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Home Decor Tips to Boost Your Mood

Feeling in a rut? These Home Decor Tips to Boost Your Mood will help you feel better. If you find yourself not being in the best of moods consistently, you might want to stop and consider the fact that it might have something to do with your environment. Now, there’s only so much that you can control at the office, but when it comes to your home, when was the last time you changed the color of your bedroom walls or did something to brighten up the décor in your kitchen? If there’s one place where you should always feel calm and at ease (at least when it comes to your surroundings), it should be the place where you live. If your home needs a bit of a pick me up, here are some ideas that will surely lift your spirits if implemented.

living room with yellow curtains to help boost your mood.

Home Decor Tips to Boost Your Mood

Be color conscious.

 If your entire house’s palate is nothing but dark colors, that may be a part of the reason why you don’t feel the lightest when it comes to your moods. There’s nothing wrong with incorporating earth tones, but for variety, consider adding some yellow in your kitchen or baby blue in a bathroom. And your bedroom? Definitely have that be a soothing shade like maybe a variation of green or a light shade of purple, such as lavender. There is a real psychology when it comes to colors and the effects that it has on the psyche.

Being color-conscious in home decor can indeed have a significant impact on your mood.

Here are some tips to boost your mood through color choices:

  1. Choose colors that evoke positive emotions: Different colors have different psychological effects on our mood. Warm colors like yellow, orange, and red can promote energy and happiness, while cool colors like blue and green can create a calming and peaceful atmosphere. Consider incorporating these colors into your home decor to uplift your mood.
  2. Use color psychology: Color psychology suggests that certain colors can have specific effects on our emotions. For example, yellow is associated with joy and optimism, blue with tranquility, and green with harmony and balance. By understanding these associations, you can strategically incorporate colors that align with the mood you want to create in each room.
  3. Create contrast and balance: Using a variety of colors in your home decor can help create visual interest and balance. Experiment with contrasting colors, such as pairing warm and cool colors, or using complementary colors (colors opposite each other on the color wheel). This interplay of colors can stimulate the senses and enhance your mood.
  4. Consider natural elements: Nature-inspired colors, such as earth tones and botanical greens, can have a soothing effect on our mood. Incorporate natural elements like plants, wooden furniture, or stone accents to bring the outdoors inside and create a serene environment.
  5. Personalize with your favorite colors: Surrounding yourself with colors that you personally enjoy and find uplifting can have a significant impact on your mood. Identify your favorite colors or hues that make you feel happy and incorporate them into your home decor through accessories, artwork, or accent walls.
  6. Pay attention to lighting: Lighting plays a crucial role in how colors appear and affect our mood. Natural light is ideal for enhancing positive emotions, so allow ample sunlight into your space. Additionally, consider using warm or cool-toned lighting fixtures to create the desired ambiance and complement your color choices.
  7. Experiment with accent pieces: If you prefer a more neutral color scheme for your home, you can still boost your mood by incorporating vibrant accent pieces. Add colorful throw pillows, rugs, artwork, or decorative items that showcase your favorite colors or patterns, providing pops of color and energy throughout the space.

Remember, color preferences can be subjective, so choose colors that resonate with you and make you feel good. By being mindful of color choices and incorporating them into your home decor, you can create an environment that positively impacts your mood and overall well-being.


The last place where you should feel overwhelmed is at your house- where you should be able to pull away from all of the world’s demands. But unfortunately, that is exactly how many of us feel due to all of the paperwork and clutter in our home office and even on our bed. You should certainly be able to feel comfortable in your personal space, but that shouldn’t be equated with surrounding yourself around a lot of stuff. Take out a day to throw away what you no longer need and to designate specific places for where the rest of your items need to go.

Decluttering is a powerful home decor tip that can significantly boost your mood and create a more positive living environment.

Here’s how decluttering can have a positive impact:

  1. Clear physical and mental space: Clutter can create visual chaos and contribute to a sense of overwhelm. By decluttering your space, you clear away unnecessary items and create a more organized and visually pleasing environment. This, in turn, helps clear your mind, reduce stress, and promote a sense of calm and relaxation.
  2. Enhance productivity and focus: Cluttered spaces can be distracting and make it challenging to concentrate and be productive. When you declutter, you create a more streamlined and efficient space where you can easily find and access the things you need. This improved organization can help you stay focused, be more productive, and reduce mental clutter.
  3. Promote a sense of accomplishment: Decluttering is a tangible task that yields visible results. As you go through the process of sorting, organizing, and decluttering, you’ll experience a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. This positive feeling can uplift your mood and motivate you to continue creating a clean and clutter-free environment.
  4. Create a more spacious and airy atmosphere: A cluttered space can feel closed-in and suffocating. By decluttering, you create a sense of openness and spaciousness. This can make your home feel lighter, more inviting, and allow for better airflow. The improved physical environment can positively impact your mood and create a more pleasant living space.
  5. Reduce cleaning and maintenance efforts: Cluttered spaces tend to accumulate dust, making cleaning more challenging and time-consuming. By decluttering, you simplify your cleaning routine, as there are fewer items to dust, organize, and maintain. This can save you time and energy, allowing you to focus on activities that bring you joy and relaxation.
  6. Increase positive energy flow: According to the principles of feng shui, clutter can obstruct the flow of positive energy (chi) in a space, leading to stagnation and potentially affecting your mood and well-being. By decluttering, you create a harmonious and balanced environment that promotes the smooth flow of energy. This can contribute to a more positive and uplifting atmosphere.
  7. Showcase and enjoy your favorite items: Decluttering doesn’t mean getting rid of everything. It’s about making intentional choices and keeping the items that bring you joy and hold value. By removing unnecessary clutter, you can focus on showcasing and enjoying the things that truly matter to you. Surrounding yourself with meaningful items can enhance your mood and create a sense of happiness and contentment.

