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How to Start Homeschooling

You may have heard about the many benefits of homeschooling, but maybe you’re wondering how to start homeschooling.

We agree that just getting a homeschooling curriculum or deciding on the teaching method can make homeschooling seem overwhelming.

But don’t panic, as we are here to help.

This article is meant to give you a strong foundation for your homeschooling journey by giving you five steps you can follow to start homeschooling on the right foot.

Mother helping her little child with homeschooling


Know The Legal Requirements In Your State

In the US homeschooling is legal in all 50 states, but the regulations differ by state. Thus, you need to be aware of the laws governing homeschooling.

In some areas, homeschooling regulation is similar to private schools, while the law is more lenient in others.

A great way to learn about the homeschooling rules you need to adhere to in your state is to seek guidance from other homeschooling moms or dads in your neighborhood.

You can join local homeschooling groups on social media and get all your questions answered by other homeschooling parents.

Explore Different Homeschooling Styles And Methods

There are different homeschooling methods that you can choose from.

Some of the most popular ones include:

  • Classical
  • Charlotte Mason
  • Unschooling
  • Montessori
  • Relaxed homeschooling
  • Waldorf

Considering your child’s learning style can help you decide on the best homeschooling method.

For instance, the Charlotte Mason method might work for children with an auditory learning style or for those who love music.

Similarly, the Classical learning method is suitable for parents who want to cultivate a passion for lifelong learning in their children.

It would be best to consider your child’s personality as you choose the learning method.

For example, an extremely active child may find the Montessori teaching method too laid back, while a child who dislikes routine may find the unschooling method liberating.

Most parents use a combination of different teaching methods, and it’s okay for you to try out more than one method until you find one that suits the dynamic needs of your child.


Shop for a Curriculum

There are lots of curriculums online, which can mean more confusion for you. Most homeschoolers stress too much about this step, which shouldn’t be the case.

Your child’s learning style can help you choose a suitable curriculum for them.

You can also benefit from asking parents from your local homeschooling groups about the curriculum that worked for them.

Your child’s interests can also give you an idea of the best curriculum to choose from.

You don’t have to buy a curriculum as you can make one yourself.

For instance, if you want to design an English curriculum for your child in 3rd grade, you can use the library, the internet, resources from online English tutors, or other homeschooling parents to develop a curriculum that serves your child’s interests and abilities.

mom homeschooling young children

Create a Customized Schedule

Having a clear schedule of what and when you’ll teach will help you and your child be well-prepared to learn.

Ensure you make accommodations for other activities in your schedule so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

For instance, if you’re a working parent, you may want to consider homeschooling when you aren’t too tired. You can also seek help if you’re feeling too overwhelmed.

Similarly, if you have a special needs child, their schedule may be different.

Having a schedule keeps you organized and ensures no surprises during your homeschooling time.

Make Your Support Network Part of Your Homeschooling Program

Your family plays a vital role in making homeschooling a success. Make them part of your homeschooling plan and let them know if you need help.

For instance, if someone works from home, they may need to let you have the study room for a few hours when you’re homeschooling your child.

It may take some time to get used to homeschooling once you choose to, but don’t be too hard on yourself.

Remember, homeschooling is not a sprint but a marathon; you get better at it with time.

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