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6 Hacks to Effortlessly Keep Your Home Clean and Sanitary

If you’re like many people, the idea of keeping your home clean and sanitary might feel like a tedious chore. The mere mention of the word “chore” can evoke negative emotions. However, the good news is that there are numerous hacks and strategies you can implement to maintain a cleaner home while reducing the effort required. Here are some practical and effective hacks to keep your home effortlessly clean and sanitary that you can start trying out today:

cleaning supplies on counter with clean home in background

6 Hacks to Keep Your Home Effortlessly Clean and Sanitary

Use Products That Employ Anti-Microbial Technology

Many people these days are rediscovering the importance of sanitizing their homes. While general cleaning can do a lot to knock down the levels of harmful microbes in and around your home, it takes a lot of effort to ensure that everything stays germ-free. To keep your home free from dangerous pathogens without adding hours to your cleanup routine, you can employ a number of readily-available products. Several products on the market employ scientifically proven anti-microbial technology to keep dangerous pathogens in your home low without the need for harsh chemicals. These include things as simple real brass door handles, which can passively destroy harmful microbes, as well as high-tech UV light sterilizers, which can destroy germs in a space within minutes (NY Mag).

You can also consider replacing regular bathmats, shower curtains, kitchen towels, and other items with new anti-microbial versions. Textiles with HeiQ Viroblock anti-microbial technology can also actively destroy bacteria and viruses on contact. Anti-microbial textiles are so effective that they are even used in hand protectors and face masks.

Using a hand protector when grocery shopping, getting cash from an ATM, taking public transportation, or even making a run to the mailbox can effectively reduce the harmful outside contaminants that make it to your home.

Using products that employ anti-microbial technology can be an effective way to keep your home effortlessly clean and sanitary.

Here’s how it works:

  1. What is anti-microbial technology? Anti-microbial technology refers to the incorporation of substances or treatments that inhibit the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and mold. These substances can be integrated into various products, including surfaces, textiles, and cleaning agents.
  2. Prevention of microbial growth: Anti-microbial technology prevents the growth and reproduction of microorganisms on surfaces or within the product itself. By inhibiting microbial growth, it helps reduce the risk of contamination and the spread of harmful pathogens in your home.
  3. Benefits of using products with anti-microbial technology: a. Reduced microbial populations: These products can significantly reduce the number of microorganisms present on treated surfaces. This reduction can contribute to a cleaner and more sanitary environment. b. Long-lasting protection: Anti-microbial technology can provide long-lasting protection, as it continues to inhibit the growth of microorganisms even after application or repeated use. c. Enhanced hygiene: Using anti-microbial products can help maintain higher levels of hygiene in your home, particularly in areas that are frequently touched or prone to microbial growth. d. Odor control: Some anti-microbial technologies also help control the growth of odor-causing bacteria, resulting in fresher-smelling spaces.
  4. Types of products employing anti-microbial technology: a. Surfaces and coatings: Anti-microbial agents can be integrated into surfaces, such as countertops, doorknobs, or cutting boards. These surfaces can inhibit the growth of bacteria, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. b. Textiles and fabrics: Anti-microbial treatments can be applied to textiles, including bedding, curtains, and upholstery, to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. This can help maintain cleaner and fresher fabrics. c. Cleaning agents: Some cleaning products are formulated with anti-microbial ingredients that help kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms on various surfaces. These products can enhance the effectiveness of your cleaning routine.
  5. Complementing regular cleaning practices: It’s important to note that while anti-microbial technology can provide added protection, it should not replace regular cleaning practices. Cleaning and maintaining your home through routine cleaning methods, such as washing surfaces, laundering fabrics, and using traditional cleaning agents is still necessary.
  6. Health considerations: When choosing products with anti-microbial technology, it’s essential to consider their safety and potential impact on human health. Ensure that the products you use comply with relevant regulations and standards and have undergone appropriate testing to validate their efficacy and safety.