Remember, decluttering is an ongoing process. Regularly assess your belongings, let go of what no longer serves you, and maintain an organized environment to continue reaping the mood-boosting benefits of a clutter-free home.

Put up happy things.


Family pictures, favorite art prints, such as soundwave art from Canvas Vows, handmade paintings from the kids, art décor gifts from friends, and even mirrors (which actually expand the space in any room)—these are all things that can bring a smile to our face when we look at them.

And, there are actually studies to support that when you hang them up above eye level, just in having to raise your head to look up at them, you can “trick” your mind into thinking more positively.

Putting up happy things as part of your home decor can have a significant impact on boosting your mood and creating a positive atmosphere.

Here’s how you can incorporate happy elements into your home decor:

  1. Display sentimental items: Surround yourself with items that hold sentimental value and evoke positive memories. These could be photographs of loved ones, mementos from special moments or trips, or artwork that brings you joy. Seeing these items can instantly uplift your mood and create a sense of nostalgia and happiness.
  2. Use cheerful colors: Incorporate vibrant and cheerful colors into your home decor. Colors like yellow, orange, and bright shades of pink can promote feelings of happiness and optimism. You can incorporate these colors through accent pieces, such as throw pillows, artwork, or decorative objects.
  3. Hang inspiring quotes or affirmations: Place inspirational quotes or affirmations on your walls, in frames, or on wall decals. Choose uplifting and motivational messages that resonate with you and inspire positivity. Reading these messages daily can help shift your mindset and boost your mood.
  4. Bring in nature: Integrate natural elements into your home decor, such as fresh flowers, potted plants, or botanical-themed artwork. The presence of nature has been shown to have a positive impact on our well-being, promoting feelings of calm and happiness.
  5. Create a cozy and comfortable space: Arrange your furniture and decor in a way that promotes comfort and relaxation. Add soft, plush cushions, cozy blankets, and comfortable seating to create an inviting and soothing atmosphere. A cozy space can contribute to a positive mood and a sense of well-being.
  6. Personalize with hobbies and interests: Showcase your hobbies and interests through your home decor. If you’re an avid reader, create a cozy reading nook with a bookshelf and a comfortable chair. If you enjoy art, display your own creations or hang artwork that inspires you. Surrounding yourself with items related to your passions can bring joy and happiness.
  7. Incorporate playful elements: Add playful and whimsical elements to your decor. This could be through colorful artwork, quirky decor pieces, or even interactive elements like a chalkboard or a pinboard where you can display fun messages or doodles. These elements can bring a sense of lightheartedness and playfulness to your space.

Remember, the key is to choose decor items that genuinely make you happy and reflect your personal style and preferences. By intentionally incorporating elements that bring you joy, you can create a home environment that boosts your mood and promotes overall well-being.

Get some foliage.

Aside from what a potted plant or vase of fresh flowers can do for the décor of home, living foliage also provides us with extra oxygen boosts, which is also helpful in approving our moods.

And while there may be days when you wish that you could take a plane trip to England to get your flowers from a florist London specialist, if you commit to creating your own little green room somewhere in your home where they are a few plants and flowers, before long, you’ll have your own kind of peaceful oasis that will tide you over until you can take your fantasy vacation.

Putting up foliage as part of your home decor can be an excellent way to boost your mood and create a calming and uplifting atmosphere.

Here’s how you can incorporate foliage into your home decor:

  1. Houseplants: Introduce a variety of indoor plants throughout your living space. Houseplants not only add beauty and visual interest but also provide numerous benefits. They purify the air, increase oxygen levels, and create a connection with nature, which can have a positive impact on your well-being. Choose plants that thrive indoors, such as pothos, snake plants, peace lilies, or succulents, based on your preference and the available light conditions in your home.
  2. Vertical gardens: Consider creating a vertical garden using hanging planters or wall-mounted planters. This is an excellent option if you have limited floor space but still want to incorporate foliage. Vertical gardens can transform a plain wall into a vibrant and living work of art, adding a sense of lushness and natural beauty to your space.
  3. Window boxes: If you have windows with ample sunlight, installing window boxes or planters filled with flowers or herbs can be a delightful addition. The sight of blooming flowers or the scent of fresh herbs can uplift your mood and create a connection to nature, even from indoors.
  4. Terrariums: Terrariums are self-contained ecosystems that typically consist of small plants housed in glass containers. They are low-maintenance and add a touch of greenery and serenity to any space. Terrariums can be placed on tabletops, shelves, or even hung from the ceiling, adding a unique and enchanting element to your home decor.
  5. Green artwork and prints: Incorporate artwork or prints featuring botanical themes or images of nature. These can include paintings, photographs, or even botanical illustrations. The presence of greenery in artwork can evoke a sense of tranquility, connection to nature, and boost your mood.
  6. Fresh flowers: Display fresh flowers in vases throughout your home. Flowers not only add color and beauty but also provide a sense of freshness and fragrance. Treat yourself to a bouquet of your favorite flowers or pick blooms from your garden to bring the beauty of nature indoors.
  7. Dried botanicals: If you prefer a longer-lasting option, consider incorporating dried botanicals into your home decor. Dried flowers, branches, or eucalyptus leaves can create a rustic and natural look. Arrange them in vases or use them to create wreaths or wall hangings, infusing your space with the beauty of nature.

