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How to Tell If Your Dog Is Pregnant

How to Tell If Your Dog Is Pregnant

Unlike humans, most dogs won’t show signs of pregnancy until further along. Because our dogs can’t speak to us, they can’t tell us when something feels different inside of them. When most humans become pregnant, they notice changes within themselves that they can then express to others. However, our canine companions rely on us to observe and interpret their behaviors and physical changes. Therefore, it’s important to pay close attention to our dogs’ behaviors and look out for specific signs that can help us determine if they are pregnant.

Although your dog can’t speak to you using words, he or she might be trying to tell you that something is different using other methods. Dogs have unique ways of communicating their needs and emotions to us, and if your dog is pregnant, they may exhibit certain behaviors and physical indications that can clue you in on their condition. It’s crucial to be aware of your dog’s pregnancy as early as possible to ensure her well-being and to provide appropriate care throughout the entire process.

In this guide, we will provide you with everything you need to know about detecting pregnancy in your pup. We will explore the various signs and symptoms to look out for, discuss when to consult a veterinarian, and offer advice on how to support your pregnant dog throughout her journey. By understanding the signs of pregnancy and providing the necessary care, you can help ensure a healthy and comfortable experience for your beloved canine companion. So let’s delve into the fascinating world of dog pregnancy and learn how to recognize the early indications of a pregnant dog.

If your dog is, in fact, pregnant, you need to be aware as soon as possible to ensure her pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible.

How to Tell If Your Dog Is Pregnant

Changes in Appetite 

When your dog becomes pregnant, there will be changes in her hormones. When these changes occur, her appetite can change. According to The Pet Place, how her appetite changes depends on a few different things. For example, each dog has a different pregnancy and reacts to the change in hormones differently. The stage of pregnancy that she’s in might also affect how her appetite changes. Your pup could either lose her appetite or have an increase in appetite. It’s more common, however, for a dog to lose her appetite in the beginning stages of pregnancy and then have an increase in appetite in the later stages.  

Changes in appetite can be one of the early indicators that your dog may be pregnant. However, it’s important to note that appetite changes alone may not definitively confirm pregnancy, as they can also be influenced by other factors such as stress, illness, or changes in the environment. Nevertheless, if you observe significant changes in your dog’s eating habits along with other signs of pregnancy, it can provide additional clues.

During the early stages of pregnancy, some dogs may experience a decrease in appetite, while others may exhibit an increase in hunger. These changes are typically attributed to hormonal shifts occurring in their bodies. Some pregnant dogs may become more selective or disinterested in their regular food, while others may show a voracious appetite and seem constantly hungry. It’s important to monitor your dog’s food intake and note any substantial deviations from their usual eating patterns.

Around the third week of pregnancy, some dogs may experience a temporary loss of appetite due to morning sickness, similar to what humans experience. They may appear nauseous, vomit occasionally, or show a lack of interest in their meals. However, this phase usually passes quickly, and their appetite typically returns to normal.

As the pregnancy progresses, your dog’s nutritional needs will increase, and she may develop a more consistent and healthy appetite. It is crucial to provide a well-balanced and nutritious diet specifically formulated for pregnant or nursing dogs to support the health of both the mother and her developing puppies.

Keep in mind that individual dogs can vary in their appetite changes during pregnancy, so it’s essential to observe your dog’s overall behavior and look for a combination of signs rather than relying solely on changes in appetite to determine if your dog is pregnant. If you suspect your dog may be pregnant based on appetite changes or other signs, consult with a veterinarian for a professional evaluation and guidance.

Decrease in Energy

When a dog becomes pregnant, she might show a decrease in energy. This decrease in energy is more noticeable in pups, who are generally more energetic during the day. If you notice your usually-energetic dog taking several naps a day or choosing to lay down more than normal, then this could be a sign. If your pup isn’t normally energetic, to begin with, then it might be harder to notice these changes. If this is the case, then try keeping an eye on how tired she gets during her walks and how quickly. If something is different, you should be able to notice it. 

A decrease in your dog’s energy level can be another indication that she may be pregnant. While it’s normal for dogs to have varying energy levels based on factors such as age, health, and activity level, a noticeable decrease in energy, particularly if accompanied by other signs of pregnancy, can be a relevant clue.

During early pregnancy, hormonal changes can affect your dog’s energy levels. Some pregnant dogs may become more lethargic, preferring to rest and sleep more than usual. You may notice that your dog is less active during walks or playtime, and she may show less interest in engaging in her usual activities. This change in energy can be attributed to the physical and hormonal adjustments taking place within her body as she prepares for pregnancy.