Remember, while using products with anti-microbial technology can help create a cleaner and more sanitary environment, it’s crucial to adopt a holistic approach to hygiene by combining proper cleaning practices, regular handwashing, and other preventive measures to maintain a healthy home.

white kitchen with wood floors and trim looking clean

Consider Not Using Shoes Inside Your House

In contrast to many other countries, where it is customary to remove shoes at the front door when entering a home, America stands out as one of the few places where people typically wear their shoes indoors. However, embracing the practice of going shoeless inside your home offers several benefits. Not only does it provide a higher level of comfort and promote healthier feet, but it also helps prevent the tracking of dirt and debris indoors. Within just a few weeks of adopting this habit and leaving your shoes at the front door, you will likely notice a significant reduction in the frequency of vacuuming and dusting needed throughout your house. So why not give it a try and experience the positive changes for yourself?

Not using shoes inside your house can help keep your home effortlessly clean and sanitary in several ways:

  1. Reducing dirt and debris: Shoes can track in dirt, dust, pollen, and other outdoor debris into your home. By removing your shoes at the entrance, you prevent these particles from being spread throughout your living spaces, keeping the floors cleaner.
  2. Minimizing bacteria and germs: The soles of shoes can harbor bacteria and germs from various surfaces, including public restrooms, sidewalks, and other potentially contaminated areas. Not wearing shoes indoors helps minimize the transfer of these microorganisms to your home, reducing the risk of cross-contamination.
  3. Controlling allergens: Allergens, such as pollen and mold spores, can cling to the shoes. Removing your shoes prevents these allergens from being dispersed inside, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals with allergies or respiratory conditions.
  4. Preserving floor cleanliness: Shoes can leave scuff marks and scratches on hard floors, while carpets can accumulate stains and wear from foot traffic. By going shoeless indoors, you help preserve the cleanliness and longevity of your flooring, reducing the need for extensive cleaning or replacements.
  5. Improving indoor air quality: Shoes can introduce pollutants, such as chemicals, dust mites, or pet dander, into your home. Not wearing shoes inside helps maintain better indoor air quality, creating a healthier environment, especially for individuals with respiratory sensitivities.
  6. Enhanced hygiene: Many people prioritize cleanliness and hygiene in their homes. Going shoe-free promotes a cleaner and more sanitary environment, contributing to an overall sense of cleanliness and well-being.

To encourage a no-shoes policy in your home, consider the following steps:

a. Place a shoe rack or designated shoe storage area near the entrance, making it convenient for both residents and guests to remove and store their shoes upon entering.

b. Provide a friendly reminder or a sign near the entrance to kindly request guests to remove their shoes.

c. Offer guests disposable or washable slippers or socks to wear indoors if they prefer not to be barefoot.

d. Lead by example and practice the no-shoes policy yourself, demonstrating the importance of cleanliness and maintaining a healthy environment.

Remember that certain situations or cultural norms may dictate exceptions to the no-shoes policy, such as formal events or specific cultural practices. Adapt the policy as needed while keeping cleanliness and hygiene as priorities.

Invest in Quality Doormats

You can massively reduce the dirt that makes it inside your home by placing a large, high-quality doormat just outside your home or immediately after the entrance— the bigger the better. You’d be surprised at just how much dirt and debris gets trapped in the mats. With less dirt making it inside, you can effectively reduce the frequency you need to clean your floors. Decent-quality mats are also easily cleaned, and you can typically knock all the dirt out in seconds with a hose or pressure washer.

