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The Importance of Getting Involved in Your Child’s School

Public schools in the United States are getting a bad rap these days, which may leave you, as a parent, worried about the state of your child’s education. However, much of the way your child responds to their education starts at home. Both teaching and parenting share modeling as a common tenet, and if you model behaviors that suggest to your child that you care about their education, the odds are good that they’ll care more about it as well. Here are five reasons on the importance of getting involved in your child’s school.

Getting Involved in Your Child's School

The Importance of Getting Involved in Your Child’s School

Getting involved in your child’s school is important for several reasons:

Improved grades. 

Academic Support: By being actively involved, you can support your child’s academic progress. You can stay updated on their assignments, tests, and projects, and provide the necessary guidance and assistance. This involvement can positively impact their learning outcomes and help them succeed academically.

Students with involved parents display higher academic achievement than their peers whose parents aren’t as involved. Involvement can be as simple as helping your child with their homework – not just making sure it’s been done – or it can include actual volunteer time at the school. Many schools are looking for aids or para-educators to help out in their classrooms. If you have the time to volunteer (or make some money as a para; though it differs from state to state, many schools will hire you part-time if you have earned a bachelor’s degree), you will show to your child that you care. Drama, music, and sports programs all lend themselves to parental involvement. How can you help out?

  1. Monitoring and Support: When you are actively involved, you can monitor your child’s academic progress more closely. By staying updated on assignments, tests, and projects, you can provide timely support and guidance. This involvement ensures that your child stays on track, completes assignments on time, and understands the material being taught, which can lead to improved grades.
  2. Communication with Teachers: Regular communication with teachers allows you to have a better understanding of your child’s strengths and weaknesses in different subjects. You can discuss any challenges your child may be facing and work together with the teacher to address them. This collaboration ensures that the teacher is aware of your child’s specific needs and can provide additional support or accommodations if necessary.
  3. Academic Resources and Strategies: By being involved in the school community, you can gain access to various academic resources and strategies that can support your child’s learning. You can learn about tutoring programs, study groups, or additional materials that can supplement their classroom learning. Implementing effective study techniques, time management skills, and organizational strategies can significantly improve a child’s academic performance.
  4. Advocacy for Individualized Education: When you are actively involved, you can advocate for your child’s individualized educational needs. If your child requires specific accommodations, extra help, or advanced coursework, your involvement can ensure that their needs are addressed appropriately. This personalized approach can lead to improved academic outcomes.
  5. Motivation and Engagement: Your involvement in school activities, such as attending parent-teacher meetings, volunteering, or participating in extracurricular events, can motivate and engage your child. They will see that you value their education and are invested in their success. This can inspire them to take their studies seriously, develop a positive attitude towards learning, and strive for better grades.
  6. Supportive Learning Environment: By being involved, you contribute to creating a supportive learning environment for your child. Active parental involvement fosters a sense of belonging and connection, which can positively impact a child’s overall well-being and academic performance. Feeling supported and encouraged by their parents and the school community can boost a child’s confidence and motivation to excel academically.

Remember, while parental involvement can greatly contribute to improving a child’s grades, it should be balanced with allowing the child to take responsibility for their own learning and growth. Encourage independence and self-motivation while providing the necessary support and guidance.

Improvement in behavior. 

If you are worried about your child skipping school or becoming a disruption in the classroom, showing that you have a presence at their school is a way to help guarantee better behavior.