It’s important to note that a decrease in energy alone may not be solely indicative of pregnancy, as it can also be caused by other factors such as illness, stress, or aging. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider energy level changes alongside other signs of pregnancy to make a more accurate assessment.

As the pregnancy progresses, your dog’s energy levels may fluctuate. Some pregnant dogs may have periods of increased energy, while others may continue to display a more subdued demeanor throughout the entire pregnancy. Each dog is unique, and their energy levels can vary.

If you notice a significant and consistent decrease in your dog’s energy levels, along with other signs such as changes in appetite, nipple enlargement, or weight gain, it may be worth consulting with a veterinarian to confirm if your dog is indeed pregnant. A professional evaluation can provide you with the necessary guidance and support to ensure the health and well-being of your pregnant dog.

When a dog becomes pregnant, she might show a decrease in energy.

Increase in Weight and Abdomen

As the pregnancy gets further along, there will be an increase in weight and an increase in the size of her abdomen. The only problem with using weight gain as a sign of pregnancy is that this doesn’t typically happen until later in the pregnancy. If you weren’t able to notice any other signs before noticing weight gain, then she might be ready to have her puppies soon, and it’s essential that you take her to the vet as soon as possible. There might be slight changes in her weight and abdomen size earlier in the pregnancy that you could notice if paying close attention.

An increase in weight and a visibly enlarged abdomen are strong indicators that your dog may be pregnant. These physical changes occur as a result of the growing puppies inside her womb.

As the pregnancy progresses, the developing puppies require more space, nutrients, and support from the mother’s body. This leads to weight gain and a noticeable expansion of the abdomen. You may observe that your dog’s waistline becomes wider, and her belly appears rounder and more prominent than before. The abdomen may feel firmer to the touch due to the presence of the developing puppies.

It’s important to note that weight gain and an enlarged abdomen can also be caused by factors other than pregnancy, such as obesity or certain medical conditions. However, when accompanied by other signs of pregnancy, these physical changes become more indicative of a potential pregnancy.

To monitor your dog’s weight and abdominal changes accurately, keeping track of her body condition and measuring her weight regularly is helpful. If you suspect that your dog is pregnant based on weight gain and an expanding abdomen, it’s advisable to consult with a veterinarian for a professional evaluation. The vet can perform a thorough examination, including palpating the abdomen to feel for fetal movement or conducting diagnostic tests, such as ultrasound, to confirm the presence of puppies.

Remember that each dog’s pregnancy may progress differently, and individual factors such as litter size and the dog’s body structure can affect the appearance of weight gain and abdominal enlargement. Therefore, it’s essential to consider these changes in conjunction with other signs and consult with a veterinarian for a comprehensive assessment of your dog’s pregnancy status.

Changes in Color and Size of Nipples

As your dog’s body prepares for her new puppies, you’ll notice a change in the color and size of her nipples. Her nipples will become larger, rounder, and a darker red color. The size change is to provide the perfect shape for puppies to receive their milk. The color change is due to increased blood flow to the nipples. It’s also common for your dog to leak milk occasionally when getting closer to her due date. 

Changes in the size and color of your dog’s nipples can provide valuable clues that she may be pregnant. These changes are a result of hormonal fluctuations and preparations for lactation.

During the early stages of pregnancy, you might notice that your dog’s nipples become slightly enlarged and more prominent. They may appear slightly swollen or puffy compared to their normal size. As the pregnancy progresses, these changes become more pronounced.

In addition to the size, you may also observe alterations in the color of your dog’s nipples. They might become darker or more pigmented compared to their usual color. This darkening is known as “pinking up” and is caused by an increase in the hormone estrogen.

The size and color changes in the nipples occur as the body prepares for milk production to nourish the developing puppies. The enlargement of the nipples allows for more efficient suckling by the newborns, and the darkening of color is thought to make them more visible to the puppies.

While changes in the size and color of the nipples are typical signs of pregnancy, it’s important to note that they can also occur due to other factors such as hormonal imbalances or false pregnancy. Therefore, it’s essential to consider these changes alongside other signs of pregnancy to make a more accurate assessment.

If you observe significant changes in the size and color of your dog’s nipples, along with other signs like weight gain, an enlarged abdomen, and behavioral changes, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian for a professional evaluation. The vet can perform a thorough examination and confirm if your dog is indeed pregnant through palpation or diagnostic tests, if necessary.

