The Role Mommy Writer’s Network sponsored this post, and all opinions are my own.
Television Moms. They’re a dime a dozen. Of course, there are ten who stand out as TV’s most unconventional MOMS….take a peek:
TV’s Top 10 Most Unconventional Moms from beth Feldman on Vimeo.
I have a Mom Confession. Years ago, when Zac was in daycare, he was a wild child. I’d get phone calls that he had scratched a child, or he and another kiddo weren’t getting along well. I tried to discipline him. We had continual talks about his behavior. Each time he assured me that he would be kind and gentle and a good friend to everyone.
Then one morning, we stood in line waiting to check in on the computer. It was quite the line, and we were about six parent/child groups back. The kiddo in front of me stood about knee-high to his dad. Out of the corner of my eye, I witnessed this half-pint poke his tongue out at Zac. No sooner had I blinked than Zac grabbed the kiddo by the shirt and forced him against the wall. Their noses were nearly touching, and if a fire could shoot from their eyes, the place would have been up in flames!
The dad looked down at me with stink-eye and asked, “Is this your kid?”
All I could do was half-smile, and then I said, “I’ll be sure and let his mother know. I’m doing her a favor and dropping him off this morning.”
Oh. My. Gosh. Those words have haunted me ever since! I was mortified at my child’s behavior. I was embarrassed that he had physically WWF’d this other child.
I’d like to say I’m ashamed of my actions; however, it seemed a viable action at the time.
It ended the conversation. I pulled Zac off the stink-eye-giving-child. We checked in, and I wished desperately through the day that Zac would keep his hands to himself and his mouth closed.
This Fall, CBS has a new show in their lineup. The show is MOM, and it premieres Monday, September 23 at 9:30 pm EST!
MOM is a comedy by executive producer Chuck Lorre. THE Chuck Lorre who brings us Two and a Half Men, Mike and Molly, and The Big Bang Theory!

The new sitcom stars Anna Faris as Christy, a newly sober single mom raising two children in a world full of temptations and pitfalls. Christy is a waitress at a posh Napa Valley establishment who is four months clean and doing her best to be a good mom and overcome a history of questionable choices. Her sobriety is tested when her recovering alcoholic mom, Bonnie, reappears.
Multi-Emmy Award winner, Allison Janney, plays her critical, estranged mother, Bonnie. The relationship is chock-full of passive-aggressive insights into Christy’s many mistakes. Bonnie joins Christy’s already complicated circle of relationships: her handsome, married boss – and lover – Gabriel; the restaurant’s hot-tempered chef, Rudy; her pretty, 16-going-on-25-year old daughter, Violet; her sweet but an overly honest son, Roscoe; her irresponsible ex and Roscoe’s father, Baxter; and Violet’s clueless boyfriend, Luke.
Christy tries to remain positive as she pursues her new path in life, but she faces an uphill battle, surrounded by a dubious support system – and a copious amount of dysfunction.