Getting involved in a child’s school can positively impact their behavior in the following ways:

  1. Increased Accountability: When parents are actively involved in their child’s school, the child becomes more accountable for their actions. They know that their parents are engaged and will be informed about their behavior at school. This accountability can lead to improved self-discipline and responsible behavior.
  2. Improved Communication: Regular communication with teachers and school staff allows you to stay informed about your child’s behavior at school. You can address any concerns or behavioral issues promptly, working together with the school to find appropriate solutions. This open line of communication ensures that behavioral issues are identified and addressed early, minimizing the chances of negative behavior patterns becoming ingrained.
  3. Positive Role Modeling: Parental involvement in the school community serves as a positive role model for children. When children see their parents actively participating in school events, volunteering, or attending parent-teacher meetings, they understand the importance of being engaged and respectful within the school environment. This can influence their behavior and encourage them to exhibit positive conduct.
  4. Reinforcement of Expectations: Your involvement allows you to reinforce behavioral expectations and values that you have at home. By being present and engaged, you can communicate and discuss these expectations with your child’s teachers and school administrators. Consistency between home and school environments in terms of behavior standards helps children understand the importance of positive behavior and encourages them to uphold those standards.
  5. Increased Support System: When parents are involved in their child’s school, it creates a stronger support system for the child. This support extends beyond just academic matters and encompasses behavioral and social aspects as well. Knowing that their parents are actively engaged and working alongside the school staff can provide children with a sense of security, which can positively influence their behavior.
  6. Opportunities for Character Development: Involvement in school activities, such as volunteering or participating in extracurricular programs, provides opportunities for children to develop character traits like responsibility, teamwork, empathy, and respect. These experiences contribute to their overall behavioral development and can foster positive behavior both within and outside the school environment.

Remember that every child is unique, and the impact of parental involvement on behavior may vary. It’s important to establish open and ongoing communication with teachers and school staff, as they can provide insights into your child’s behavior and work collaboratively to address any concerns or challenges that arise.

Continued Education.

 Parental involvement also shows to the teachers that you care as well, which, especially if you volunteer, takes some of the pressure off them, leading to more effective pedagogy. Studies have shown that students with involved parents are higher academic achievers and more likely to go to college and graduate school, where they may pursue such degrees as an online MBA program.

Getting involved in your child’s school can provide significant benefits for their continued education:

  1. College and Career Guidance: Active involvement allows you to stay informed about college and career guidance resources offered by the school. You can attend college fairs, information sessions, and workshops, gaining knowledge about various educational pathways and opportunities. This information can help you guide your child in making informed decisions about their future education and career choices.
  2. Access to Resources: Being involved in the school community gives you access to a wealth of educational resources. You can learn about scholarships, financial aid programs, and other resources that can support your child’s higher education aspirations. You may also become aware of additional academic programs, summer schools, or enrichment activities that can further enhance their educational journey.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Through your involvement, you can build relationships with teachers, administrators, and other parents. These connections can provide valuable networking opportunities for your child’s continued education. Teachers and administrators can write recommendation letters, offer insights into educational programs, or connect your child with mentors or professionals in their fields of interest.
  4. Academic Support and Mentoring: When you are actively involved, you can provide ongoing academic support and mentoring for your child. You can help them with their homework, review their assignments, and provide guidance on study strategies. Your involvement shows that you value education and can motivate your child to take their continued education seriously.
  5. Exposure to a Variety of Experiences: Involvement in school activities exposes your child to a wide range of experiences, including extracurricular activities, competitions, and community service projects. These experiences can help your child develop skills, interests, and passions that can influence their choices for continued education. It can also help them build a well-rounded profile that colleges and universities value.
  6. Support in the College Application Process: When you are involved in your child’s school, you can receive guidance and support during the college application process. School counselors and administrators can assist with navigating the application requirements, standardized testing, and essay writing. Your involvement ensures that your child has the necessary resources and support to successfully apply to colleges and universities.

By actively participating in your child’s school, you can provide a supportive and enriching environment that prepares them for continued education. Your involvement helps them explore options, access resources, and receive guidance, ultimately setting them on a path towards a successful educational journey.


Many students don’t feel supported by their parents. If you are involved, you offer your child the opportunity to feel more confident about their academic achievement because you have shown that you have confidence in their ability to succeed. If you feel that school is important, your child will feel better about it as well. Your child also stands a chance to feel more accepted at school as well. At a time when so many students, especially high schoolers, feel that school is a waste of time, your involvement is more important than ever.

