the one for a scooter, but smaller), which can be retrofitted your existing chairs.

Drive controls are a crucial aspect to consider when choosing an electric wheelchair, as they directly impact the user’s ability to operate and maneuver the wheelchair effectively.

Here’s why drive controls are an important consideration:

  1. Accessibility and Independence: Drive controls enable individuals with limited mobility or physical disabilities to operate the electric wheelchair independently. Well-designed and user-friendly controls ensure that users can easily start, stop, steer, and navigate the wheelchair without assistance. This promotes a sense of independence and empowerment, allowing individuals to move freely and engage in daily activities with greater autonomy.
  2. Customization and Adaptability: Different individuals have varying needs and abilities when it comes to operating an electric wheelchair. Drive controls should offer customization options to accommodate individual preferences and requirements. Features like adjustable sensitivity, speed settings, and programmable control interfaces allow users to tailor the wheelchair’s response and handling to their specific capabilities and comfort levels.
  3. Maneuverability and Precision: Drive controls greatly influence the maneuverability and precision of the electric wheelchair. Smooth and responsive controls make it easier for users to navigate through tight spaces, make turns, and avoid obstacles. Precise control allows individuals to maneuver the wheelchair with accuracy, ensuring a safe and smooth travel experience, especially in crowded or challenging environments.
  4. Ergonomics and Comfort: Well-designed drive controls prioritize ergonomics and user comfort. They should be positioned within easy reach, allowing users to comfortably operate the wheelchair without straining or overextending their arms or hands. Ergonomic controls reduce fatigue and enhance user comfort during prolonged periods of wheelchair use.
  5. Safety and Emergency Situations: Drive controls play a crucial role in ensuring user safety. The controls should include reliable braking mechanisms to enable quick stops and prevent unintended movements. Additionally, emergency stop buttons or switches should be easily accessible for immediate use in case of any emergencies or unexpected situations.
  6. User-Friendly Operation: Drive controls should be intuitive and easy to understand, even for individuals who may have cognitive impairments or limited experience with technology. Clear labeling, simple interfaces, and logical control layouts enhance usability and reduce the learning curve for operating the electric wheelchair effectively.

Considering the drive controls when selecting an electric wheelchair is essential to ensure that the wheelchair is compatible with the user’s abilities, preferences, and comfort. By choosing a wheelchair with well-designed drive controls, individuals can experience improved mobility, ease of use, and a greater sense of control over their daily activities and movements.

#2.Batteries & Motor Power

Most powered wheelchairs have a brushless motor which offers you with good range, high power-to-weight ratio, excellent speed, and electronic control. (How Stuff Works) When it comes to the battery capacity, you need to ensure that you get one with a massive capacity because they tend to translate to longer travel distances. Nevertheless, it would be best to keep in mind that they will take longer to charge fully. Your best bet is to get an energy-efficient model with a battery that must be charged only once daily.

Batteries and motor power are crucial considerations when choosing an electric wheelchair.

Here’s why they are important:

  1. Range and Endurance: The battery capacity of an electric wheelchair determines its range, which is the distance the wheelchair can travel on a single charge. A larger battery capacity allows for longer trips without the need for frequent recharging. It is important to consider the estimated range of the wheelchair to ensure it aligns with your intended usage and daily activities. If you plan to use the wheelchair for extended periods or travel longer distances, a wheelchair with a higher battery capacity and longer range would be beneficial.
  2. Reliability and Consistency: The quality and performance of the wheelchair’s batteries and motor directly impact the wheelchair’s reliability and consistency of operation. High-quality batteries and a powerful motor ensure consistent power delivery and performance, allowing the wheelchair to operate smoothly and reliably even on challenging terrains or inclines. Choosing a wheelchair with a reputable brand and reliable battery technology can help avoid unexpected power issues and ensure a consistent and dependable mobility experience.
  3. Motor Power and Performance: The motor power of an electric wheelchair determines its speed, acceleration, and ability to handle different terrains. A more powerful motor provides greater torque and responsiveness, allowing the wheelchair to navigate inclines and uneven surfaces with ease. Consider the motor power and torque specifications to ensure the wheelchair can meet your specific mobility needs, whether it’s maneuvering through outdoor environments, tackling hills, or providing a swift and efficient indoor experience.
  4. Weight Capacity: The batteries and motor power should be capable of supporting the weight capacity of the wheelchair. It’s crucial to consider the weight capacity of the wheelchair and ensure that the batteries and motor are designed to handle the load safely. Adequate power is necessary to provide optimal performance and maintain the wheelchair’s stability and control, regardless of the user’s weight or any additional accessories or equipment carried.
  5. Charging and Maintenance: Understanding the battery type and charging requirements is important for convenience and ease of use. Some electric wheelchairs may have removable batteries that can be charged separately, while others may require the wheelchair to be plugged in for charging. Additionally, consider the maintenance requirements of the batteries and motor, such as recommended charging cycles and any necessary upkeep to ensure their longevity and optimal performance.

By considering the batteries and motor power of an electric wheelchair, you can ensure that it offers sufficient range, reliability, performance, and compatibility with your specific mobility needs. This ensures a consistent and enjoyable experience, allowing you to confidently navigate your daily activities with enhanced mobility and independence.

