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Do You Have a Bored Dog? Here’s What You Can Do to Entertain Them

Entertain Your Bored Dog: Actionable Tips to Beat the Boredom

Do you have a dog at home? Do you sometimes see them doing nothing for most of the time? Though some dogs love to sleep, you need to learn how to differentiate such tendencies from boredom. Boredom in dogs translates to negative effects on their overall well-being. A bored dog will likely bark a lot. They also tend to commit mischief left and right. In worse cases, they develop destructive behavior. So how do you properly deal with your dog’s boredom? Continue reading below to find out how.

Do You Have a Bored Dog? Here's What You Can Do to Entertain Them

Do You Have a Bored Dog? Here’s What You Can Do to Entertain Them

Dealing with a Bored Dog the Right Way 

Apart from determining your dog’s boredom, you also need to put in some work to counter the source of your pet’s lethargy. Here are ten tips that will help excite and entertain your dog.

1. Exercise is a Must

Does your dog stay indoors all day? Then your pet badly needs to go outdoors and get some exercise. Bored dogs have so much energy that is waiting to come out. All they need is an avenue to release that pent-up energy. The goal is to walk your dog for at least 45 minutes a day. Do this in the morning if possible. If you do not have the luxury of time, start small. Ten to 15 minutes of walking is a good start. Slowly build it up as the weeks go by. You can also take your pet to the dog park. There, you can run around obstacles in the presence of other dogs. Tire your pet out. Remember that a tired dog is a good dog, so they say.

Exercise is crucial when dealing with a bored dog for several reasons:

  1. Physical outlet: Dogs have a natural instinct to move and be active. Regular exercise provides an outlet for their energy and helps them stay physically fit. Dogs may become restless, frustrated, or develop behavioral problems without enough exercise.
  2. Mental stimulation: Exercise engages a dog’s mind as well as their body. Different environments, scents, and sights provide mental stimulation, preventing boredom. Activities like playing fetch, agility training, or interactive toys challenge their problem-solving abilities and keep them mentally sharp.
  3. Behavioral issues prevention: Boredom often leads to destructive behaviors in dogs. When dogs are left without appropriate mental and physical stimulation, they may resort to excessive chewing, digging, barking, or other undesirable behaviors. Regular exercise can help prevent these issues by reducing pent-up energy and providing an outlet for natural behaviors.
  4. Bonding and socialization: Exercise offers an opportunity for owners to bond with their dogs. Engaging in activities together, such as going for walks or playing games, strengthens the human-animal bond. Additionally, exercise can provide socialization opportunities with other dogs and people, improving a dog’s social skills and reducing anxiety.
  5. Overall well-being: Regular exercise contributes to a dog’s overall well-being and happiness. It helps maintain a healthy weight, improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and joints, and releases endorphins, which promote a positive mood. A physically and mentally stimulated dog is generally happier, calmer, and less likely to engage in problem behaviors.

Remember, the amount and type of exercise needed may vary depending on the dog’s breed, age, and health condition. Consulting with a veterinarian or professional dog trainer can help determine your dog’s appropriate exercise regimen. (AKC)

bored dalmation

2. Set Up Dynamic Mealtimes

Like other activities, you can also turn your dog’s mealtimes into a fun activity. There are toys you can use to integrate their meals. Get a paw tricky treat ball from Amazon and stuff it with some treats. As he chases it, the ball will dispense the treats. You can also try the Kong Classic dog toy. You can put some of his wet food inside the toy and have him chew it. If you don’t want to buy those toys, hide his treats in different parts of the house. Instruct him to find those treats.

Setting up dynamic mealtimes can be a helpful strategy when dealing with a bored dog.

Here’s how it can make a positive impact:

  1. Mental stimulation: Instead of simply placing food in a bowl, dynamic mealtimes involve turning mealtime into an interactive and mentally stimulating activity. There are various ways to achieve this, such as using food puzzles, treat-dispensing toys, or scatter feeding. These methods require dogs to work for their food by problem-solving and using their natural instincts, which keeps them engaged and mentally stimulated.
  2. Extended feeding time: By making meals more challenging and interactive, dynamic mealtimes can extend the duration it takes for a dog to consume their food. This can be particularly beneficial for dogs that eat quickly or gulp down their meals. The extended feeding time helps to satisfy their natural chewing and hunting instincts, making the mealtime more enjoyable and preventing boredom.
  3. Physical exercise: Some dynamic feeding methods, such as scatter feeding, require dogs to search for and find their food. This can turn mealtime into a mini treasure hunt, encouraging physical activity and providing an additional outlet for their energy. The physical exercise involved in searching and foraging for food can help tire out a bored dog and reduce restlessness.
  4. Behavior management: Boredom can often lead to destructive or undesirable behaviors, such as excessive chewing or raiding the trash. By incorporating dynamic mealtimes, you provide an alternative and constructive activity for your dog. Engaging their minds and bodies during mealtime can redirect their focus and energy away from destructive behaviors, promoting more positive and appropriate behaviors.
  5. Bonding and training opportunities: Dynamic mealtimes can be used as training sessions or bonding experiences between you and your dog. For example, you can ask your dog to perform basic obedience commands or tricks before receiving their food. This helps reinforce training, strengthen the human-animal bond, and provide an additional mental challenge for your dog.

Remember to supervise your dog during dynamic mealtimes and ensure that the toys or feeding methods used are safe and suitable for your dog’s size and chewing habits. Consulting with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist can provide more guidance on implementing dynamic feeding techniques effectively.

Couch potato - bored dog on pink couch

3. Buy Them New Toys

Even if your dog owns some toys, sooner or later, they will grow tired of them. The solution is to get your dog new ones. Store the old ones and replace them with something new. Make sure to rotate the toys once every two weeks. The key is to break up the monotony.

Buying your dog new toys can help alleviate boredom issues in several ways:

  1. Novelty and excitement: Introducing new toys to your dog’s collection provides novelty and excitement, which can capture their interest and engage them mentally. Dogs, like humans, enjoy new and different things, and presenting them with new toys can pique their curiosity and alleviate boredom.
  2. Mental stimulation: Toys that offer interactive features or puzzle-solving elements can stimulate your dog’s mind. These toys often require problem-solving skills and engage their natural instincts, such as chewing, searching, or manipulating objects. Mental stimulation through toys can help keep your dog’s brain active and prevent boredom-related behaviors.
  3. Physical exercise: Many toys are designed to encourage physical activity and play. Toys that involve chasing, fetching, or tugging can provide opportunities for your dog to engage in exercise, burn off excess energy, and maintain their physical fitness. Regular physical activity through interactive toy play can help combat boredom and promote a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Independent play: Some toys are specifically designed for independent play, allowing your dog to entertain themselves when you’re not available to interact with them directly. These toys may include treat-dispensing toys, puzzle toys, or interactive toys that can keep your dog occupied and mentally engaged even when you’re not around. Independent play can help prevent boredom and reduce the likelihood of destructive behaviors.
  5. Bonding and social interaction: Playing with toys together can strengthen the bond between you and your dog. It provides an opportunity for shared activities, interactive play sessions, and positive reinforcement. Additionally, certain toys, such as interactive toys or toys used in training sessions, can be used to enhance your dog’s training and socialization skills, promoting better behavior and reducing boredom-related issues.

When selecting toys for your dog, consider their size, chewing habits, and preferences. Choose toys that are safe, durable, and appropriate for your dog’s age and breed. Rotating toys and introducing new ones periodically can help maintain your dog’s interest and prevent toy boredom as well.

bored brown dog

4. Play Tug-of-War

Do you spend most of your time at home? Why not play tug-of-war with your pet. This is an excellent game that will physically and mentally challenge your pet. You can use some of his toys for the game. You can also use one of your old t-shirts or fleece. If you have kids, you can add the tug-of-war into their list of indoor activities, especially during winter.

Playing tug-of-war can be a beneficial activity when dealing with a dog’s boredom for several reasons:

  1. Physical exercise: Tug-of-war is an interactive game that requires physical engagement from both you and your dog. It can provide a fun and vigorous workout, helping to burn off excess energy and promote physical fitness. Engaging in physical exercise through tug-of-war can help tire out a bored dog and reduce restlessness.
  2. Mental stimulation: Tug-of-war involves strategic thinking and decision-making for both you and your dog. Your dog needs to understand the rules of the game, such as when to pull and when to release, and you can use commands to direct their actions. This mental stimulation helps keep your dog’s mind active, providing a cognitive challenge and preventing boredom.
  3. Bonding and social interaction: Playing tug-of-war can strengthen the bond between you and your dog. It’s an interactive activity that allows for shared fun and positive reinforcement. It can also serve as a training opportunity, as you can incorporate commands like “drop it” or “leave it” during the game, promoting obedience and reinforcing your role as the pack leader.
  4. Redirecting energy and behavior: Boredom can often lead to destructive behaviors in dogs. Engaging in tug-of-war provides an alternative and constructive outlet for your dog’s energy. By redirecting their focus and energy towards the game, you can help prevent them from engaging in unwanted behaviors, such as excessive chewing or digging.
  5. Confidence-building: Tug-of-war can help boost your dog’s confidence and self-esteem. It allows them to exercise their natural prey drive and tap into their instincts. Success in the game, such as winning a tug or successfully following commands, can reinforce your dog’s confidence, making them feel more secure and satisfied.