Getting involved in your child’s school can have a positive impact on their confidence in the following ways:

  1. Emotional Support: When you are actively involved in your child’s school, it sends a message that you value and support their education. This emotional support can boost your child’s confidence and self-esteem. They feel reassured knowing that their parents are present and engaged in their school life, which can have a positive impact on their overall well-being and confidence.
  2. Sense of Belonging: Your involvement in school activities helps your child develop a sense of belonging and connection to the school community. When they see you participating in events, volunteering, or attending parent-teacher meetings, it reinforces the message that they are an important part of the school community. This sense of belonging fosters a positive self-identity and enhances their confidence.
  3. Recognition and Encouragement: Your involvement allows you to actively recognize and acknowledge your child’s achievements and efforts at school. By attending award ceremonies, performances, or parent-teacher meetings, you have the opportunity to provide specific feedback and encouragement. This positive reinforcement boosts their confidence, as they feel recognized and valued for their accomplishments.
  4. Expanded Skill Set: Being involved in school activities exposes your child to a variety of experiences and opportunities for personal growth. They may participate in extracurricular activities, clubs, or leadership roles, which help them develop new skills and talents. As they excel in these endeavors, their confidence naturally increases, and they become more willing to explore and take on new challenges.
  5. Development of Social Skills: Your involvement in school allows your child to observe and learn from your social interactions with teachers, administrators, and other parents. They witness effective communication, cooperation, and problem-solving skills in action, which can positively influence their own social skills and confidence in interacting with peers, teachers, and other adults.
  6. Development of Voice and Advocacy: When you are involved in the school community, it models active engagement and advocacy. Your child sees you expressing opinions, voicing concerns, and working collaboratively with school staff. This experience empowers them to develop their own voice and advocacy skills, which contribute to their confidence in expressing their ideas, needs, and concerns.

Remember that building confidence is a gradual process, and each child’s journey is unique. Celebrate their strengths, encourage their passions, and provide a supportive environment that fosters their self-belief. Your involvement in their school life can play a crucial role in boosting their confidence and preparing them for future challenges.

Why you benefit as well.

 Parents are also teachers, in the way that you mold and shape your child for five years before they ever enter a school building. If you’ve never taught before, you might learn a thing or two from your child’s teachers. Spending time at the school may offer you some different perspectives or parenting techniques that you have, perhaps, not considered before. You may also decide to go back to school yourself – perhaps you’ll finish your bachelor’s degree or work toward a master’s. It’s never too late to continue your education!

When you get involved with your child’s school, both you and your child can benefit in numerous ways:

Benefits for You as a Parent:

  1. Connection and Communication: Getting involved in your child’s school allows you to establish a strong connection with their teachers, administrators, and other parents. You can communicate regularly, share information, and work together to support your child’s education.
  2. Understanding of School Environment: By being involved, you gain a deeper understanding of the school’s culture, policies, and resources available to students. This knowledge helps you navigate the educational system more effectively and make informed decisions regarding your child’s education.
  3. Insight into Your Child’s Progress: Your involvement enables you to stay updated on your child’s academic progress, strengths, weaknesses, and overall development. Regular communication with teachers provides insights into their classroom performance, behavior, and any specific areas that may need attention.
  4. Opportunities for Personal Growth: Getting involved in your child’s school allows you to develop and enhance various skills such as leadership, communication, teamwork, and organization. Volunteering, participating in committees, or taking on responsibilities within the school community can contribute to your personal growth.
  5. Networking and Support System: You can build a network of support and resources by connecting with other parents and caregivers. You can share experiences, exchange advice, and collaborate on initiatives that benefit the school and students. This network provides a valuable support system for you as a parent.