Monitoring your dog’s nipple changes can be an additional piece of evidence to support the pregnancy diagnosis, but it should be considered in conjunction with other signs and validated by a veterinary professional.

Increase of Needed Attention 

Some dogs become more clingy during pregnancy. Be on the lookout for an increase in her need for attention. She might begin to stay by your side more often and seek your comfort more than usual. Other pregnant dogs might do the opposite and look for ways to isolate themselves. You might see your pregnant dog staying away from everyone and seeming depressed. She might become irritable when bothered as well. Another sign of unusual behavior is your dog beginning to nest. Your pup might start building a “nesting area” for when she has her pups. This includes shredding bedding to create a nesting area and so on. 

Your dog’s increased need for attention can be an indirect sign that she may be pregnant. During pregnancy, hormonal changes and physical discomfort can lead to behavioral changes in dogs, including an increased desire for attention and affection from their human companions.

Pregnancy can bring about various physical and emotional changes in dogs, and they may seek more reassurance and support from their owners. Some pregnant dogs may become more clingy, seeking constant companionship and wanting to be in close proximity to their owners. They may follow you around more closely, seek more physical contact, or become more demanding of your attention.

This increased need for attention can be attributed to a combination of factors. Firstly, the hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect your dog’s mood and emotional state, making her more dependent on your presence and reassurance. Secondly, the physical changes and discomfort that come with pregnancy, such as an expanding abdomen or hormonal fluctuations, may cause her to seek comfort and support from you.

It’s important to note that increased attention-seeking behavior alone may not be exclusive to pregnancy and can be influenced by other factors such as illness, stress, or changes in routine. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider this behavior alongside other signs of pregnancy to make a more accurate assessment.

If you notice a significant and consistent increase in your dog’s need for attention, along with other signs like weight gain, changes in appetite, and nipple enlargement, it may provide additional support for a potential pregnancy. However, to confirm your dog’s pregnancy, it’s always recommended to consult with a veterinarian for a professional evaluation. The vet can perform a thorough examination and conduct appropriate tests to confirm the pregnancy status of your dog.

Understanding and responding to your dog’s increased need for attention during pregnancy can help provide her with the emotional support and care she requires throughout this special time.

Other pregnant dogs might do the opposite and look for ways to isolate themselves.

Signs of Morning Sickness

Just like humans, dogs can experience a form of morning sickness during pregnancy. It typically occurs during the early stages of pregnancy, usually around the third week, and may last for a few weeks. Morning sickness in dogs is often referred to as “canine pregnancy sickness” or “canine gestational vomiting.”

The signs of morning sickness in dogs can vary, but common symptoms include:

  1. Decreased appetite: A pregnant dog may exhibit a temporary loss of interest in food or may be more selective about what she eats. She may show disinterest in her regular meals or refuse to eat altogether.
  2. Vomiting: Dogs experiencing morning sickness may occasionally vomit. The vomit may consist of partially digested food or appear foamy or clear. It’s important to monitor the frequency and severity of vomiting episodes to ensure it doesn’t become excessive or prolonged.
  3. Lethargy: Dogs with morning sickness may appear more tired or lethargic than usual. They may have less energy and seem less interested in engaging in activities or play.
  4. Excessive salivation: Some pregnant dogs may experience increased saliva production during morning sickness. You may notice them drooling more frequently or having wetter mouth areas.

It’s important to note that not all pregnant dogs will experience morning sickness, and the severity of symptoms can vary. Additionally, these symptoms can also be indicative of other health issues or conditions unrelated to pregnancy. Therefore, it’s essential to consider these signs alongside other pregnancy indicators and consult with a veterinarian for a professional evaluation.

If you suspect your dog may be experiencing morning sickness or any other concerning symptoms during pregnancy, it’s recommended to seek veterinary advice. The vet can assess your dog’s overall health, confirm the pregnancy, and provide appropriate guidance and care to ensure her well-being throughout the pregnancy journey.

Confirmation From the Vet 

The best way to know for sure if your pup is pregnant is to have a confirmation from her vet. Even if it’s in the early stages of pregnancy, if you suspect your dog is pregnant, you should bring her to the vet for a check-up. Certain tests can be done to confirm that your pup is pregnant. Your vet will also complete all necessary tests to ensure she’s healthy and happy during her pregnancy. The vet is also the best person to speak with when having concerns about caring for a pregnant dog. Your vet should be able to answer all questions and give you great advice on preparing for the new puppies!