It’s important to establish rules and boundaries for tug-of-war to ensure a safe and controlled game. Teach your dog cues for starting and stopping the game, and use appropriate toys designed for tug-of-war to prevent accidental bites or injuries. If your dog has aggression or possessiveness issues, consult with a professional dog trainer to determine if tug-of-war is suitable for your specific dog and to receive guidance on how to play the game safely.

5. Tweak Your Walking Routine

If you take your dog for daily walks, be sure to tweak your walking routine. Taking the same route every single day will bore your pet. What you can do is to explore a different neighborhood. Moreover, you should also consider changing your pace. The more they see new things, the faster they will overcome dog boredom. Make sure to invest in a good leash, especially if your pet does not have good leash manners.

Tweaking your dog’s walk routine can help address their boredom by providing additional mental and physical stimulation.

Here are some ways you can make walks more engaging:

  1. Change routes: Walking the same route every day can become monotonous for both you and your dog. Explore new areas, take different paths, or visit new parks or neighborhoods. Experiencing different scents, sights, and sounds during walks can provide mental stimulation and keep your dog engaged.
  2. Incorporate training exercises: Use your dog’s walk as an opportunity to work on training exercises. Practice basic obedience commands, such as sit, stay, or heel, during the walk. This engages your dog’s mind, reinforces training, and adds a level of focus and purpose to the walk.
  3. Introduce interactive games: Make walks more interactive by incorporating games. Play fetch in a safe, open area or hide treats along the walk route for your dog to search and find. These activities combine physical exercise with mental stimulation, making the walk more engaging and enjoyable for your dog.
  4. Use different walking equipment: Vary the equipment you use during walks to provide a different experience for your dog. Try using a long-line or retractable leash in open areas to allow your dog more freedom to explore. Alternatively, use a hands-free waist leash or a different type of harness. Changing the equipment can add novelty and make the walk more interesting for your dog.
  5. Schedule play breaks: Instead of a continuous walk, incorporate play breaks into your walk routine. Find safe areas where your dog can run, play fetch, or socialize with other dogs. These play breaks provide additional physical exercise, social interaction, and mental stimulation, helping to alleviate boredom.
  6. Use sensory enrichment: Encourage your dog to engage with their environment by allowing them to sniff and explore. Dogs rely heavily on their sense of smell, so giving them opportunities to sniff and investigate during the walk can provide mental stimulation and keep them entertained.

Remember to adjust the intensity and duration of the walk based on your dog’s age, breed, and physical condition. Always prioritize your dog’s safety and well-being during walks, and be mindful of any specific restrictions or regulations in your area.

6. Teach Them Chores

Did you know that you can teach your dog some household chores? You can teach your pet to transfer the clothes into the laundry basket when doing your laundry. After playtime with their toys, you can train them to clean up. Teach them how to return their toys inside the storage box. Teaching them simple chores also helps increase their confidence. If you have a confident dog, you can also expect them to be happy.

Teaching your dog chores can help alleviate their boredom in several ways:

  1. Mental stimulation: Teaching your dog chores introduces new tasks and commands for them to learn. This provides mental stimulation and engages their problem-solving abilities. Learning new tasks requires focus and concentration, which can keep their minds active and prevent boredom.
  2. Purpose and responsibility: Dogs thrive when they have a sense of purpose and responsibility. Assigning them chores helps fulfill this need by giving them specific tasks to accomplish. Having a job to do can increase their sense of fulfillment and self-worth, reducing boredom-related behaviors.
  3. Bonding and interaction: Teaching your dog chores involves spending time together and working as a team. It provides an opportunity for positive interaction, reinforcement, and bonding between you and your dog. This shared activity strengthens the human-dog bond and enhances the relationship, which contributes to your dog’s overall well-being.
  4. Physical exercise: Some chores may involve physical activity, such as carrying or retrieving items, helping with laundry, or picking up toys. Engaging in these tasks provides a form of physical exercise for your dog, helping to burn off excess energy and maintain their physical fitness.
  5. Behavior management: Boredom can lead to destructive behaviors in dogs. By giving them chores, you redirect their focus and energy towards constructive activities. Chores can act as an outlet for their natural instincts, channeling their energy into productive tasks rather than engaging in undesirable behaviors.
  6. Skill development: Teaching your dog chores helps develop their obedience and training skills. Learning commands associated with specific tasks enhances their overall training and responsiveness. This training process keeps their minds active and allows them to refine their skills, which can lead to a more well-behaved and stimulated dog.