Benefits for Your Child:

  1. Increased Parental Support: Your involvement signifies your commitment to your child’s education. They feel supported and valued, which enhances their motivation, self-esteem, and overall well-being.
  2. Improved Academic Performance: When you are actively involved, you can provide academic support, guidance, and resources to your child. This involvement positively impacts their learning outcomes, homework completion, and overall academic performance.
  3. Sense of Belonging: Seeing you involved in their school activities reinforces a sense of belonging for your child. They feel connected to the school community, develop positive relationships with teachers and peers, and have a greater sense of school pride.
  4. Expanded Opportunities: Your involvement exposes your child to a wider range of opportunities, such as extracurricular activities, workshops, and events. They can explore their interests, discover new talents, and participate in enriching experiences that contribute to their personal and academic growth.
  5. Positive Role Modeling: Your active participation in their school life sets a positive example for your child. They observe your dedication, responsibility, and commitment to their education, which influences their own attitude towards learning, responsibility, and engagement in school activities.
  6. Advocacy and Support: By being involved, you can advocate for your child’s individual needs, ensuring they receive appropriate support and resources. Your involvement in parent-teacher associations or committees allows you to contribute to decision-making processes that impact your child’s education and well-being.

Overall, when you get involved in your child’s school, you create a strong partnership between home and school, which ultimately benefits both you and your child. It enhances your understanding, support, and engagement in their education, leading to improved academic performance, personal growth, and a positive school experience.

Final Thoughts:

Here’s a summary of our conversation on the importance of getting involved in your child’s school:

Getting involved in your child’s school is crucial for their overall educational experience and development. It allows you, as a parent, to actively support their academic progress, provide guidance, and monitor their performance. By staying engaged, you can communicate with teachers and administrators, addressing any concerns or challenges that arise and ensuring your child receives the necessary support. Your involvement also reinforces the message that education is important and that you value their school experience.

When you get involved, you create a strong support system for your child. They feel a sense of belonging, knowing that you are present and invested in their school life. This connection fosters their confidence, self-esteem, and motivation to succeed academically.

Your involvement in the school community also offers networking opportunities, both for you as a parent and for your child. Building relationships with teachers, administrators, and other parents allows you to access valuable resources, information about college and career guidance, and support networks. These connections can provide guidance, recommendations, and mentorship for your child’s continued education.

Additionally, being involved in school activities exposes your child to diverse experiences, extracurricular opportunities, and character-building initiatives. It helps them develop social skills, explore their interests, and discover their talents. Your involvement serves as a positive role model, influencing your child’s attitude towards learning, responsibility, and engagement in school.

In summary, getting involved in your child’s school positively impacts their academic performance, behavior, confidence, and overall development. It strengthens the parent-school partnership, creates a supportive environment, and sets a foundation for your child’s educational success and future endeavors.

About Julee: Julee Morrison is an experienced author with 35 years of expertise in parenting and recipes. She is the author of four cookbooks: The Instant Pot College Cookbook, The How-To Cookbook for Teens, The Complete Cookbook for Teens, and The Complete College Cookbook. Julee is passionate about baking, crystals, reading, and family. Her writing has appeared in The LA Times (Bon Jovi Obsession Goes Global), Disney's Family Fun Magazine (August 2010, July 2009, September 2008), and My Family Gave Up Television (page 92, Disney Family Fun August 2010). Her great ideas have been featured in Disney's Family Fun (Page 80, September 2008) and the Write for Charity book From the Heart (May 2010). Julee's work has also been published in Weight Watchers Magazine, All You Magazine (Jan. 2011, February 2011, June 2013), Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine (Oct. 2011), Red River Family Magazine (Jan. 2011),, and more. Notably, her article "My Toddler Stood on Elvis' Grave and Scaled Over Boulders to Get to a Dinosaur" made AP News, and "The Sly Way I Cured My Child's Lying Habit" was featured on PopSugar. When she's not writing, Julee enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new baking recipes.
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