Investing in quality doormats can indeed help keep your home effortlessly clean and sanitary. Here’s how:

  1. Trapping dirt and debris: High-quality doormats are designed to effectively trap dirt, dust, mud, and other debris from the bottom of shoes. As people enter your home, the doormat serves as the first line of defense, preventing these particles from being tracked further inside.
  2. Preventing moisture: Doormats with absorbent properties help prevent moisture from rain, snow, or wet footwear from entering your home. By absorbing and retaining the moisture, these mats help keep your floors dry, reducing the risk of slips and falls.
  3. Protecting your flooring: Quality doormats act as a barrier between the outside elements and your interior flooring. They help prevent scratches, scuffs, and stains that may occur when shoes directly come into contact with your floors, thereby preserving their appearance and longevity.
  4. Enhancing indoor air quality: By trapping dirt, dust, and allergens at the entrance, doormats contribute to improved indoor air quality. This is especially important for individuals with respiratory sensitivities or allergies, as it helps minimize the circulation of airborne particles throughout the house.
  5. Easy maintenance: Quality doormats are often designed for easy maintenance. They are durable, resistant to wear, and can be easily cleaned by shaking, vacuuming, or washing, depending on the mat’s material and manufacturer’s instructions.
  6. Multiple entry points: Placing doormats at all entry points to your home, including front and back doors, as well as side entrances, helps maximize their effectiveness. This ensures that everyone entering your home has the opportunity to wipe their feet and reduce the transfer of dirt and moisture.

When selecting doormats, consider the following:

  • Material: Look for doormats made from durable and absorbent materials such as coir, rubber, microfiber, or nylon. These materials are known for their effectiveness in trapping dirt and moisture.
  • Size and design: Choose doormats that are large enough to accommodate several steps, allowing people to wipe their feet thoroughly. Opt for designs that suit your style preferences while still providing functionality.
  • Maintenance: Check if the doormat is easy to clean and maintain, whether it requires shaking, vacuuming, or washing. Ensure that it can withstand regular use without losing its effectiveness.

By investing in quality doormats and strategically placing them at entry points, you can significantly reduce the amount of dirt, debris, and moisture brought into your home, promoting a cleaner and more sanitary living environment.

Keep Clutter to a Bare Minimum

Increased clutter in your home provides more surfaces for dust to accumulate. This, in turn, results in more time wasted on dusting, time that could be better spent on other activities. To maintain a clean and efficient living space, it’s important to declutter and organize.

Consider the following tips:

  1. Decluttering unwanted items: If there are items in your home that you no longer need or haven’t used in the past year, it’s worth considering selling, giving them away, or disposing of them. This reduces unnecessary clutter and minimizes the surfaces where dust can settle.
  2. Proper storage for cherished items: If there are belongings you can’t part with, ensure they are stored properly to prevent dust accumulation. Use appropriate storage solutions that protect items from dust, such as sealed containers or display cases.
  3. Avoid leaving items exposed: It’s beneficial to avoid leaving things out in the open, even on storage shelves. Exposed items are more prone to collecting dust and require frequent cleaning. Reserve open storage for items that you use or clean regularly.
  4. Standardized storage containers: Using standardized storage containers can be helpful when storing numerous items. These containers should have exteriors that are easy to dust or wipe down, ensuring cleanliness and ease of maintenance.
  5. Choose appropriate storage materials: Avoid using cardboard containers for storage in humid areas. Cardboard is susceptible to pest infestation and can facilitate the growth of destructive mold. Instead, opt for plastic or airtight containers that provide better protection against moisture and pests.

By reducing clutter, proper storage, and maintaining cleanliness, you can minimize the time spent on dusting and create a more organized living environment. This allows you to focus on activities that are more meaningful and enjoyable.

Keeping clutter at a minimum can indeed help keep your home effortlessly clean and sanitary. Here’s how:

  1. Easier cleaning routine: When there is less clutter in your home, cleaning becomes much easier and more efficient. With fewer items to maneuver and clean around, you can quickly dust, vacuum, mop, or wipe surfaces without obstacles or the need for frequent rearranging.
  2. Reduced dust accumulation: Clutter provides surfaces for dust to settle on, making it more challenging to keep your home dust-free. By minimizing clutter, you decrease the number of surfaces where dust can accumulate, leading to a cleaner and healthier environment.
  3. Improved air quality: Cluttered spaces tend to trap and retain dust, allergens, and other particles, which can contribute to poor indoor air quality. Removing excess clutter helps improve air circulation and reduces the potential for allergens and irritants to linger in your home.
  4. Enhanced hygiene: Cluttered areas can make it difficult to maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness. By keeping clutter to a minimum, you create a more hygienic environment as there are fewer places for bacteria, pests, and other potential contaminants to hide and thrive.
  5. Stress reduction: A clutter-free home can contribute to a calmer and more peaceful atmosphere. Excessive clutter can create visual and mental stress, whereas an organized space promotes relaxation and a sense of well-being.