When teaching your dog chores, start with simple tasks and gradually increase the difficulty level as they become more proficient. Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, to reward their efforts and motivate them. It’s important to ensure that the chores are safe and suitable for your dog’s size, breed, and physical capabilities.

Consulting with a professional dog trainer or attending obedience classes can provide guidance on teaching your dog specific chores and help tailor the training to your dog’s individual needs.

grumpy bored dog portrait

7. Play Dates Matter

If you only have one dog at home, you need to set up play dates with other dogs. Contact some of your relatives or friends who also have dogs. Arrange one weekend where you will all meet up with your respective pets. You can hold the event in your nearest dog park. Don’t forget to bring some of your pet’s toys with you. Be cautious, as some dogs are hostile to other dogs upon the first encounter. But once they get the hang of it, they eventually become calm.

Play dates can be beneficial when dealing with a bored dog for several reasons:

  1. Socialization: Play dates provide an opportunity for your dog to interact and socialize with other dogs. Dogs are social animals, and regular positive interactions with other dogs can help improve their social skills and reduce boredom. It allows them to engage in appropriate play behaviors, learn canine communication cues, and develop confidence in various social situations.
  2. Mental stimulation: Play dates offer mental stimulation through new and exciting experiences. Meeting different dogs with varying play styles and personalities challenges your dog’s mind and keeps them engaged. It provides a chance for exploration, problem-solving, and adapting to different social dynamics, which can prevent boredom and mental stagnation.
  3. Physical exercise: Play dates typically involve active play and running around with other dogs. This physical activity helps your dog burn off excess energy, maintain a healthy weight, and promote overall physical fitness. Dogs that engage in regular exercise are less likely to be bored or exhibit destructive behaviors associated with pent-up energy.
  4. Bonding and companionship: Play dates provide an opportunity for your dog to form friendships and bonds with other dogs. Building positive relationships with their canine counterparts can reduce feelings of loneliness and separation anxiety. It offers them companionship and a sense of belonging, which can contribute to their overall emotional well-being.
  5. Variety and novelty: Meeting new dogs during play dates introduces variety and novelty into your dog’s life. This prevents them from falling into a monotonous routine and experiencing boredom. New smells, sights, and play styles provide mental stimulation and keep your dog’s environment interesting and exciting.
  6. Owner engagement: Play dates also allow owners to engage with other dog owners. This interaction can be enjoyable for both you and your dog, as it provides an opportunity for socializing and sharing experiences. Sharing tips, stories, and advice with other dog owners can be valuable and enriching for your own knowledge and understanding of dog behavior.

When arranging play dates, ensure that the dogs are well-matched in terms of size, temperament, and play style to ensure a safe and positive experience for everyone involved. Supervision and proper introductions are essential to prevent any conflicts or mishaps during playtime.

8. Take them to New Places

Your dog, especially if still a puppy, needs to develop socialization skills. You can help do so by taking your pet to new places. Expose them to new sights and sounds. Introduce them to new people they have never seen before. If you are having trouble taking your pet because of its size, you can hire transportation service providers for dogs. 

Taking your dog to new places can help alleviate boredom for several reasons:

  1. Novelty and sensory stimulation: New places offer a wealth of new sights, smells, and sounds that can captivate and engage your dog’s senses. Exploring unfamiliar environments provides mental stimulation and keeps their mind actively processing new information, which helps prevent boredom.
  2. Environmental enrichment: New places provide opportunities for environmental enrichment, which refers to activities or elements that enhance an animal’s physical and mental well-being. Different terrains, natural settings, and urban environments can present new challenges and experiences for your dog. This can include walking on different surfaces, encountering new types of flora and fauna, or navigating through various obstacles. Environmental enrichment keeps your dog mentally and physically engaged, reducing boredom.
  3. Socialization opportunities: Visiting new places often involves encountering unfamiliar people and other dogs. This exposure helps with socialization, allowing your dog to interact with new individuals and build their social skills. Positive interactions with other dogs and friendly encounters with strangers can contribute to your dog’s overall well-being and reduce boredom-related behaviors.
  4. Physical exercise: Exploring new places typically involves more physical activity for your dog. Longer walks, hikes, or visits to dog-friendly parks can provide increased opportunities for exercise and help burn off excess energy. Regular physical exercise is important for maintaining a healthy weight, promoting cardiovascular health, and preventing behavioral issues associated with boredom and pent-up energy.
  5. Bonding and shared experiences: Taking your dog to new places creates shared experiences and strengthens the bond between you and your pet. Exploring together, facing new challenges, and discovering new environments can foster a deeper connection. Your dog will associate these outings with positive experiences and look forward to future adventures, reducing boredom and increasing their overall happiness.

Remember to ensure that the new places you visit are safe and suitable for your dog. Consider any specific regulations, leash laws, or restrictions in the area you plan to visit. Always prioritize your dog’s well-being and provide appropriate supervision during outings to ensure their safety.

9. Make Some Ice Cubes

Dogs that have furry coating tend to struggle with heat, especially during summer. To perk them up, make a giant ice cube. Get an old ice cream container and fill it up with water. Drop two to three pieces of your dog’s favorite treats. Freeze the container until the block gets really hard. Dogs love licking ice blocks. These are simple yet effective interactive toys.

Ice cubes can be a simple and effective way to entertain a bored dog.

Here’s how they can help:

  1. Sensory stimulation: Dogs are often intrigued by new textures and sensations. Offering them ice cubes to lick or chew provides a unique sensory experience. The cold temperature and the sensation of the ice can capture their attention and engage their senses, offering a novel and entertaining activity.
  2. Cooling effect: Ice cubes can be particularly beneficial during hot weather. Dogs may enjoy licking or chewing on ice cubes to help cool down and stay hydrated. It can provide relief from the heat and contribute to their overall comfort.
  3. Mental stimulation: While ice cubes may seem like a simple and straightforward treat, they can offer mental stimulation for your dog. As they interact with the ice cube, they need to use their problem-solving skills and coordinate their movements. This mental engagement helps keep their minds active and prevents boredom.
  4. Diversion and distraction: Boredom can often lead to destructive behaviors or excessive chewing. Providing your dog with ice cubes can redirect their attention and provide a safe and appropriate outlet for their chewing tendencies. Instead of focusing on household items or inappropriate objects, they can channel their chewing behavior towards the ice cubes.
  5. Hydration encouragement: Some dogs may not drink enough water throughout the day. Offering ice cubes can entice them to consume more water as they lick or chew on the ice. This can help ensure they stay hydrated, especially during warmer months or if they are less inclined to drink water.

When giving your dog ice cubes, ensure they are small enough to prevent choking hazards. Monitor your dog while they interact with the ice to avoid any potential accidents or excessive consumption. If your dog has dental issues or sensitivities, consult with your veterinarian to ensure that ice cubes are suitable for them.

Remember that ice cubes should be used as a supplementary enrichment activity and should not replace a well-balanced diet or regular exercise.

10. Turn on the TV

Lastly, turning the TV or radio on can excite your pet. The different sounds and voices they hear stimulate their listening. The sounds also make them think. If you see that your pet is a bit uptight, play some classical music. This will help relax your dog and calm them in no time.

Turning on the TV can help alleviate your dog’s boredom in several ways:

  1. Visual and auditory stimulation: Dogs are naturally attracted to movement and sound. The TV provides visual and auditory stimuli that can capture your dog’s attention and provide entertainment. Programs with nature scenes, animal shows, or even dog-centered content can engage your dog’s senses and help prevent boredom.
  2. Background noise: The TV can provide background noise that can be comforting for your dog, especially if they are used to having people around during the day. The sound of voices or music from the TV can help alleviate feelings of loneliness or separation anxiety, creating a more stimulating and engaging environment for your dog.
  3. Distraction from external triggers: If your dog is prone to reacting to external stimuli, such as noises from outside or separation anxiety triggers, turning on the TV can help distract them and redirect their focus. Providing an alternative focus of attention, it can help reduce their stress levels and keep them occupied.
  4. Bonding time: Watching TV with your dog can be a bonding activity for both of you. Sitting together and enjoying a show or movie can create a shared experience and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. It also provides an opportunity for cuddling and positive reinforcement, which can be comforting and help reduce boredom-related behaviors.
  5. Dog-specific content: Some TV channels or streaming platforms offer specific programming designed for dogs, featuring visuals and sounds that are tailored to their interests. These programs may include calming music, nature scenes, or even footage of dogs playing. This specialized content can be engaging for your dog and provide entertainment and stimulation.