#3.The Wheels & Tires

There are three wheelchair tire options, air-filled, foam-filled, and solid rubber tires. Pneumatic (air-filled) tires offer you smooth rides, but they need more maintenance; while foam-filled and solid tires only require minimal maintenance, but they can be uncomfortable for those bumpy rides. So your preferences should guide you here.

Wheels and tires play a critical role in the overall performance, stability, and comfort of an electric wheelchair.

Here’s why they are important considerations:

  1. Stability and Maneuverability: The design and quality of the wheels directly impact the stability and maneuverability of the electric wheelchair. Larger wheels with a wider base provide better stability, especially when navigating uneven surfaces or obstacles. Look for wheelchairs with sturdy and durable wheels that can handle different terrains, whether it’s indoor floors, outdoor paths, or rougher surfaces. Additionally, consider the wheelchair’s turning radius, as smaller wheels often offer greater maneuverability in tight spaces.
  2. Suspension and Shock Absorption: Wheelchair wheels with built-in suspension systems or shock-absorbing capabilities can significantly enhance user comfort. These features help minimize the impact of uneven surfaces, bumps, and vibrations, providing a smoother and more comfortable ride. Suspension systems improve stability and reduce the risk of jarring movements, ensuring a more pleasant experience, particularly when traversing rough or uneven terrain.
  3. Traction and Grip: The traction and grip of wheelchair tires are essential for maintaining control and stability during various weather conditions or on different surfaces. Look for tires that offer good traction, even on wet or slippery surfaces. Depending on your intended use, consider the type of tire tread, such as solid, pneumatic (air-filled), or foam-filled tires, to ensure optimal traction and grip suitable for your environment and activities.
  4. Durability and Maintenance: Wheelchair wheels and tires should be durable enough to withstand regular use and potential wear and tear. Consider the quality of materials used in their construction, as well as any specific maintenance requirements. Some tires may require periodic inflation or replacement, while others are designed to be maintenance-free. Choosing wheels and tires that are built to last and require minimal upkeep can save time and effort in the long run.
  5. Customization Options: Depending on individual needs and preferences, the ability to customize the wheelchair’s wheels and tires may be important. Some wheelchairs offer options to switch to different types of tires, such as all-terrain or sport-specific tires, to accommodate specific activities or environments. Being able to tailor the wheelchair’s wheels and tires to match your requirements can enhance performance and optimize the wheelchair’s suitability for your lifestyle.

Considering the quality, design, and features of the wheels and tires when selecting an electric wheelchair is crucial for ensuring stability, maneuverability, comfort, and longevity. The right combination of wheels and tires can provide a smooth ride, optimal traction, and increased confidence, allowing you to navigate various terrains and environments with ease.

woman sitting in wheelchair with woman bending down to talk to her


#4. Speed

Most manual wheelchairs travel at a rate of between 4 and 5 miles per hour. However, with technological advancements, electric wheelchairs came through, offering a travel speed of 11.6 to 18 miles per hour. Nonetheless, for you to get a motorized wheelchair with excellent speed, you need to be cautious when selecting the brand. Some brands like ForceMech, Sentire, and EZ Lite motorized wheelchairs offer you the best speed elements for outdoor adventures ranging from 10 to 15 miles per hour. If you’re introverted, you might love an electric wheelchair with an average speed of 4 miles or less per hour.

Speed is an important consideration when choosing an electric wheelchair due to the following reasons:

  1. Efficiency and Time-Saving: A wheelchair with a higher speed capability allows users to move from one location to another more quickly. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who have busy schedules or need to cover longer distances regularly. Increased speed can improve efficiency and save valuable time in accomplishing daily tasks, attending appointments, or engaging in social activities.
  2. Independence and Freedom: Higher speed capability in an electric wheelchair promotes a sense of independence and freedom for users. It enables them to travel at a pace that aligns with their desired level of mobility, reducing reliance on others for transportation or assistance. The ability to move swiftly and autonomously enhances overall independence and improves quality of life.
  3. Enhanced Accessibility: Electric wheelchairs with higher speed capacity can provide better accessibility in various settings. They allow users to keep up with the flow of pedestrian traffic, making it easier to navigate crowded areas such as shopping centers, airports, or busy streets. This can prevent feelings of isolation or exclusion and enable users to actively participate in social activities and events.
  4. Increased Productivity: For individuals using electric wheelchairs in work or professional environments, higher speed can contribute to increased productivity. Being able to move efficiently within the workspace or travel between different areas allows users to complete tasks more effectively and meet deadlines more easily. It supports their ability to actively engage in professional activities and contribute to the workforce.
  5. Personal Preferences and Comfort: The speed of an electric wheelchair can be a personal preference. Some individuals may prefer a faster pace for a more exhilarating and dynamic experience, while others may feel more comfortable with a lower speed. Considering personal comfort levels and preferences when choosing the speed capability of an electric wheelchair is essential for ensuring a positive and enjoyable mobility experience.