To keep clutter at a minimum:

  • Regular decluttering: Make decluttering a regular habit. Set aside dedicated time to go through your belongings and decide what to keep, donate, sell, or discard. Focus on one area at a time, such as closets, cabinets, or storage spaces, and evaluate each item’s usefulness and value.
  • Simplify and organize: Simplify your possessions by keeping only what you truly need and value. Implement effective organizational systems, such as storage bins, shelves, and labels, to keep items in designated places and prevent clutter from accumulating.
  • Avoid impulse buying: Before purchasing new items, carefully consider if you genuinely need them and have space for them. Avoid impulsive shopping, and prioritize thoughtful consumption to prevent unnecessary accumulation of belongings.
  • Adopt a one-in, one-out policy: For each new item you bring into your home, consider removing an existing item to maintain a balanced and clutter-free environment.
  • Seek professional help if needed: If clutter overwhelms you or becomes challenging to manage on your own, consider seeking professional organizers or decluttering services who can provide guidance and support.

By minimizing clutter, you can create a cleaner, more organized, and sanitary living space, making it easier to maintain and enjoy a comfortable home environment.

beautiful bathroom with freestanding tub, wood accent wall and large floor to ceiling windows

Be Systematic When You Clean

Before you start cleaning, give yourself a minute or two to devise a game plan. Taking a couple of minutes to plan out your cleaning projects will save you a lot of time and make cleaning a lot less frustrating. A good rule of thumb is to clean from “top to bottom,” starting with the ceilings and high shelves, then the walls, and finishing up on the floor. That ensures that you won’t have to re-vacuum the floor, as what tends to happen when you do the ceilings and high shelves last. Another great idea is to visualize each space as a grid, then work your way one “square” or section at a time. This will keep you from missing any spots and can help you work faster than if you just randomly worked on whatever surface you felt like.

Being systematic when you clean can help keep your home effortlessly clean and sanitary. Here’s how:

  1. Establish a cleaning routine: Develop a regular cleaning routine that suits your schedule and the needs of your home. Determine the frequency for various cleaning tasks, such as daily tidying, weekly vacuuming, or monthly deep cleaning. Having a routine ensures that cleaning becomes a consistent habit rather than an overwhelming task.
  2. Create a cleaning checklist: Make a checklist of tasks to complete during each cleaning session. Having a clear checklist helps you stay organized and ensures that no areas or tasks are overlooked. It also provides a sense of accomplishment as you check off completed items.
  3. Prioritize high-traffic areas: Focus your cleaning efforts on high-traffic areas, such as entryways, living rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. These areas tend to accumulate more dirt, dust, and germs, so giving them extra attention will help maintain cleanliness and sanitation throughout your home.
  4. Adopt a top-to-bottom approach: When cleaning a room, start from the top and work your way down. Dust ceilings, light fixtures, and fans first, then move to furniture, surfaces, and finally the floors. This way, any dust or debris that falls from higher surfaces will be captured and cleaned during the subsequent steps.
  5. Use appropriate cleaning tools and supplies: Ensure you have the necessary cleaning tools and supplies readily available. This includes microfiber cloths, vacuum cleaners, mops, dusters, all-purpose cleaners, and disinfectants. Using the right tools for each task enhances efficiency and effectiveness.
  6. Divide and conquer: Break down larger cleaning tasks into smaller, manageable sections. Focus on one area or task at a time rather than trying to clean the entire house in one go. This approach helps prevent overwhelm and allows you to give proper attention to each area, ensuring a thorough cleaning.
  7. Declutter as you clean: Take the opportunity to declutter as you clean. Remove any unnecessary items, put away misplaced belongings, and organize cluttered areas. Clearing clutter not only makes cleaning easier but also contributes to a tidier and more organized living space.
  8. Practice proper cleaning techniques: Learn and implement proper cleaning techniques to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. For example, use the appropriate wiping motions, follow product instructions, and learn how to tackle different surfaces and materials. This ensures that your cleaning efforts yield the best results.