Remember to choose foliage that suits your lifestyle and the lighting conditions in your home. Additionally, make sure to provide the necessary care and maintenance for your plants to thrive and continue to bring joy and mood-boosting benefits to your space.

Keep the electronics out of the bedroom.

Ask just about any reputable interior decorator, and he or she will tell you that the bedroom is to be designated solely for sleeping and enjoying intimacy time with your significant other. When you bring in televisions, stereos, and laptops into living space, it can compete with the way that you rest, and it’s very hard for anyone to be in a good mood when they’re sleep-deprived. You use technology all day. Let your bedroom serve as a place to escape from all of that.

Keeping electronics out of the bedroom can be a beneficial home decor tip to boost your mood and create a more peaceful and restful environment.

Here’s how it can have a positive impact:

  1. Improve sleep quality: The blue light emitted by electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and televisions, can interfere with your sleep-wake cycle. The artificial light suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. By keeping electronics out of the bedroom, you create a sleep-friendly environment, allowing your body to naturally wind down and improve the quality of your sleep.
  2. Promote relaxation: The bedroom should be a sanctuary for rest and relaxation. By eliminating electronics, you remove potential distractions that can disrupt your peace of mind. Instead, create a calming atmosphere by incorporating soft lighting, comfortable bedding, and relaxing decor elements that help you unwind and promote a sense of tranquility.
  3. Enhance connection and intimacy: Removing electronics from the bedroom can encourage more meaningful connections with your partner or loved ones. It eliminates the distractions of screens and encourages quality conversations, bonding, and intimacy. This can have a positive impact on your relationships and overall well-being.
  4. Reduce stress and anxiety: Constant exposure to electronic devices, such as social media, news, or work-related emails, can contribute to increased stress and anxiety levels. Having a designated space in your home where you can disconnect from the digital world allows you to focus on self-care, mindfulness, and relaxation. This break from constant connectivity can significantly improve your mood and reduce stress.
  5. Create a technology-free zone: By keeping electronics out of the bedroom, you establish a designated technology-free zone in your home. This can help establish boundaries and balance between your personal and digital life. It encourages you to engage in other activities, such as reading, journaling, meditating, or practicing hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment.
  6. Improve focus and productivity: When the bedroom is free from electronics, it becomes a space solely dedicated to relaxation and sleep. By removing distractions, you create a more conducive environment for focusing on rest and rejuvenation. This, in turn, can improve your focus and productivity during the day.
  7. Enhance aesthetics and ambiance: Removing electronics from the bedroom allows you to focus on creating a visually pleasing and serene atmosphere. You can invest in decor elements that promote relaxation, such as soft lighting, calming colors, cozy textiles, and natural materials. This attention to aesthetics can contribute to a more pleasing and mood-boosting bedroom environment.

Remember, it’s important to establish boundaries and create alternative spaces in your home where you can use and enjoy your electronic devices. By reserving the bedroom as a technology-free zone, you can enhance your overall well-being, improve sleep quality, and create a more peaceful and mood-enhancing environment.

About Julee: Julee Morrison is an experienced author with 35 years of expertise in parenting and recipes. She is the author of four cookbooks: The Instant Pot College Cookbook, The How-To Cookbook for Teens, The Complete Cookbook for Teens, and The Complete College Cookbook. Julee is passionate about baking, crystals, reading, and family. Her writing has appeared in The LA Times (Bon Jovi Obsession Goes Global), Disney's Family Fun Magazine (August 2010, July 2009, September 2008), and My Family Gave Up Television (page 92, Disney Family Fun August 2010). Her great ideas have been featured in Disney's Family Fun (Page 80, September 2008) and the Write for Charity book From the Heart (May 2010). Julee's work has also been published in Weight Watchers Magazine, All You Magazine (Jan. 2011, February 2011, June 2013), Scholastic Parent and Child Magazine (Oct. 2011), Red River Family Magazine (Jan. 2011),, and more. Notably, her article "My Toddler Stood on Elvis' Grave and Scaled Over Boulders to Get to a Dinosaur" made AP News, and "The Sly Way I Cured My Child's Lying Habit" was featured on PopSugar. When she's not writing, Julee enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new baking recipes.
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