However, it’s important to balance speed with safety considerations. It’s crucial to adhere to local traffic regulations, adjust speed according to the environment, and prioritize safety at all times. Always choose a speed that you feel comfortable and confident with, ensuring that it aligns with your abilities and the specific conditions of use.

Ultimately, speed is an important consideration as it impacts efficiency, independence, accessibility, productivity, and personal comfort, allowing individuals to navigate their surroundings more effectively and enhance their overall mobility experience.

#5. Range

Typically, power wheelchairs can travel between 20 to 40 miles. However, there are varied elements that govern the overall speed. These are the battery capacity, the chair’s weight, your weight, the terrain, and gear driven. Wet cell batteries are the most prevalent in increasing range significantly. So be cautious when shopping for one.

Range is an important consideration when choosing an electric wheelchair due to the following reasons:

  1. Independence and Freedom: The range of an electric wheelchair refers to the distance it can travel on a single charge. A larger range allows users to travel longer distances without needing to recharge the wheelchair frequently. This is particularly important for individuals who rely on their electric wheelchair as their primary mode of transportation. A greater range provides more freedom and independence, allowing users to venture out for longer periods without worrying about running out of power.
  2. Daily Activities and Outings: Considering the range is crucial to ensure that the electric wheelchair can meet your daily needs and activities. It enables you to comfortably accomplish tasks, such as running errands, attending appointments, or engaging in recreational activities, without the concern of the battery depleting mid-way. By choosing an electric wheelchair with an appropriate range, you can maintain an active lifestyle and participate in various social, work, and leisure activities.
  3. Travel and Exploration: If you plan to use your electric wheelchair for travel or outdoor adventures, range becomes even more critical. A larger range allows for extended exploration, whether it’s visiting tourist attractions, exploring nature trails, or simply enjoying outdoor excursions. It enables you to confidently explore new environments and make the most of your travel experiences without the need to frequently seek charging stations or interrupt your adventures.
  4. Practicality and Convenience: A longer range minimizes the need for frequent recharging, which translates to greater convenience and practicality. You can rely on the electric wheelchair for more extended periods before needing to find an available power source. This is especially important in situations where access to charging facilities may be limited or unavailable, such as outdoor events, parks, or remote areas.
  5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your electric wheelchair has a sufficient range provides peace of mind and reduces anxiety about unexpectedly running out of battery power. It allows you to focus on enjoying your activities and daily routines without constant concerns about the remaining battery life. A comfortable range ensures that you can confidently navigate your surroundings and handle unexpected detours or longer trips as needed.

When considering the range of an electric wheelchair, it’s essential to factor in your typical usage patterns, travel requirements, and any specific activities you plan to engage in. Selecting an electric wheelchair with a range that aligns with your lifestyle and anticipated needs ensures that you can maintain your desired level of mobility and independence throughout the day.

man in electric wheelchair watching sun set

Final Thoughts

Choosing the best electric wheelchair involves considering several important factors to ensure that it meets your specific needs and enhances your mobility experience. By taking into account aspects such as drive controls, batteries and motor power, wheels and tires, speed, and range, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and requirements.

Drive controls are essential for accessibility, customization, maneuverability, and user comfort. They enable independent operation and ensure a smooth and intuitive experience while using the electric wheelchair. Batteries and motor power determine range, reliability, performance, and the ability to handle various terrains, making them crucial considerations for a dependable and efficient wheelchair.

Wheels and tires directly impact stability, maneuverability, traction, and comfort. Choosing appropriate wheels and tires enhances the overall performance and adaptability of the electric wheelchair, allowing you to navigate different surfaces and environments with ease.

Speed and range considerations are essential for independence, accessibility, productivity, personal comfort, and the ability to cover longer distances. A suitable speed and range empower you to engage in daily activities, maintain an active lifestyle, and travel with confidence.

Ultimately, the best electric wheelchair is the one that addresses your unique requirements, provides optimal comfort and control, and meets your mobility goals. By carefully evaluating these factors and seeking expert advice, you can choose an electric wheelchair that positively impacts your quality of life, enhances your independence, and facilitates your day-to-day activities.

About Julee: Julee Morrison is an experienced author with 35 years of expertise in parenting and recipes. She is the author of four cookbooks: The Instant Pot College Cookbook, The How-To Cookbook for Teens, The Complete Cookbook for Teens, and The Complete College Cookbook. Julee is passionate about baking, crystals, reading, and family. Her writing has appeared in The LA Times (Bon Jovi Obsession Goes Global), Disney's Family Fun Magazine (August 2010, July 2009, September 2008), and My Family Gave Up Television (page 92, Disney Family Fun August 2010). Her great ideas have been featured in Disney's Family Fun (Page 80, September 2008) and the Write for Charity book From the Heart (May 2010). Julee's work has also been published in Weight Watchers Magazine, All You Magazine (Jan. 2011, February 2011, June 2013), Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine (Oct. 2011), Red River Family Magazine (Jan. 2011),, and more. Notably, her article "My Toddler Stood on Elvis' Grave and Scaled Over Boulders to Get to a Dinosaur" made AP News, and "The Sly Way I Cured My Child's Lying Habit" was featured on PopSugar. When she's not writing, Julee enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new baking recipes.
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