By adopting a systematic approach to cleaning, you can maintain a clean and sanitary home with less effort. Having a routine, following a checklist, prioritizing areas, and utilizing proper techniques and tools will help you stay organized, save time, and enjoy a consistently clean living environment.

Have a Daily and Weekly Cleanup Routine

The more you put them off, the tougher and more demotivating clean-up jobs get. You’ll be surprised at how little effort it will take to keep things looking spic and span when you start consistently doing them, just a bit at a time. The best way to keep things manageable is to schedule your cleanup times. Instead of considering cleanup to be a major, one-time project, take at least 10 minutes out of each day to do a quick cleanup. If a task needs more than 10 minutes, reserve it for the end of the week. This will ensure that your home never gets too exhausting or too demotivating to keep clean. Maintaining a clean and healthy home is a lot easier with these simple but effective hacks. By following these ideas, you will eventually be rewarded with a cleaner home and much more time to enjoy it.

Having a weekly cleaning routine can indeed help keep your home effortlessly clean and sanitary. Here’s how:

  1. Consistent maintenance: A weekly cleaning routine ensures that you consistently maintain a clean and sanitary home. By dedicating specific time each week to cleaning tasks, you prevent dirt, dust, and grime from accumulating, making it easier to stay on top of cleanliness.
  2. Preventive measures: Regular cleaning helps prevent the buildup of allergens, bacteria, and other contaminants that can affect indoor air quality and hygiene. By addressing these issues on a weekly basis, you minimize the risk of health-related problems and create a healthier living environment.
  3. Time management: A weekly cleaning routine allows you to manage your time more effectively. By allocating specific time slots for cleaning tasks, you avoid the stress and overwhelm that can come with sporadic or last-minute cleaning sessions. This allows you to balance your cleaning responsibilities with other commitments and activities.
  4. Comprehensive cleaning: With a weekly routine, you can focus on both regular maintenance and deeper cleaning tasks. By addressing different areas of your home systematically, you ensure that all surfaces, furniture, appliances, and fixtures receive the attention they need. This promotes thorough cleanliness and helps you identify and address any potential issues in a timely manner.
  5. Reduced clutter: Incorporating decluttering tasks into your weekly routine helps minimize clutter and keeps your home organized. By regularly reviewing and organizing your belongings, you prevent excessive accumulation and create a more streamlined living space.
  6. Stress reduction: Knowing that you have a dedicated time each week for cleaning can alleviate the stress and burden of having to tackle extensive cleaning projects all at once. Breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable segments allows you to approach cleaning with a more relaxed and systematic mindset.

To establish an effective weekly cleaning routine:

  • Create a cleaning schedule: Determine specific days and times that work best for your schedule and designate them as your cleaning days. This ensures that cleaning becomes a consistent and non-negotiable part of your routine.
  • Divide tasks by areas: Break down your cleaning tasks by areas or rooms in your home. Assign specific tasks to each day or dedicate certain days to deep cleaning specific areas.
  • Prioritize essential tasks: Identify the cleaning tasks that require regular attention, such as vacuuming, dusting, mopping, and sanitizing high-touch surfaces. Make sure to include these tasks in your weekly routine to maintain a clean and sanitary home.
  • Customize to your needs: Tailor your cleaning routine to your home’s specific needs and your preferences. Adjust the frequency and intensity of tasks based on the size of your home, lifestyle, and the number of occupants.
  • Involve the whole family: Share the cleaning responsibilities with family members by assigning age-appropriate tasks. This not only lightens your workload but also teaches valuable life skills and encourages a sense of shared responsibility for maintaining a clean and sanitary home.