A veterinarian can confirm whether or not your dog is pregnant through various methods, depending on the stage of pregnancy and the availability of resources.

Here are some common ways a vet may confirm pregnancy in dogs:

  1. Physical examination: A veterinarian will conduct a thorough physical examination of your dog, paying attention to signs such as changes in the size and shape of the abdomen, mammary gland enlargement, and other physical indications of pregnancy. They may also palpate the abdomen to feel for the presence of developing puppies. However, this method is more accurate in the later stages of pregnancy when the puppies are more developed and easily felt.
  2. Ultrasound: Ultrasound imaging is a safe and non-invasive technique commonly used to confirm pregnancy in dogs. It allows the veterinarian to visualize the uterus and the developing puppies. Ultrasound can be performed as early as 25-30 days after mating, and it provides a reliable confirmation of pregnancy. The vet can count the number of puppies, assess their size and viability, and estimate the stage of pregnancy.
  3. Hormone testing: Hormone testing, specifically measuring the levels of relaxin hormone, can help confirm pregnancy in dogs. Relaxin is produced by the placenta and can be detected in the blood around 25-30 days after mating. A blood test can be performed to assess the presence and concentration of relaxin, providing confirmation of pregnancy.
  4. X-ray: In the later stages of pregnancy, usually around day 45 or later, an X-ray can be performed to confirm pregnancy and evaluate the number and position of the puppies. X-ray imaging can provide a clear visualization of the skeletal structures of the puppies. However, due to the potential risks associated with X-ray exposure, it’s typically reserved for cases where there is a medical need or when other methods are inconclusive.

Each method has its advantages and is suitable for different stages of pregnancy. Your veterinarian will determine the most appropriate method based on your dog’s specific situation.

If you suspect your dog is pregnant or would like confirmation, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian. They will conduct the necessary examinations or tests to provide a professional and accurate confirmation of your dog’s pregnancy.

The vet is also the best person to speak with when having concerns about how to take care of a pregnant dog. 

Learn How to Tell if Your Dog is Pregnant! 

If you believe your dog might be pregnant, then you’ll need to learn how to tell if your dog is pregnant and fast! If you notice any of these signs, schedule an appointment with the vet. 

Throughout our conversation, we explored various signs and indicators that can help you determine if your dog is pregnant. We discussed how changes in appetite, energy levels, weight and abdomen, nipple size and color, and increased need for attention can provide valuable clues. However, it’s important to remember that these signs are not exclusive to pregnancy and can also be caused by other factors or health conditions.

Confirming pregnancy in dogs often requires the expertise of a veterinarian. A vet can perform a physical examination, utilize ultrasound imaging, hormone testing, or X-rays to provide a definitive confirmation of pregnancy. Their professional evaluation is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate guidance throughout your dog’s pregnancy journey.

If you suspect that your dog is pregnant, it’s always recommended to consult with a veterinarian. They can assess your dog’s overall health, confirm the pregnancy, and provide the necessary advice and care to ensure the well-being of both your dog and her developing puppies.

Remember to monitor your dog closely for any changes in behavior, physical appearance, or other signs of pregnancy. Providing proper care, nutrition, and veterinary support during pregnancy will help ensure a healthy and comfortable experience for your beloved canine companion.

Should you have any further questions or need additional information, feel free to ask. Best of luck to you and your dog during this exciting time!

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About Julee: Julee Morrison is an experienced author with 35 years of expertise in parenting and recipes. She is the author of four cookbooks: The Instant Pot College Cookbook, The How-To Cookbook for Teens, The Complete Cookbook for Teens, and The Complete College Cookbook. Julee is passionate about baking, crystals, reading, and family. Her writing has appeared in The LA Times (Bon Jovi Obsession Goes Global), Disney's Family Fun Magazine (August 2010, July 2009, September 2008), and My Family Gave Up Television (page 92, Disney Family Fun August 2010). Her great ideas have been featured in Disney's Family Fun (Page 80, September 2008) and the Write for Charity book From the Heart (May 2010). Julee's work has also been published in Weight Watchers Magazine, All You Magazine (Jan. 2011, February 2011, June 2013), Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine (Oct. 2011), Red River Family Magazine (Jan. 2011),, and more. Notably, her article "My Toddler Stood on Elvis' Grave and Scaled Over Boulders to Get to a Dinosaur" made AP News, and "The Sly Way I Cured My Child's Lying Habit" was featured on PopSugar. When she's not writing, Julee enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new baking recipes.
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