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  1. Nothing compares to the unique Barefoot Bandwagon Box experience in the NFL, whether you’re a student or scholar of the gridiron or grapevine. Renowned Barefoot Winemaker Jennifer Wall and MVP Donna Kelce join this invite-only event. With the chance to watch a high-stakes battle of brothers game as the Eagles take on the Chiefs in an NFL experience that goes beyond typical stadium seating all while learning what it takes to be a novice sommelier scholar.
  2. MVP Guest List includes My hubby, sister, son, & his wife as a winning roster, adding to the gameday much like wine adds to a meal.
  3. The Bandwagon Box Game-Day Gains: A 1st family NFL game live from VIP seats and epic action views, ideal wines to pair with gameday treats & cheers with Wall’s guidance. Foster grand memories, photos/stories to cement our status as ardent football & Barefoot Wine fans. Enjoy bragging rights to rival Super Bowl glory or a Decanter Wine Award. A Kelce/Wall exclusive Cleats & Grapes Huddle to seamlessly merge football & vino, taking the Bandwagon from vineyard to end zone with flair.
  4. Our goal from the Bandwagon Box Intricate Playbook of all things football & wine is to score points in Wine Wisdom & Football fanfare. And as a unique game bonus Donna Kelce, a mom to rival NFL players, is the perfect person to give her insight & to explain to us details such as rules, strategy, end zone dance details, number jersey choices, game rituals. Wall, the Host’s winemaker can help perfect our Wine Pairing like the QB perfects his pass, talk strategy in wine selection, share the brand’s eco-conscious & sustainable winemaking practices, teach grapes & their regions, oak barrel selection & the art of blending.

Such knowledge promises a lifetime of rich experiences & goes beyond the simple wine glasses & the game, improving our future game days’ quality & widening its effect on the many facets of life.

Let us raise a glass with other football and wine enthusiasts in the elite Bandwagon Box in a toast to the perfect pair: touchdowns & wine pairings! A one-of-a-kind quest where the elegance of wine and game day action collide to celebrate 2 amazing cultures. Cheers!

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