By implementing a weekly cleaning routine, you can keep your home consistently clean and sanitary with less effort and stress. Regular maintenance, preventive measures, and systematic cleaning will contribute to a healthier and more enjoyable living environment.

Final Thoughts:

Maintaining a clean and sanitary home doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By incorporating a few simple hacks into your routine, you can effortlessly keep your home clean and hygienic.

Here are some final thoughts on hacks to achieve this:

  1. Organization is key: Decluttering and organizing your belongings play a vital role in maintaining a clean and sanitary home. Minimize clutter, establish proper storage systems, and make sure everything has a designated place. This simplifies cleaning and prevents the accumulation of dirt and dust.
  2. Develop cleaning habits: Consistency is key when it comes to keeping your home clean. Establish a regular cleaning routine and stick to it. Dedicate specific days or time slots for cleaning tasks, and make them non-negotiable. By turning cleaning into a habit, you can maintain cleanliness effortlessly.
  3. Clean as you go: Adopt a “clean as you go” approach to minimize the time and effort spent on cleaning. Whenever you notice spills, messes, or clutter, address them immediately rather than letting them accumulate. Wipe down surfaces, put items back where they belong, and tackle small cleaning tasks as you come across them.
  4. Utilize time-saving tools and techniques: Take advantage of modern cleaning tools and techniques that make the process more efficient. Microfiber cloths, cleaning sprays, and multipurpose tools can save time and energy. Explore time-saving cleaning hacks such as using vinegar for natural cleaning solutions or utilizing steam cleaners for quick sanitization.
  5. Involve the whole family: Distribute cleaning tasks among family members to share the responsibility. Assign age-appropriate chores and make it a collaborative effort. Not only does this lighten the workload, but it also teaches valuable life skills and instills a sense of ownership in maintaining a clean and sanitary home.
  6. Prioritize high-touch areas: Focus your cleaning efforts on high-touch surfaces and areas that are prone to collecting germs and bacteria. Regularly disinfect doorknobs, light switches, countertops, and bathroom fixtures to maintain a hygienic environment.
  7. Stay on top of maintenance: Regular maintenance tasks such as changing air filters, inspecting and cleaning appliances, and checking for water leaks can prevent issues that could lead to unsanitary conditions. Stay proactive and address maintenance tasks promptly.

Remember, keeping your home effortlessly clean and sanitary is a continuous effort. By implementing these hacks and adopting a proactive mindset, you can enjoy a clean, healthy, and inviting living space without the stress and burden of extensive cleaning sessions.

Remember, maintaining a clean and sanitary home doesn’t have to be a dreaded chore. By implementing these hacks and finding strategies that work best for you, you can create a cleaner living environment with less effort and more satisfaction. Start incorporating these tips today and enjoy the benefits of a consistently clean and inviting home.

About Julee: Julee Morrison is an experienced author with 35 years of expertise in parenting and recipes. She is the author of four cookbooks: The Instant Pot College Cookbook, The How-To Cookbook for Teens, The Complete Cookbook for Teens, and The Complete College Cookbook. Julee is passionate about baking, crystals, reading, and family. Her writing has appeared in The LA Times (Bon Jovi Obsession Goes Global), Disney's Family Fun Magazine (August 2010, July 2009, September 2008), and My Family Gave Up Television (page 92, Disney Family Fun August 2010). Her great ideas have been featured in Disney's Family Fun (Page 80, September 2008) and the Write for Charity book From the Heart (May 2010). Julee's work has also been published in Weight Watchers Magazine, All You Magazine (Jan. 2011, February 2011, June 2013), Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine (Oct. 2011), Red River Family Magazine (Jan. 2011),, and more. Notably, her article "My Toddler Stood on Elvis' Grave and Scaled Over Boulders to Get to a Dinosaur" made AP News, and "The Sly Way I Cured My Child's Lying Habit" was featured on PopSugar. When she's not writing, Julee enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new baking recipes.
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