The Beauty Queen is turning ten this month and she loves the water. Together, with Mom and siblings, we tune in to the H20 adventures on Netflix about ordinary girls turned mermaids.
While reading Southern OOAKs blog I discovered the perfect accessory for my birthday girl and a way to include her siblings. I had to buy them!
Mermaid tail by Regina from Southern Ooaks
Green is The Beauty Queen’s favorite color. Regina did this tail in various shades of green making it absolutely perfect!
This tail is for The Divine Miss M. My camera doesn’t do well at capturing true color. The darker spots on the tail are actually the same color as the teal background the ocean tag rests on. It happens to be The Divine Miss M’s favorite color.
Sea Horse by Regina from Southern Ooaks
Of course, Li’l Man can’t be left out, but Mermaid Tail didn’t seem “manly” enough, so we went with a Sea Horse. It was the perfect choice. Isn’t he just adorable!?
Each of these is hand sculpted by Regina, and then she adds MICA powders before baking to give them a magical, mystical appearance.
The mermaid tails are 2.5″ long and about 1″ wide where the tail fins flair out. The sea horse measures approximately 1.75″ in length by 1″ at the widest point across (his head). Each charm was $8.50.
The colors are beautiful and the ocean themed tag they are attached to is the perfect touch. We will get round ribbons to tie them to so the kiddos can wear them all summer long! We’ll use the tag they are attached to as a book mark to keep our reading fun and summer “themed”.
As a special gift for me, Regina included this:
Sea Life Medallion with Sea Glass Earrings
This gift is a fan sea shell she found on a beach walk. She added a starfish made of clay with real barnacles. The glass pendant is made from seaglass and matches the earrings!
The detail is incredible. Here is a close-up:
Regina is an amazing artist. We love her work and know you will too.