It’s important to note that while TV can be a helpful tool to alleviate boredom, it should not be a substitute for regular exercise, mental stimulation, and interactive playtime with you or other dogs. The TV should be used as a supplementary form of entertainment and should not replace the necessary physical and mental engagement that dogs require.

bored dog outside

Improve Your Dog’s Well-Being 

Dealing with a bored dog is quite simple. But you need to bring a lot of patience as you try out these tips. As far as looking after your pet’s overall well-being, you need to read up on other important aspects of pet care. Check out our other blog posts on pet care like safely removing ticks and fleas from your dog and avoiding the wrong kinds of foods, among others.

The tips provided, such as exercise, dynamic mealtimes, new toys, playing tug-of-war, tweaking walks, teaching chores, play dates, and using ice cubes or turning on the TV, can collectively contribute to your dog’s overall well-being in the following ways:

  1. Physical health: Regular exercise, whether through walks, play sessions, or interactive games, helps maintain your dog’s physical fitness, keeps their weight in check, and promotes cardiovascular health. Physical activity also aids in muscle development, joint flexibility, and overall stamina, contributing to their overall well-being.
  2. Mental stimulation: Mental stimulation is crucial for a dog’s cognitive health. Engaging in interactive activities, learning new commands or chores, exploring new environments, and solving puzzles or challenges through toys or play helps keep their minds active and prevents boredom. Mental stimulation contributes to their cognitive development, enhances problem-solving skills, and promotes overall mental well-being.
  3. Emotional well-being: Dogs are social animals that thrive on companionship and positive interactions. Play dates, bonding activities, and shared experiences with both humans and other dogs foster a sense of belonging, reduce feelings of loneliness, and contribute to their emotional well-being. Building a strong bond with their owners through training, play, and affectionate interactions promotes trust, security, and emotional stability.
  4. Behavior management: Boredom and lack of mental and physical stimulation can lead to behavioral issues such as excessive barking, chewing, digging, or destructive behavior. Implementing the suggested tips provides appropriate outlets for your dog’s energy, redirects their focus, and offers constructive ways to channel their natural instincts. This helps prevent or minimize problem behaviors and promotes good behavior and obedience.
  5. Socialization and confidence: Play dates, exposure to new places, and interactions with other dogs and people help socialize your dog. Positive socialization experiences build their confidence, improve their social skills, and reduce fear or anxiety in various situations. A well-socialized dog is more adaptable, relaxed, and has a higher quality of life.
  6. Bonding and companionship: Many of the tips mentioned involve spending quality time with your dog, whether through play, training, or shared activities. This fosters a strong bond and deepens the connection between you and your dog. A strong bond enhances their overall happiness, reduces stress, and contributes to their well-being.

Remember, each dog is unique, and it’s important to adapt these tips to suit your dog’s individual needs, preferences, and capabilities. Regular veterinary care, a balanced diet, and a safe and loving environment also play crucial roles in ensuring your dog’s overall well-being.

About Julee: Julee Morrison is an experienced author with 35 years of expertise in parenting and recipes. She is the author of four cookbooks: The Instant Pot College Cookbook, The How-To Cookbook for Teens, The Complete Cookbook for Teens, and The Complete College Cookbook. Julee is passionate about baking, crystals, reading, and family. Her writing has appeared in The LA Times (Bon Jovi Obsession Goes Global), Disney's Family Fun Magazine (August 2010, July 2009, September 2008), and My Family Gave Up Television (page 92, Disney Family Fun August 2010). Her great ideas have been featured in Disney's Family Fun (Page 80, September 2008) and the Write for Charity book From the Heart (May 2010). Julee's work has also been published in Weight Watchers Magazine, All You Magazine (Jan. 2011, February 2011, June 2013), Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine (Oct. 2011), Red River Family Magazine (Jan. 2011),, and more. Notably, her article "My Toddler Stood on Elvis' Grave and Scaled Over Boulders to Get to a Dinosaur" made AP News, and "The Sly Way I Cured My Child's Lying Habit" was featured on PopSugar. When she's not writing, Julee enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new baking recipes.
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